Senin, 07 Juni 2010

Daftar Anime Teratas

Anime paling populer mungkin akan terletak di bagian atas daftar peringkat.Akan tetapi, itu tidak berarti bahwa itu juga yang terbaik sehingga memeriksa beberapa rekomendasi utama kami di bawah ini juga!

1.Death Note

Seorang siswa jenius bernama Light menemukan sebuah notebook dengan kekuatan misterius: membunuh orang yang namanya tertulis di atasnya.Light mulai kampanye untuk mengubah dunia dengan menghancurkan semua kejahatan.

Genres: Action, Fantasy, Mystery
Studio: Madhouse

2. Naruto

Sebuah anime Shounen populer berdasarkan manga oleh Masashi Kishimoto.Menceritakan tentang Uzumaki Naruto, seorang anak lelaki yang memiliki Kyubi, rubah sembilan ekor menakutkan disegel dalam dirinya.Naruto berjuang untuk menjadi lebih kuat dan diterima oleh desa yang melihatnya sebagai rakasa bukan orang yang dia sebenarnya.

Genre: Aksi, Petualangan, Komedi, Seni Bela Diri
Studio: Studio Pierrot

3. Code Geass Code Geass

Jepang bernama Area 11 dan diperintah oleh Britannia Mahakuasa.Lelouch, putra Kaisar Britannia, keuntungan kekuatan Geass dan mengatur pemberontakan. One of the best anime of 2008!

Genres: Fantasy, Mecha, Sci-fi
Studio: Sunrise 558 points

4. Bleach

Sebuah anime Shounen berdasarkan manga oleh Taito Kubo. Kurosaki Ichigo, seorang mahasiswa berusia 15 tahun bisa melihat hantu. Suatu hari, ia bertemu Rukia, Dewa Maut yang tugas adalah untuk menghancurkan roh-roh jahat yang disebut Hollows. Rukia bertemu dengan Hollow yang kuat dan terluka, dia transfer kekuatannya kepada Ichigo sebagai yang satu-satunya kesempatan untuk bertahan hidup. Dia sekarang harus melakukan pekerjaan dari dewa kematian, dan melindungi Rukia dari hukum Soul Society.

Genre: Action, Comedy, Seni Bela Diri
Studio: Studio Pierrot

5. Vampire Knight

Yuki Cross, putri angkat kepala sekolah Cross Academy, telah tumbuh dan menjadi prefek "" (juga dikenal sebagai wali) untuk sekolah dengan dua tujuan: untuk melindungi siswa kelas hari (manusia) dari siswa kelas Malam (vampir) dan untuk melindungi identitas sebenarnya dari siswa kelas Malam dari yang ditemukan oleh para siswa kelas Hari.

6. Full Metal Alchemist

Dua bersaudara, Edward dan Alphonse, melanggar tabu transmutasi manusia mencoba untuk menghidupkan kembali ibu mereka yang mati dan dibayar kasar. Sekarang mereka berkeliling dunia untuk mencari batu Philosopher's, untuk memperoleh kembali apa yang mereka kehilangan.

Genres: Action, Adventure, Magic
Studio: Bones

7. Inuyasha

Kisah ini adalah tentang seorang siswa sekolah menengah perjalanan waktu, setengah iblis, seorang biarawan bejat, iblis rubah, seorang pembunuh setan, dan nekomata yang berusaha untuk menemukan semua fragmen dari Pancoran Empat Souls dan untuk menjaga mereka dari tangan orang yang lalim.

Genres: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Magic
Studio: Sunrise

8. One Piece

Seorang anak laki-laki bernama Luffy adalah seorang kapten kapal bajak laut mencari harta karun legendaris, One Piece. Ketika Luffy masih kecil, dia makan buah iblis, yang membuatnya menjadi manusia karet.

Genres: Adventure, Comedy,
Studio: Toei Animation

9. Detektif Conan

Seorang siswa SMA Jimmy Kudo saksi pembunuhan dan diberi racun belum diuji untuk membungkamnya. Namun, racun itu ternyata dia ke anak laki-laki berusia 6 tahun, dan ia menetapkan untuk melacak pembunuh sebagai detektif Conan anak.

Genres: Mystery, Drama, Romance
Studio: Tokyo Movie Shinsha

10. Kyo Kara Maoh! (God! Save Our King)

Yuri Shibuya adalah hidup cukup normal. Yang mengubah hari ia membenamkan ke toilet setelah upaya untuk menyelamatkan seorang teman sekelas dari geng pengganggu. Bukan hanya mendapatkan baik perendaman, dia menarik masuk Hal selanjutnya yang ia tahu, ia di dunia yang samar-samar mirip abad pertengahan Eropa. Jika itu tidak cukup aneh, dia mengatakan bahwa dia adalah menjadi Maoh berikutnya, hanya karena dia memiliki rambut hitam dan mata hitam. The Maoh adalah Raja Mazoku, yang hidup bersama tidak-begitu-damai dengan manusia masuk

11. Dragonball

Goku berjuang untuk menjadi lebih kuat untuk melindungi teman-temannya dan Bumi semua.

Genres: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Sci-fi, Super Power
Studio: Toei Animation

12. Elfen Lied

manusia mutan, yang disalahgunakan dan digunakan untuk eksperimen. Seorang gadis remaja diclonius Lucy mengambil balas dendam pada manusia dalam cara-cara kekerasan dan sadis. salah satu anime terbaik untuk menonton jika Anda menjadi kekerasan.

Genres: Drama, Ecchi, Horror, Psychological
Studio: ARMS

13. Dragon ball Z

Bertahun-tahun telah berlalu sejak Goku pertama mencari Dragon Balls. Dia adalah pria dewasa, dengan istri dan anak. Dia dan teman-temannya telah memiliki kehidupan mereka sendiri dan, untuk sebagian besar, hal-hal yang lebih damai. Kemudian suatu hari, Goku belajar dia benar-benar Saiyan dan berasal dari planet lain.Sekarang mulai petualangan baru untuk Goku dan teman-temannya saat mereka mempertahankan rumah mereka melawan baru, kuat ancaman lebih......

14. Hunter x Hunter

Seorang anak muda bernama Gon pencarian untuk ayahnya; selama perjalanan, ia menjadi seorang pejuang yang kuat dan Hunter. Ini adalah anime dan manga legendaris, salah satu yang paling populer di Jepang Shonen Jump.

Genres: Shonen, Action, Fantasy
Studio: Nippon Animasi

15. Yu Yu Hakusho-

Seorang remaja terganggu dan egois tampaknya tidak suatu tindakan yang tulus dari tabungan anak-anak, bahwa hasil di dunia roh memberinya kesempatan lain di kehidupan - sebagai detektif roh. Semua tidak seperti apa yang terlihat ketika datang ke Yuusuke saat dia tahu dia telah tersembunyi darah setan dalam dirinya saat ia mengambil bagian dalam turnamen Dark untuk hidup dan untuk orang-orang yang dicintainya. yang menonton seri benar-benar baik, tetapi panjang definately worth. Classic shounen anime.

Genres: Action, Fantasy, Supernatural
Studio: Studio Pierr...

16. Ouran High School Host Club

Ouran High School Host Club adalah sebuah klub laki-laki menarik yang menghasilkan $ $ gadis sekolah menghibur. Haruhi mendapat disangka orang karena pakaian yang dikenakannya dan rambut pendek, dan bergabung dengan klub untuk membayar utang dia punya dengan melanggar vas mahal.

Genre: Romance, Comedy
Studio: Bones

17. Fruits Basket

Ini adalah anime lucu tentang orang-orang yang berubah menjadi binatang.

Genres: Romance, Fantasy, Drama, Comedy, Reverse harem
Studio: Studio Deen

18. Pokemon

Beberapa seri diciptakan di alam semesta Pokemon, dengan total episode 496. Mereka biasanya melibatkan Pokemon Master melakukan pertempuran dengan pokemons mereka (monster saku).

Genres: Shounen, Action, Adventure
Studio: Oriental Light and Magic

19. DNAngel

Setiap kali Daisuke Niwa berpikir tentang itu menghancurkan Risa, ia berubah menjadi Dark si pencuri. Itu kemampuan aneh genetik. Risa jatuh cinta pada Dark.

Studio: Dentsu
Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, Romance, Supernatural

20. Rurouni Kenshin (Samurai X)

Kenshin mengembara di Jepang untuk menemukan kehidupan baru dan menebus dosa-dosanya. Bersumpah untuk tidak membunuh lagi, ia mencoba untuk melarikan diri nasibnya sebagai pembunuh terbesar dari era Edo.

Genres: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Historical
Studio: Sony

21. Gakuen Alice

teman-teman Best Mikan dan Hotaru dibesarkan di sebuah kota kecil di pedesaan terpencil. Ketika Hotaru pindah ke sekolah untuk genius di Tokyo, Mikan merindukan Hotaru begitu buruk sehingga ia memutuskan untuk pergi ke Tokyo dirinya sendiri untuk menemukan Hotaru. Dia menemukan Hotaru di sebuah sekolah yang disebut "Alice Academy," dan menemukan bahwa sekolah sebenarnya untuk orang dengan kekuatan khusus yang disebut "Alice." Narumi-sensei, seorang guru di sekolah, menemukan bahwa Mikan juga terjadi untuk memiliki alice, dan Mikan diizinkan ke akademi.....

22. Shugo Chara

Sebuah cerita tentang seorang gadis yang mendapat kekuatannya dari keberaniannya membuat teman baru dan memiliki petualangan baru.

23. Cardcaptor Sakura

Sepuluh tahun keempat kelas Sakura Kinomoto membuka sebuah buku misterius di ruang kerja ayahnya dan sengaja membiarkan lepas Kartu Clow magis. Dengan kemampuannya untuk membuka segel, Sakura terungkap memiliki kekuatan khusus, dan itu menjadi tanggung jawabnya untuk mengambil kartu hilang. Original story by CLAMP.

Genres: Magical Girl, Fantasy, Adventure
Studio: Madhouse

24. Naruto Shippuuden

Ini adalah Bagian 2 dari Naruto(Naruto bertemu ayahnya (Hokage ke-4) dalam seri ini)

25. Blood +

Otonashi Saya adalah seorang gadis SMA dan seorang amnesia. Dia mulai mendapatkan kembali kenangan setelah mendapatkan diserang oleh Chiroptera (makhluk buatan makan pada darah manusia) dan belajar bahwa dia ditakdirkan untuk menghancurkan semua monster-monster, dan kembar adiknya Diva - itu takdir dia sebagai vampir sejati terakhir.

Genres: Adventure, Horror
Studio: Produksi IG

26. Sailor Moon

Usagi Tsukino, seorang gadis biasa sekolah menengah, yang berubah menjadi Sailor Moon dan berkelahi jahat bersama-sama dengan teman-temannya.

Genres: Adventure, Magical girl, Romance
Studio: Toei Animation

27. Cowboy Bebop

Sebuah serial animasi klasik jepang yang terjadi pada tahun 2071. Spike dan Jet perjalanan melalui galaksi di kapal mereka The Bebop, bekerja sebagai pemburu karunia yang dikenal sebagai "koboi".

Genres: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Sci-fi
Studio: Bandai

28. Yu-gi-oh!

Sebuah anime berdasarkan dari permainan kartu!

29. Tsubasa Chronicle

Syaoran berkeliling dunia yang berbeda dengan teman-temannya Kurogane dan Fay, bulu mengumpulkan kekuatan magis yang besar, yang sebenarnya kenangan cinta-Nya, Sakura.

Genres: Adventure, Fantasy, Romance, Magic
Studio: Bee Train

30. Trigun

Stampede Vash yang berkeliling 'semacam barat liar' di dunia, berurusan dengan pemburu karunia dan pertemuan segala macam orang di jalan. Vash, sebenarnya, lebih dari seorang manusia; dia dihantui oleh kenangan buruk tentang dia menghancurkan semua kota ketika ia tidak bisa mengendalikan senjata yang ia miliki di tangan kirinya.

Genres: Action, Comedy, Sci-fi
Studio: Madhouse

31. Avatar: The Last Airbender Avatar: The Legend of Aang

100 tahun sebelum memulai seri, sebuah Airbender 12 tahun Aang belajar bahwa ia adalah Avatar baru kekuasaan legendaris. Takut tanggung jawab harus menghentikan perang dunia yang akan datang dan meninggalkan mentornya Monk Gyatso, Aang kabur dari rumah pada Appa bison terbangnya. Mereka menabrak laut selama badai dan Avatar Aang negara mereka membeku dalam gunung es.....

32.Special A

Ketika mereka enam tahun, ayah pro-wrestling mereka memperkenalkan mereka mencintai satu sama lain. Dengan asumsi bahwa dia adalah yang terbaik di gulat, Hikari menantang Kei muda ke pertandingan gulat hanya akan benar-benar dikalahkan oleh dia. Sejak kejadian naas, Hikari bersumpah untuk mengalahkan Kei di kelas sekolah, kegiatan olahraga - apa pun. Untuk melakukan ini, dia telah terdaftar di sekolah yang sama seperti Kei sejak SD. Sekarang dia hadir Hakusenkan, sebuah ... ultra

33. Prince of Tennis

Ryoma Echizen menghadiri sekolah swasta yang terkenal karena tim tenis kuat. He meets new friends and learns new techniques as the team pursue their goal of winning Japan tennis championship. Ia bertemu teman-teman baru dan belajar teknik baru sebagai tim mengejar tujuan mereka untuk memenangkan kejuaraan tenis Jepang.

Genres: School, Sport, Comedy
Studio: Trans Seni

34. Full Metal Panic!

Sousuke adalah tentara elite yang bekerja untuk memaksa mithril tentara bayaran. Dia diberikan misi untuk melindungi seorang gadis SMA Jepang Chidori Kaname dengan menyamar sebagai seorang pelajar transfer. Sousuke sekarang mungkin banyak tentang teknologi militer, namun dia tahu apa-apa tentang kehidupan sekolah ...

Genres: Action, Mecha, School Life, Sci-fi, Comedy
Studio: Gonzo Digimation

35. Karin (Chibi Vampire)

Dia berbeda dari yang lain: ia menghasilkan darah daripada makan di atasnya dan harus menyuntikkan darah oleh seseorang menggigit. Karin tinggal hanya sebagai gadis remaja biasa akan, meskipun dianggap aneh oleh keluarganya. Dia mampu keluar pada siang hari dan menghadiri sekolah tinggi. Namun, hidup damai dia terganggu dengan kedatangan seorang mahasiswa transfer baru, Usui Kenta.

Genre: Romance, Comedy, Supernatural
Studio: JCStaff

36. Samurai Champloo

Sebuah Fuu gadis berusia 15 tahun menyimpan dua prajurit sengit, Jin dan Mugen, dari dieksekusi setelah berjuang pedang kekerasan. Mereka mengatur perjalanan untuk menemukan samurai misterius yang seharusnya bau bunga matahari.

Genres: Action, Adventure, Historical
Studio: Manglobe INC

37. The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

Haruhi adalah seorang gadis SMA yang memiliki kemampuan supranatural untuk mengubah dunia di sekitarnya, tanpa diketahui bahkan pada dirinya sendiri. Dia mulai klub sekolah tentang segala hal supranatural dan segera sejumlah orang aneh ikut cerita ini diceritakan melalui mata temannya, Kyon.

Genres: Comedy, Science fiction
Studio: Kyoto Animation

38. Chobits Chobits

Hideki adalah seorang anak petani yang datang ke Tokyo untuk belajar di sekolah persiapan. Dia menjadi asyik dengan persocoms (berbentuk manusia, komputer sangat maju) tetapi tidak mampu membeli satu. Suatu hari, Hideki menemukan persocom dalam bentuk seorang gadis cantik terbaring di tumpukan sampah. Dia membawa pulang dan ternyata dia. Ternyata satu-satunya yang dia mampu katakan adalah "chi". Jadi nama pria itu Chi dan mulai mengajar gadis clueless segala hal!

Genres: Comedy , Romance, Sci-fi, Ecchi
Studio: Madh ...


Ibunya meninggal dalam kecelakaan mobil ketika ia masih kecil, menyebabkan ayahnya untuk menggunakan alkohol dan perjudian. This results in fights between the two until Tomoya is injured. Hal ini menyebabkan perkelahian antara dua sampai Tomoya terluka. Sejak itu, Tomoya memiliki hubungan jauh dengan ayahnya, membuatnya menjadi tunggakan dari waktu ke waktu. Suatu hari ketika berjalan ke sekolah, ia bertemu seorang gadis aneh bernama Furukawa Nagisa yang setahun lebih tua, tetapi mengulang kelas karena sakitnya. She...

40. Eureka 7

Renton Thurston, seorang anak berusia 14 tahun, meninggalkan rumah kakeknya untuk bergabung dengan kelompok pemberontak yang disebut Gekkostate. Ini sebuah epik, cerita manifold tentang tabungan dunia, tentang seorang anak tumbuh dewasa, dan tentang cinta antara dua makhluk dari dunia yang berbeda.

Genres: Mecha, Sci-fi, Adventure, Romance, Comedy
Studio: Bones

41. Hellsing

Alucard, seorang vampire yang kuat bekerja untuk sebuah organisasi Hellsing manusia, yang tujuannya adalah menghancurkan makhluk gelap seperti hantu dan vampir. Catatan: anime Hellsing tidak mengikuti manga dengan cermat, tapi Hellsing Ultimate OVA seri lakukan, dan memiliki kualitas yang lebih baik secara keseluruhan.

Genres: Action, Supernatural, Fantasy
Studio: Gonzo

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Wolf's Rain Wolf's Rain

The world is freezing over and dieing. Dunia ini pembekuan atas dan sekarat. The only ho more... 110 points Hanya ho lagi ... 110 poin

The world is freezing over and dieing. Dunia ini pembekuan atas dan sekarat. The only hope of it being reborn is within the wolves, who live hidden among humans. Satu-satunya harapan itu dilahirkan kembali adalah dalam serigala, yang hidup tersembunyi di antara manusia.

Genres: Action, Fantasy Genre: Action, Fantasy
Studio: Bandai Visual, Bones 110 points Studio: Bandai Visual, Bones 110 poin
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Digimon Digimon

Digimon (Digital Monster) is a series about kids w more... 110 points Digimon (Digital Rakasa) adalah tentang anak-anak seri w lebih ... poin 110

Digimon (Digital Monster) is a series about kids who get transported to the digital world and are destined to save it and the real one. Digimon (Digital Rakasa) adalah serial tentang anak-anak yang bisa dibawa ke dunia digital dan ditakdirkan untuk menyimpannya dan yang nyata.

Studio: Toei Animation Studio: Toei Animation
Genres: Action, Adventure 110 points Genre: Action, Adventure 110 poin
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D. Gray-Man D. Gray-Man

In a fictional 19th century Earth, humans with spe more... 106 points Dalam abad ke Bumi 19 fiksi, manusia dengan spe lebih ... 106 poin

In a fictional 19th century Earth, humans with special powers - Exorcists - fight monsters called Akuma created by the Millenium Earl. Dalam abad ke Bumi 19 fiksi, manusia dengan kekuatan khusus - jampi - monster melawan disebut Akuma dibuat oleh Millenium Earl. The main character is a young exorcist Allen Walker who is said to be "the destroyer of time". Karakter utama adalah dukun muda Allen Walker yang dikatakan "perusak waktu".

Genres: Action, Comedy, Adventure, Horror Genre: Action, Comedy, Adventure, Horor
Studio: TMS Entertainment 106 points Studio: TMS Entertainment 106 poin
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Ranma 1/2 Ranma 1 / 2

Sixteen year old guy named Ranma Saotome was train more... 106 points Enam belas tahun laki-laki tua bernama Ranma Saotome adalah kereta lebih ... poin 106

Sixteen year old guy named Ranma Saotome was trained from early childhood in martial arts. Enam belas tahun laki-laki tua bernama Ranma Saotome dilatih dari anak usia dini dalam seni bela diri. As a result of an accident during the training, he is cursed to become a girl when splashed with cold water, but hot water will change him back into a boy. Sebagai akibat dari kecelakaan selama pelatihan, ia dikutuk untuk menjadi seorang gadis ketika memercikkan dengan air dingin, tapi air panas akan mengubahnya kembali ke anak laki-laki.

Genres: Martial arts, Romance, Comedy, Shonen Genre: seni bela diri, Romance, Komedi, Shonen
Studio: Kitty Films, Studio Deen 106 points Studio: Kitty Film, Studio Deen 106 poin
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Fooly Cooly (FLCL) Fooly Cooly (FLCL)

Naota's relaxed and simple life is interrupted whe more... 103 points Naota santai dan hidup sederhana terganggu whe lebih ... 103 poin

Naota's relaxed and simple life is interrupted when an alien girl Haruhara Haruko runs him over with her scooter and hits him on the head with a bass guitar. Naota santai dan hidup sederhana terputus ketika seorang gadis asing Haruhara Haruko berjalan dia atas dengan skuter dan hits dia di kepala dengan gitar bass. It's crazy! Ini gila! Makes no sense! Tidak masuk akal! The biggest WTF anime ever! The WTF anime terbesar yang pernah! And because of that, it's even more amazing... Dan karena itu, bahkan lebih menakjubkan ...

Genres: Sci-fi, Comedy Genre: Sci-fi, Komedi
Studio: Gainax 103 points Studio: Gainax 103 poin
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Neon Genesis Evangelion Neon Genesis Evangelion

It's year 2015, and Earth is being attacked by mys more... 101 points Ini tahun 2015, dan Bumi sedang diserang oleh Mys lebih ... poin 101

It's year 2015, and Earth is being attacked by mysterious creatures called Angels. Ini tahun 2015, dan Bumi sedang diserang oleh makhluk misterius yang disebut Malaikat. Shinji Ikari, a 14 year old boy who suffers from depression and lack of self confidence, joins NERV (a military organization) as a pilot of Evangelion mecha, the only weapon capable of defeating Angels. Shinji Ikari, seorang anak berusia 14 tahun yang menderita depresi dan kurang percaya diri, bergabung NERV (sebuah organisasi militer) sebagai pilot mecha Evangelion, satu-satunya senjata yang mampu mengalahkan Angels.

Genres: Action, Drama, Mecha, Sci-fi Genre: Action, Drama, Mecha, Sci-fi
Studio: Gainax 101 points Studio: Gainax 101 poin
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Shaman King Shaman King

Yoh Asakura is a lazy and relaxed young guy, who i more... 97 points Yoh Asakura adalah pria muda santai dan malas, yang saya lagi ... 97 poin

Yoh Asakura is a lazy and relaxed young guy, who is trained by his fiancee to become the Shaman King by winning the Shaman Tournament. Yoh Asakura adalah seorang pemuda malas dan santai, yang dilatih oleh tunangannya untuk menjadi Raja Dukun dengan memenangkan Turnamen Shaman.

Genres: Action, Adventure, Supernatural Genre: Action, Adventure, Supernatural
Studio: XEBEC 97 points Studio: XEBEC 97 poin
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Fate/stay night Takdir / bermalam

Seven Masters and their Servants, resurrected hero more... 96 points Tujuh Masters dan hamba-hamba mereka, pahlawan dibangkitkan lagi ... 96 poin

Seven Masters and their Servants, resurrected heroes from all times, battle for the Holy Grail in Fuyuki city. Tujuh Masters dan hamba-hamba mereka, pahlawan dibangkitkan dari setiap waktu, pertempuran untuk Holy Grail di kota Fuyuki. The main character is Shiro Emiya, a young guy who can use only a single magic spell, but can do it perfectly. Karakter utama adalah Shiro Emiya, seorang pria muda yang dapat menggunakan hanya satu mantra ajaib, tetapi bisa melakukannya dengan sempurna.

Genres: Action, Drama, Fantasy, Magic Genre: Action, Drama, Fantasy, Magic
Studio: Studio Deen 96 points Studio: Studio Deen 96 poin
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Michael & Yanci Michael & Yanci

Every school has there mean kids. Setiap sekolah telah ada berarti anak-anak. West Valley has more... 96 points West Valley telah lebih ... poin 96

Every school has there mean kids. Setiap sekolah telah ada berarti anak-anak. West Valley has Michael & Yanci. Valley Barat Michael & Yanci. These two do everythin from verbal attacking students to turning friends against each other. Kedua melakukan segalanya dari verbal menyerang siswa untuk mengubah teman-teman terhadap satu sama lain. No one causes mayhem and chaos compared to these to and they can manage to do it all while looking the best 96 points Tidak ada yang menyebabkan kekacauan dan kekacauan dibandingkan dengan ini dan mereka dapat mengatur untuk melakukan itu semua sambil melihat 96 poin terbaik
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Soul Eater Soul Eater

Students of the Shinigami Technical School are cal more... 95 points Mahasiswa dari Sekolah Teknik Shinigami yang kal lagi ... 95 poin

Students of the Shinigami Technical School are called Meisters. Mahasiswa dari Sekolah Teknik Shinigami disebut Meisters. Each of them possesses an intelligent weapon which can change into a human form. Masing-masing memiliki senjata cerdas yang dapat berubah menjadi bentuk manusia. The goal of every Meister is to collect 99 evil human souls and 1 soul of a witch so that their weapon could become the death scythe to be used by Shinigami-sama himself. Tujuan dari setiap Meister adalah untuk mengumpulkan 99 jiwa manusia yang jahat dan 1 jiwa penyihir sehingga senjata bisa menjadi sabit kematian untuk digunakan oleh Shinigami-sama dirinya sendiri.

Genres: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Supernatural Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Supernatural
Studio: Bones 95 points Studio: Bones 95 poin
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Rosario + Vampire Rosario + Vampire

Tsukune Aono is a painfully average high school fr more... 94 points Tsukune Aono adalah sekolah tinggi rata-rata fr menyakitkan lagi ... 94 poin

Tsukune Aono is a painfully average high school freshman who is unable to get into any private schools due to his disappointing test scores. Tsukune Aono adalah mahasiswa sekolah tinggi yang menyakitkan rata-rata tidak dapat masuk ke setiap sekolah swasta karena nilai tes-nya mengecewakan. The only school he is finally accepted into turns out to be a secret school for supernatural monsters, who are in disguise as humans. Sekolah hanya dia akhirnya diterima ternyata sekolah rahasia untuk monster gaib, yang menyamar sebagai manusia. The first student he meets is the beautiful Moka Akashiya, who becomes his friend for an unusual reason; she is a vampire, and is attracted to the sweet taste of his human blood. Mahasiswa pertama ia bertemu adalah Moka indah Akashiya, yang menjadi temannya karena alasan yang tidak biasa, dia adalah vampir, dan tertarik dengan rasa manis dari darah manusia itu. Tsukune quickly realizes that his admission in... 94 points Tsukune cepat menyadari bahwa masuk-nya masuk 94 poin ..
53 53
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Ghost in the Shell Hantu di Shell

In year 2029, humans have crossed the line between more... 88 points Pada tahun 2029, manusia telah melewati garis antara lebih ... poin 88

In year 2029, humans have crossed the line between virtual world and reality and can move their minds freely through the net. Pada tahun 2029, manusia telah melewati batas antara dunia virtual dan realitas dan pikiran mereka dapat bergerak bebas melalui internet. They are watched over by law enforcement that's able to upload themselves into super powered mechas. Mereka diawasi oleh penegak hukum yang dapat meng-upload sendiri ke mechas super power.

Genres: Action, Adventure, Sci-fin Genre: Action, Adventure, Sci-sirip
Studio: Production IG 88 points Studio: Produksi IG 88 poin
54 54
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Fushigi Yuugi Fushigi Yuugi

Miaka Yuki, a 3rd yr junior high student finds an more... 88 points Miaka Yuki, a 3 yr pelajar SMP menemukan sebuah ... lebih 88 poin

Miaka Yuki, a 3rd yr junior high student finds an old book in the library called the universe of the four gods. Miaka Yuki, a 3 yr pelajar SMP menemukan sebuah buku tua di perpustakaan yang disebut alam semesta dari empat dewa. She and her bestfriend Yui, were then sucked into the book that appeared to be of ancient china, there they met a boy named tamahome with an ogre symbol on his forehead. Dia dan bestfriend Yui, kemudian tersedot ke dalam buku yang tampak dari cina kuno, di sana mereka bertemu dengan seorang pemuda bernama tamahome dengan simbol Raksasa di dahinya. Miaka and Yui got separated and as the story continues, they became worst enemies while miaka and tamahome find themselves passionately inlove with each other, but later realizing that they could never be together for... 88 points Miaka dan Yui mendapat cerita terpisah dan berlanjut, mereka menjadi musuh terburuk sementara miaka dan tamahome menemukan diri mereka sendiri dengan penuh semangat inlove satu sama lain, namun kemudian menyadari bahwa mereka tidak bisa bersama untuk ... 88 poin
55 55
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Shakugan no Shana Shakugan no Shana

Sakai Yuji, a high school student, learns that he more... 89 points Sakai Yuji, seorang siswa sekolah tinggi, belajar bahwa dia lebih ... 89 poin

Sakai Yuji, a high school student, learns that he is merely a Torch - a temporary replacement of the real "him" who died a long time ago. Sakai Yuji, seorang siswa sekolah tinggi, belajar bahwa ia hanyalah obor - pengganti sementara yang nyata "dia" yang meninggal lama. He is saved from a monster who is about to eat his existence by a Flame Haze named Shana. Dia disimpan dari rakasa yang akan makan keberadaannya oleh Flame Haze bernama Shana.

Genres: Drama, Fantasy, Action, School life Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Action, Sekolah kehidupan
Studio: JCStaff 89 points Studio: JCStaff 89 poin
56 56
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Houshin Engi Houshin Engi

The story is set in legendary China. Kisah diatur di Cina legendaris. A beautiful f more... 88 points Sebuah indah f lagi ... 88 poin

The story is set in legendary China. Kisah diatur di Cina legendaris. A beautiful female fox spirit named Dakki (%u59B2%u5DF1), Dakki?) is controlling the emperor Chu-o (%u7D02%u738B, Ch%u016B-%u014D?) and the ruling (In (%u6BB7) dynasty, and is using her power over him to do evil in the nation. An immortal-in-training named Taikobo (%u592A%u516C%u671B, Taik%u014Db%u014D?) is chosen by the great immortal sages for the Houshin Project (%u5C01%u795E%u8A08%u753B) - to seal away or destroy the evil demons that infest the world... 88 points Sebuah semangat rubah cantik wanita bernama Dakki (% u59B2% u5DF1), Dakki?) Adalah mengendalikan kaisar Chu-o (% u738B u7D02%, Ch% u016B-% u014D) dan? Yang berkuasa (Dalam (% u6BB7) dinasti, dan menggunakan listrik di atas dia untuk melakukan yang jahat pada bangsa. An-abadi di-pelatihan bernama Taikobo (% u592A% u516C u671B%, Bicara% u014Db% u014D?) adalah dipilih oleh para bijak abadi besar untuk Proyek Houshin (% u5C01 % u795E% u8A08% u753B) - untuk menutup diri atau menghancurkan setan jahat yang menduduki dunia ... 88 poin
57 57
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Claymore Claymore

Claymore are half-women, half-demons, named after more... 87 points Claymore adalah setengah perempuan, setengah setan, dinamai lagi ... 87 poin

Claymore are half-women, half-demons, named after their huge swords they use to hunt man-eating monsters. Claymore adalah setengah perempuan, setengah setan, dinamai pedang besar mereka gunakan untuk berburu monster pemakan manusia.

Genres: Action, Adventure, Fantasy Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Studio: Madhouse 87 points Studio: Madhouse 87 poin
58 58
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Yamato Nadeshiko (The Wall Flower) Yamato Nadeshiko (Bunga Wall)

Sunako, a girl who was called "ugly" by more... 85 points Sunako, seorang gadis yang disebut "buruk" oleh lagi ... 85 poin

Sunako, a girl who was called "ugly" by a boy - the first and only person to whom she confessed her love - shuns all forms of beauty, both in herself as well as in life. Sunako, seorang gadis yang disebut "jelek" oleh seorang anak - orang pertama dan hanya kepada siapa ia mengaku cintanya - menghindari semua bentuk keindahan, baik dalam dirinya maupun dalam kehidupan. Concerned by her change for the worst, Sunako's aunt, the owner of a beautiful mansion where four very handsome students live, offers the guys free rent in her mansion if they can turn her into a "perfect lady". Prihatin mengubah dia untuk yang terburuk, bibi Sunako, pemilik istana yang indah di mana empat mahasiswa sangat tampan tinggal, menawarkan sewa orang bebas di rumah nya jika mereka dapat gilirannya menjadi wanita "sempurna".

Genres: Drama, Romantic comedy Genre: Drama, Komedi romantis
Studio: Nippon Animation 85 points Studio: Nippon Animasi 85 poin
59 59
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Love Hina Love Hina

Story about a clumsy guy, who is living in Hinata more... 84 points Cerita tentang seorang pria canggung, yang tinggal di Hinata lagi ... 84 poin

Story about a clumsy guy, who is living in Hinata with group tempered girls. Cerita tentang seorang pria canggung, yang tinggal di Hinata dengan kelompok gadis-gadis marah. And he is falling in love with the most agressive girl - Naru... 84 points Dan dia jatuh cinta dengan gadis yang paling agresif - Naru ... 84 poin
60 60
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Gundam Seed Gundam Seed

The series begins with the Bloody Valentine War. Serial ini dimulai dengan Perang Valentine Berdarah. O more... 83 points O lagi ... 83 poin

The series begins with the Bloody Valentine War. Serial ini dimulai dengan Perang Valentine Berdarah. On one side is the Earth Alliance, and on the other are the space colonies that form ZAFT (Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty). Di satu sisi adalah Earth Alliance, dan di sisi lain adalah koloni ruang yang membentuk ZAFT (Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty). Mankind is divided over human genetic engineering, with normal humans known as "Naturals" and the genetically altered humans known as "Coordinators". Manusia dibagi atas rekayasa genetika manusia, dengan manusia normal dikenal sebagai "natural" dan berubah secara genetik manusia yang dikenal sebagai "Koordinator". While ZAFT has a head start on mobile suit (mecha) design, the Earth Alliance quickly catches up with its five prototype Gundams. Sementara ZAFT memiliki mulai kepala pada mobile suit (mecha) desain, Aliansi Bumi cepat menangkap dengan lima prototipe Gundam. A young Coordinator Kira Yamato pilots the G... 83 points Seorang Koordinator muda Kira Yamato pilot G. .. 83 poin
61 61
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Black Blood Brothers Darah Black Brothers

Vampire Jiro Mochizuki and his brother Kotaro trav more... 81 points Vampire Jiro Mochizuki dan saudaranya Kotaro trav lagi ... 81 poin

Vampire Jiro Mochizuki and his brother Kotaro travel to the Special Zone, a city where vampires can live in peace. Vampire Jiro Mochizuki dan saudaranya Kotaro perjalanan ke Zona Khusus, sebuah kota di mana vampir bisa hidup dengan damai. Kowloon Children, a special lineage of vampires who can infect humans and vampires alike just by biting them, kidnap Kotarou, dragging Jiro into battle between the last of Kowloon Children and those trying to eradicate them. Kowloon Anak-anak, sebuah garis keturunan khusus vampir yang dapat menginfeksi manusia dan vampir sama hanya dengan menggigit mereka, menculik Kotarou, menyeret Jiro ke pertempuran antara terakhir Kowloon Anak-anak dan mereka yang mencoba untuk membasmi mereka.

Genres: Fantasy, Supernatural, Action, Comedy Genre: Aksi Fantasi, Supernatural,, Komedi
Studio: Group TAC, Studio Live 81 points Studio: Grup TAC, Studio Live 81 poin
62 62
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Black Cat Black Cat

Train Heartnet; known as the Black Cat for speed a more... 81 points Kereta Heartnet, dikenal dengan Black Cat untuk kecepatan ... lebih 81 poin

Train Heartnet; known as the Black Cat for speed and stealth is Number Thirteen as member of the secret society Chronos. Kereta Heartnet, dikenal dengan Black Cat untuk kecepatan dan stealth adalah Nomor Tiga belas sebagai anggota masyarakat chronos rahasia. He is an unbeatable gunman, a cold-blooded killer until he meets Saya, a bounty hunter, or "sweeper". Dia adalah seorang bersenjata tak terkalahkan, seorang pembunuh berdarah dingin sampai ia bertemu Saya, seorang pemburu hadiah, atau "tukang sapu". She teaches him the value of a human life. Dia mengajarkan dia nilai kehidupan manusia. Through her, Train learns to love and care for other people as he too becomes a sweeper and travels with his partner Sven and the mysterious girl Eve. 81 points Melalui dia, Kereta belajar untuk mencintai dan peduli terhadap orang lain ia juga menjadi tukang sapu dan perjalanan dengan pasangannya Sven dan misterius Eve gadis poin. 81
63 63
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Trinity Blood Trinity Blood

In the future, war is waging between humans (Terra more... 80 points Di masa mendatang, melancarkan perang antara manusia (Terra lagi ... 80 poin

In the future, war is waging between humans (Terrans, as they're called now) and the Methuselah, a vampyric race of humans modified using technology found on Mars. Di masa mendatang, melancarkan perang antara manusia (Terrans, karena mereka disebut sekarang) dan Metusalah, ras vampyric manusia diubah menggunakan teknologi yang ditemukan di Mars.

Studio: Gonzo Studio: Gonzo
Genres: Action; Fantasy, Supernatural 80 points Genre: Action, Fantasy, Supernatural 80 poin
64 64
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Lucky Star Lucky Star

Funny anime about four girls attending a Japanese more... 79 points Funny anime tentang empat gadis menghadiri Jepang lagi ... 79 poin

Funny anime about four girls attending a Japanese high school: Konata, who is an otaku and loves playing video games; Miyuki who is a well-mannered lady from a wealthy family, and two sisters; and Kagami and Tsukasa, who's personalities are exact opposites of each other. anime Funny tentang empat gadis menghadiri sekolah menengah Jepang: Konata, yang otaku dan suka bermain video game, Miyuki yang merupakan wanita baik-sopan dari keluarga kaya, dan dua saudara perempuan, dan Kagami dan Tsukasa, yang kepribadian yang tepat berlawanan satu sama lain.
The anime is based on a four-panel comic strip manga by Kagami Yoshimizu and contains many references to other mangas and animes, as well as video games. anime ini didasarkan pada sebuah manga strip komik empat-panel oleh Kagami Yoshimizu dan berisi banyak referensi Mangas lain dan animes, serta video game.

Genres: Comedy, Parody, Satire, Slice of Life Genre: Komedi, Parodi, Satir, Slice of Life
Studio: Kyoto Animation 79 points Studio: Kyoto Animation 79 poin
65 65
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xxxHolic xxxHolic

Watanuki Kimihiro is haunted by monsters only he c more... 77 points Watanuki Kimihiro yang dihantui oleh monster hanya dia c lagi ... 77 poin

Watanuki Kimihiro is haunted by monsters only he can see, and his greatest dream is to get rid of them. Watanuki Kimihiro yang dihantui oleh monster yang hanya bisa melihat, dan impiannya yang terbesar adalah untuk menyingkirkan mereka. He learns of Yuko, a witch who can grant any wish, and starts working at her shop to pay for it. Dia belajar dari Yuko, seorang penyihir yang dapat memberikan ingin apapun, dan mulai bekerja di tokonya untuk membayarnya.

Genres: Fantasy, Magic Genre: Fantasy, Magic
Studio: Production IG 77 points Studio: Produksi IG 77 poin
66 66
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Air Gear Air Gear

Air Gear is about the life of Itsuki Minami " more... 77 points Air Gear adalah tentang kehidupan Itsuki Minami " lagi ... 77 poin

Air Gear is about the life of Itsuki Minami "Ikki", also known as "Baby face" and "Lil (and Little) Crow". Air Gear adalah tentang kehidupan Itsuki Minami "Ikki", juga dikenal sebagai "wajah Baby" dan "Lil (dan Little) Crow". The name "Crow" came from the fact that there is currently a real living baby crow in his hair sometimes who he does not seem to mind, and his friends along with the latest in-universe trend, Air Trecks. Nama "Crow" berasal dari kenyataan yang ada saat ini bayi gagak yang hidup nyata di rambutnya kadang-kadang yang dia tidak keberatan, dan teman-temannya bersama dengan tren terbaru di-alam semesta, udara Trecks. The early parts of the story carry out the introduction of characters that eventually join Ikki, and as the story progresses, it focuses on their roles as Storm Riders and their quest to be... 77 points Bagian awal dari cerita ini melakukan pengenalan karakter yang akhirnya bergabung Ikki, dan sebagai cerita berlangsung, itu berfokus pada peran mereka sebagai Penunggang Storm dan pencarian mereka untuk menjadi ... 77 poin
67 67
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School Rumble School Rumble

The female protagonist is Tenma Tsukamoto, a secon more... 77 points Protagonis perempuan Tenma Tsukamoto, Tabel sebuah lagi ... 77 poin

The female protagonist is Tenma Tsukamoto, a second year high school girl with no special qualities who has a crush on Oji Karasuma, a stonefaced eccentric. Protagonis perempuan Tenma Tsukamoto, tahun kedua gadis sekolah tinggi tanpa kualitas khusus yang naksir pada Oji Karasuma, seorang eksentrik stonefaced. The generally clueless Tenma finds it difficult to confess her love to him. The clueless Tenma menemukan umumnya sulit untuk mengaku cinta padanya. Complications arise with Kenji Harima, the male protagonist and a delinquent, who has developed a crush on Tenma. Komplikasi terjadi dengan Kenji Harima, protagonis laki-laki dan nakal, yang telah mengembangkan naksir Tenma. He too has difficulty confessing to her. Dia juga memiliki kesulitan mengaku padanya. The attempts of the two characters to confess their respective loves are running gags seen throughout the series... 77 points Upaya dua karakter untuk mengakui mencintai masing-masing berjalan gags dilihat seluruh seri ... 77 poin
68 68
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Shuffle Kocokan

The basic storyline of Shuffle! Storyline dasar Shuffle! follows the romant more... 77 points berikut romant yang lebih ... 77 poin

The basic storyline of Shuffle! Storyline dasar Shuffle! follows the romantic life of Rin Tsuchimi, a normal human, Japanese high schooler, who finds himself being sought after by a variety of girls. mengikuti kehidupan romantis Rin Tsuchimi, seorang manusia normal, schooler tinggi Jepang, yang menemukan dirinya sedang dicari oleh berbagai perempuan. The world of Shuffle! Dunia Shuffle! consists of humans living in harmony with gods and devils, resembling humans with slightly pointed ears and devils who have more prominent pointed ears. terdiri dari manusia hidup harmonis dengan dewa-dewa dan setan, mirip manusia dengan telinga yang sedikit lancip dan setan-setan yang memiliki telinga menunjuk lebih menonjol. Rin soon finds himself as the potential marriage candidate for both Lisianthus and Nerine, the two daughters of the kings of the god and devil worlds... 77 points Rin segera menemukan dirinya sebagai calon potensial pernikahan untuk kedua Lishianthus dan Nerine, dua putri raja dunia dewa dan iblis ... 77 poin
69 69
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Tokyo Mew Mew Power Tokyo Mew Mew Power

This is a awesome anime about a girl, who gets pow more... 75 points Ini adalah anime awesome tentang seorang gadis, yang mendapat pow lebih ... poin 75

This is a awesome anime about a girl, who gets powers to transform into a Mew Ichigo cat, and is supposed to save the world from the aliens. Ini adalah anime awesome tentang seorang gadis, yang mendapat wewenang untuk berubah menjadi Mew Ichigo kucing, dan diharapkan untuk menyelamatkan dunia dari alien.

Genres: Magical girl, Romance Genre: Magical girl, Romance
Studio: Studio Pierrot 75 points Studio: Studio Pierrot 75 poin
70 70
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Gundam Wing Gundam Wing

In year 195 AC (After Colony), the space colonies more... 72 points Pada tahun 195 AC (Setelah Colony), koloni-koloni ruang lebih ... poin 72

In year 195 AC (After Colony), the space colonies and Earth are locked in a deadly conflict. Pada tahun 195 AC (Setelah Colony), koloni ruang dan bumi terkunci dalam konflik mematikan. For years, Earth has tried to seize control of the colonies using mobile suits. Selama bertahun-tahun, Bumi telah berusaha untuk menguasai koloni menggunakan mobile suit. But the space colonies are ready to strike back with their own advanced mechas called Gundams. Tapi ruang koloni siap untuk menyerang kembali dengan mechas mereka sendiri maju disebut Gundam.

Genres: Action, Mecha, Sci-fi Genre: Action, Mecha, Sci-fi
Studio: Sunrise 72 points Studio: Sunrise 72 poin
71 71
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.hack// Sign hack /. / Daftar

Tsukasa wakes up in a virtual reality MMORPG calle more... 71 points Tsukasa bangun dalam virtual reality MMORPG Calle lagi ... 71 poin

Tsukasa wakes up in a virtual reality MMORPG called "The World" without any memories of what happened to him. Tsukasa bangun dalam virtual reality MMORPG yang disebut "Dunia" tanpa kenangan tentang apa yang terjadi padanya. He finds out he cannot log out and return to the real world. Dia tahu dia tidak dapat log out dan kembali ke dunia nyata.

Genres: Adventure, Drama, Mystery, Sci-fi Genre: Adventure, Drama, Mystery, Sci-fi
Studio: Bee Train 71 points Studio: Bee Train 71 poin
72 72
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Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Full Metal Alchemist Persaudaraan

The legendary anime Full Metal Alchemist is coming more... 67 points Legendaris anime Full Metal Alchemist akan datang lagi ... 67 poin

The legendary anime Full Metal Alchemist is coming out with another series that starts up somewhere as of yet unknown in the story since there both back to how they were in first series (metal body and auto-mail) but make sure to tune in and watch the alchemy unfold, explode, turn into something new, or simply become something pointy that cant stab people, but thats off-topic. Legendaris anime Full Metal Alchemist adalah keluar dengan seri lain yang dimulai di suatu tempat seperti yang belum diketahui dalam cerita sejak ada keduanya kembali ke bagaimana mereka di seri pertama (tubuh logam dan auto-mail) tetapi pastikan untuk mendengarkan dan menonton alkimia itu terungkap, meledak, berubah menjadi sesuatu yang baru, atau hanya menjadi sesuatu yang cant runcing menusuk orang, tapi thats off-topic. JUST MAKE SURE TO TUNE TO THE NEW PART OF THIS AMAZING SHOW!!!!!!!!!! 67 points PASTIKAN HANYA untuk menyempurnakan ATAS BAGIAN INI BARU SHOW AMAZING !!!!!!!!!! 67 poin
73 73
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Myself;Yourself Myself; Diri

A boy named Sana who back to his childhood hometow more... 62 points Anak laki-laki bernama Sana yang kembali ke hometow masa kecilnya lagi ... 62 poin

A boy named Sana who back to his childhood hometown for a new life and see his childhood friends named Nanaka, the Watanuki twins and Aoi. 62 points Anak laki-laki bernama Sana yang kembali ke kampung halaman masa kecilnya untuk kehidupan yang baru dan melihat teman-teman masa kecilnya bernama Nanaka, si kembar Watanuki dan Aoi poin. 62
74 74
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Outlaw Star Outlaw Star

Gene Starwind and his 11 year old companion Jim Ha more... 60 points Gene Starwind dan berusia 11 tahun itu teman Jim Ha lagi ... 60 poin

Gene Starwind and his 11 year old companion Jim Hawking are doing random jobs to get by in a completely unimportant planet called Centinel III, which is "in the middle of nowhere". Gene Starwind dan 11 tahun tuanya teman Jim Hawking melakukan pekerjaan acak untuk mendapatkan oleh di planet sama sekali tidak penting disebut Centinel III, yang "di antah berantah". As a result of one bodyguard job they end up in the possession of Galaxy's most advanced ship, which they call the Outlaw Star. Sebagai hasil dari satu pekerjaan pengawal mereka akhirnya menjadi milik kapal Galaxy yang paling maju, yang mereka sebut Outlaw Star.

Genres: Space Western, Sci-fi Genre: Space Barat, Sci-fi
Studio: Sunrise 60 points Studio: Sunrise 60 poin
75 75
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Dragon ball GT Dragon ball GT

goku goes to find the dragen balls and gohon goes more... 60 points goku pergi mencari bola dragen dan gohon berjalan lagi ... 60 poin

goku goes to find the dragen balls and gohon goes with him its cool watch it 60 points goku pergi mencari bola dragen dan gohon pergi bersamanya menonton sejuk itu 60 poin
76 76
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Zero no Tsukaima Zero no Tsukaima

A high school student Hiraga Saito is summoned int more... 59 points Seorang siswa SMA Hiraga Saito int dipanggil lagi ... 59 poin

A high school student Hiraga Saito is summoned into another world by a young mage girl Louise, and becomes her Familiar. Seorang siswa SMA Hiraga Saito dipanggil ke dunia lain oleh seorang gadis mage Louise muda, dan menjadi Familiar nya. Louise is nicknamed "Zero" because she has little talent for magic. Louise dijuluki "Zero" karena dia memiliki sedikit bakat sihir. Very ecchi with comedy elements, don't look for mature romance here. Sangat Ecchi dengan unsur komedi, jangan mencari cinta dewasa di sini.

Genres: Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Magic, Romance, Ecchi Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Magic, Romance, Ecchi
Studio: JCSTAFF 59 points Studio: JCSTAFF 59 poin
77 77
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Skip Beat! Skip Beat!

A new and ongoing anime about Kyoko Mogami, a 16-y more... 58 points A dan berkelanjutan anime baru tentang Kyoko Mogami, 16-y lagi ... 58 poin

A new and ongoing anime about Kyoko Mogami, a 16-year-old girl who discovers her childhood friend, Sho Fuwa, who is an aspiring pop idol as well as the boy she loves, only keeps her around to act as a maid and earn money. Sebuah anime baru dan berkelanjutan tentang Kyoko Mogami, gadis 16 tahun yang menemukan teman masa kecilnya, Sho Fuwa, yang merupakan calon idola pop serta pemuda yang dicintainya, hanya terus di sekeliling untuk bertindak sebagai pembantu dan mendapatkan uang. Furious and heart broken, she vows to get revenge by beating him in show business. Marah dan patah hati, ia bersumpah untuk membalas dendam dengan mengalahkan dia di bisnis pertunjukan. Funny, entertaining, and a definite must watch. Lucu, menghibur, dan yang pasti harus menonton. You'll be hooked. Anda akan ketagihan. Trust me. 58 points Percayalah. 58 poin
78 78
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Loveless Tanpa cinta

This is the story of 12-year-old Ritsuka. Ini adalah kisah Ritsuka 12 tahun. Ritsuka more... 57 points Ritsuka lagi ... 57 poin

This is the story of 12-year-old Ritsuka. Ini adalah kisah Ritsuka 12 tahun. Ritsuka is having some problems he's changing to a new school, the girl in the next seat to him instantly fell in love with him on first site and a strange adult who claims to be a friend of his dead brother says in nearly every conversation that he love Ritsuka. Ritsuka mengalami beberapa masalah dia berubah ke sekolah yang baru, gadis di kursi di sampingnya langsung jatuh cinta dengan dia di situs pertama dan orang dewasa yang aneh yang mengaku menjadi teman sudah mati mengatakan dalam percakapan hampir setiap bahwa ia cinta Ritsuka. As strange as that is his life is even more complicated, two years ago, he awoke with no memory of himself before that time, recently his brother was murdered in his seat at school, and his moth... 57 points Sebagai aneh yang hidupnya bahkan lebih rumit, dua tahun lalu, ia terbangun tanpa ingat dirinya sebelum waktu itu, baru-baru ini saudaranya dibunuh di kursinya di sekolah, dan ngengat nya ... 57 poin
79 79
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Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Katekyo Hitman Reborn!

Tsuna unwillingly undergoes training from an Itali more... 56 points Tsuna terpaksa mengalami pelatihan dari Itali lagi ... 56 poin

Tsuna unwillingly undergoes training from an Italian hitman named Reborn to become a mafia boss, just like his great-great-great grandfather was. Tsuna terpaksa mengalami pelatihan dari hitman Italia bernama Reborn untuk menjadi bos mafia, persis seperti kakeknya besar-besar-besar itu.

Genres: Action, Comedy, Mafia, Supernatural Genre: Action, Comedy, Mafia, Supernatural
Studio: Artland 56 points Studio: Artland 56 poin
80 80
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Retrieval agents who have a 100 percent success ra more... 55 points Retrieval agen yang memiliki 100 persen sukses ra lagi ... 55 poin

Retrieval agents who have a 100 percent success rate aren't that cheap, of course they come only if you pay them good. agen Retrieval yang memiliki tingkat keberhasilan 100 persen tidak yang murah, tentu saja mereka datang hanya jika Anda membayar mereka yang baik. The agents are Amano Ginji is known as the ex-Raitei of Infinity City, and with his partner who is known as a battle genius, Mido Ban, also has the power of the evil eye and can use the snake bite. 55 points Para agen Amano Ginji dikenal sebagai mantan Raitei dari Infinity City, dan dengan rekannya yang dikenal sebagai jenius pertempuran, Mido Ban, juga memiliki kekuatan mata kejahatan dan dapat menggunakan gigitan ular poin. 55
81 81
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Escaflowne Escaflowne

The Vision of Escaflowne is the full name of this more... 53 points Visi Escaflowne adalah nama lengkap dari ini ... lebih 53 poin

The Vision of Escaflowne is the full name of this anime. Visi Escaflowne adalah nama lengkap dari anime ini. An ordinary schoolgirl Hitomi gets transported into another world, Gaea, where Zaibach empire tries to take over the world, and king Van and knight Allen try to oppose them using the mysterious mecha, Escaflowne. Sebuah sekolah Hitomi biasa mendapat diangkut ke dunia lain, Gaea, di mana kerajaan Zaibach mencoba untuk mengambil alih dunia, dan raja dan kesatria Van Allen mencoba untuk menentang mereka dengan menggunakan mecha misterius, Escaflowne.

Genres: Adventure, Romance, Mecha, Fantasy Genre: Adventure, Romance, Mecha, Fantasy
Studio: Sunrise, Bandai Visual 53 points Studio: Sunrise, Bandai Visual 53 poin
82 82
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Tenjou Tenge Tenjou Tenge

Todo Academy is no ordinary school: students here more... 53 points Todo Academy ada sekolah biasa: siswa di sini lagi ... 53 poin

Todo Academy is no ordinary school: students here posses incredible martial arts skills and even supernatural abilities. Todo Academy ada sekolah biasa: siswa di sini memiliki keterampilan seni bela diri yang luar biasa dan bahkan kemampuan supranatural. The biggest battle is going on between the Executive Council and the Juken club. Pertempuran terbesar terjadi di antara Dewan Eksekutif dan klub Juken.

Genres: Martial arts Genre: seni bela diri
Studio: Madhouse 53 points Studio: Madhouse 53 poin
83 83
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The Law of Ueki The Law of Ueki

A boy called Ueki accidentally participate a magic more... 53 points anak laki-laki bernama Ueki sengaja berpartisipasi sihir yang lebih ... poin 53

A boy called Ueki accidentally participate a magical fight that using magic power that special everybody. anak laki-laki bernama Ueki sengaja berpartisipasi bertengkar kekuatan magis yang menggunakan sihir bahwa setiap orang khusus. He having all sort of dificulty to pass through all people that involve in the contest. Dia memiliki semua jenis kesulitan untuk melewati semua orang yang terlibat dalam kontes. Soon he try to save the world from the danger of evil power guy. 53 points Segera ia mencoba untuk menyelamatkan dunia dari bahaya kekuasaan orang jahat poin. 53
84 84
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Saint Seiya (Knights of the Zodiac) Saint Seiya (Knights dari Zodiac)

6 years before the events at the start of the seri more... 53 points 6 tahun sebelum peristiwa pada awal seri yang lebih ... 53 poin

6 years before the events at the start of the series, 100 orphans are sent to different parts of the world to become legendary warriors known as "Saints", who are soldiers under Greek goddess Athena. 6 tahun sebelum peristiwa pada awal seri, 100 anak yatim dikirim ke berbagai belahan dunia untuk menjadi prajurit legendaris yang dikenal sebagai "Orang Suci", yang prajurit di bawah Athena dewi Yunani. The story focuses on one of these orphans named Seiya who is sent to the Sanctuary in Greece to become the Pegasus Saint. 53 points Cerita ini berfokus pada salah satu anak yatim bernama Seiya yang diutus ke Sanctuary di Yunani menjadi Saint Pegasus poin. 53
85 85
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Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Mobile Suit Gundam 00

It's year 2307. Itu tahun 2307. Humanity run out of fossil fuels a more... 52 points Kemanusiaan kehabisan bahan bakar fosil ... lebih 52 poin

It's year 2307. Itu tahun 2307. Humanity run out of fossil fuels and now rely on the three orbital elevators controlled by biggest three power blocks: the Union of Solar Energy and Free Nations, Advanced European Union, and the Human Reform League. Kemanusiaan kehabisan bahan bakar fosil dan sekarang mengandalkan tiga lift orbital dikendalikan oleh kekuatan terbesar blok tiga: Union of Solar Energi dan Gratis Bangsa, Advanced Uni Eropa, dan Liga Reformasi Manusia. Constant warfare erupts around the globe for fuels and energy. Konstan perang meletus di seluruh dunia untuk bahan bakar dan energi. A new organization calling themselves the Celestial Being emerge, aiming to eradicate all war with the help of their highly advanced mechas, the Gundam. Suatu organisasi baru yang menyebut diri mereka muncul Celestial Being, yang bertujuan untuk memberantas semua perang dengan bantuan mechas mereka sangat maju, Gundam.

Genres: Drama, Mecha, Sci-fi Genre: Drama, Mecha, Sci-fi
Studio: Sunrise 52 points Studio: Sunrise 52 poin
86 86
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Darker than Black Lebih gelap daripada Hitam

After opening of Hell Gates, people with special p more... 50 points Setelah pembukaan neraka Gates, orang dengan p khusus lagi ... 50 poin

After opening of Hell Gates, people with special powers (Contractors) appeared. Setelah pembukaan neraka Gates, orang-orang dengan kekuasaan khusus (Kontraktor) muncul. This story follows a young Contractor mercenary Hei. Cerita ini mengikuti Kontraktor Hei muda tentara bayaran.

Genres: Drama, Mystery, Neo-noir, Sci-fi, Supernatural Genre: Drama, Mystery, Neo-noir, Sci-fi, Supernatural
Studio: Bones 50 points Studio: Bones 50 poin
87 87
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Transformers Transformer

Giant robots that can transform into anything that more... 50 points Giant robot yang dapat berubah menjadi sesuatu yang lebih ... 50 poin

Giant robots that can transform into anything that is alive or that can move! 50 points Giant robot yang dapat berubah menjadi apa pun yang masih hidup atau yang dapat memindahkan titik! 50
88 88
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History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi Sejarah Terkuat Murid Kenichi

Kenichi Shirahama is your average 16 year old livi more... 49 points Kenichi Shirahama adalah tahun rata-rata berusia 16 Livi Anda lebih ... poin 49

Kenichi Shirahama is your average 16 year old living a boring life. Kenichi Shirahama adalah rata-rata 16 tahun menjalani hidup yang membosankan. However, after witnessing the martial arts skills of Miu Fuurinji, a strong and beautiful female transfer student, he joins the Ryouzanpaku doujo, a training group at her home in order to become stronger. Namun, setelah menyaksikan keterampilan seni bela diri dari Miu Fuurinji, seorang pelajar transfer yang kuat dan indah perempuan, ia bergabung dengan doujo Ryouzanpaku, sebuah kelompok pelatihan di rumahnya agar menjadi lebih kuat. After he beats one student in a karate match, suddenly all kinds of people start targeting him, and he's training his ass off under six different instructors... Setelah ia memukul seorang mahasiswa dalam pertandingan karate, tiba-tiba semua orang mulai jenis penargetan, dan dia pelatihan pantatnya dari bawah enam instruktur yang berbeda ...

Genres: Martial arts, Comedy, Romance Genre: seni bela diri, Komedi, Romance
Studio: TMS Entertainment 49 points Studio: TMS Entertainment 49 poin
89 89
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Berserk Pengamuk

A brutal and bloody anime telling story of Guts, a more... 48 points A dan brutal anime berdarah menceritakan kisah Usus, sebuah ... lebih 48 poin

A brutal and bloody anime telling story of Guts, a lone swordsman and a powerful warrior, battling in a medieval fantasy world. Sebuah anime brutal dan berdarah menceritakan kisah Usus, pemain pedang sendirian dan seorang prajurit yang kuat, berjuang di dunia fantasi abad pertengahan.

Genres: Action, Adventure, Fantasy Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Studio: Oriental Light and Magic, VAP 48 points Studio: Oriental Light and Magic, 48 poin VAP
90 90
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Jigoku Shoujo (Hell Girl) Jigoku shoujo (Hell Girl)

The Hell Correspondence website may only be access more... 48 points The Correspondence website neraka hanya dapat akses lagi ... 48 poin

The Hell Correspondence website may only be accessed at midnight and by one who has a desire for revenge against their enemy. The Hell Correspondence situs hanya dapat diakses pada tengah malam dan oleh orang yang memiliki keinginan untuk membalas dendam terhadap musuh mereka. When someone submits the name of the one against whom they have a grudge, the Hell Girl will give them a straw doll with a red string around its neck. Ketika seseorang mengajukan nama salah terhadap mereka yang dendam, Hell Girl akan memberi mereka sebuah boneka jerami dengan benang merah di lehernya. If the string is pulled, she will ferry the target straight to Hell. Jika tali ditarik, ia akan feri target langsung ke neraka. However, the price for that is being sent there at the end of one's life, too. Namun, harga untuk yang sedang dikirim ke sana pada akhir hidup seseorang juga.

Genres: Horror, Mystery, Fantasy Genre: Horror, Mystery, Fantasy
Studio: Studio Deen 48 points Studio: Studio Deen 48 poin
91 91
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Azumanga Daioh Azumanga Daioh

Follow the lives of six Japanese high school girls more... 47 points Ikuti kehidupan enam sekolah gadis tinggi Jepang lebih ... poin 47

Follow the lives of six Japanese high school girls in Tokyo, experiencing everyday life, and overcoming their own personal trials. Ikuti kehidupan enam gadis sekolah tinggi di Tokyo Jepang, mengalami kehidupan sehari-hari, dan mengatasi pencobaan pribadi mereka sendiri.

Genres: Comedy, High School, Slice of Life Genre: Comedy, High School, Slice of Life
Studio: JCStaff 47 points Studio: JCStaff 47 poin
92 92
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Black Lagoon Black Lagoon

Fast paced, girls-with-guns action anime. Cepat, gadis-dengan anime tindakan-senjata. The stor more... 47 points stor itu lagi ... 47 poin

Fast paced, girls-with-guns action anime. Cepat, gadis-dengan anime tindakan-senjata. The story follows a team of mercenaries known as Lagoon Company, who smuggle goods in and around the seas of Southeast Asia. Cerita berikut tim tentara bayaran yang dikenal sebagai Lagoon Perusahaan, yang menyelundupkan barang di dan di sekitar laut Asia Tenggara.

Genres: Action, Adventure, Gangster, Pirate, Heroic Bloodshed Genre: Action, Adventure, Gangster, Pirate, Heroic Pertumpahan darah
Studio: Madhouse 47 points Studio: Madhouse 47 poin
93 93
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Kaze no Stigma Kaze no Stigma

Kazuma had no talent for Fire magic (En-jutsu), so more... 47 points Kazuma tidak punya bakat untuk sihir Fire (En-jutsu), jadi lebih ... poin 47

Kazuma had no talent for Fire magic (En-jutsu), so he was kicked out of the Kannagi clan and left the country. Kazuma tidak punya bakat untuk sihir Fire (En-jutsu), sehingga ia diusir dari marga Kannagi dan meninggalkan negara itu. He returns four years later, at the age of 22, with powers of Wind (Fuu-jutsu) at his command. Dia kembali empat tahun kemudian, pada usia 22, dengan kekuasaan Wind (Fuu-jutsu) pada perintah-Nya. Wind mages are generally considered weaker than Fire users in Japan, but Kazuma is different. Penyihir Angin umumnya dianggap lebih lemah dari pengguna Kebakaran di Jepang, namun Kazuma berbeda. At the same time, some mysterious Wind user starts killing the members of Fire clan, and the prime suspect is Kazuma. Pada saat yang sama, beberapa pengguna Angin misterius mulai membunuh anggota klan Api, dan tersangka utama adalah Kazuma. Other notable characters include the head of Fire clan; Ayano, the 16 year old Kaz... 47 points karakter terkenal lainnya termasuk kepala marga neraka, Ayano, berusia 16 tahun ... 47 poin KAZ
94 94
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Full Metal Panic The Secon Raid Kendali Panic Logam Tabel ini Raid

It is a fallow up of the first Full Metal Panic bu more... 47 points Ini adalah bera lanjut dari bu Metal Panic Kendali pertama lagi ... 47 poin

It is a fallow up of the first Full Metal Panic but is a little more relaxed. Ini adalah bera lanjut dari Metal Panic pertama Kendali tetapi sedikit lebih santai. Like a cross between Full Metal Panic Fumoffu and Full Metal Panic. Seperti persilangan antara Full Metal Panic Fumoffu dan Full Metal Panic. The bad guy is a total idiot and nut job, and Soske is getting in a lot of trouble with Chitery at school and getting his butt kicked by her. Orang yang buruk adalah total idiot dan pekerjaan kacang, dan Soske semakin dalam banyak masalah dengan Chitery di sekolah dan mendapatkan pantatnya ditendang oleh dia. Military freek and over protective like always. 47 points freek Militer dan over protective seperti biasanya. 47 poin
95 95
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Devil May Cry Devil May Cry

The series takes place between the first and fourt more... 46 points Serial ini terjadi antara yang pertama dan fourt lagi ... 46 poin

The series takes place between the first and fourth games, and sees the return of series regulars, Trish and Lady. seri berlangsung antara game pertama dan keempat, dan melihat kembalinya tetap dalam film serial, Trish dan Lady. Devil-hunting business, Devil May Cry, struggles under constant financial debt. Devil-berburu bisnis, Devil May Cry, perjuangan di bawah utang keuangan konstan. There are also two new regular characters - Dante's agent Morrison who visits frequently, and Patty Lowell, a young orphan girl he saved in the first episode. 46 points Ada juga dua karakter biasa baru - agen Dante's Morrison yang mengunjungi sering, dan Patty Lowell, gadis yatim piatu muda ia disimpan dalam episode pertama poin. 46
96 96
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La Corda D'Oro ~primo passo~ La corda D'Oro Primo Passo ~ ~

Hino Kahoko is a second year student at a Seisou A more... 46 points Kahoko Hino adalah mahasiswa tahun kedua di sebuah Seisou A ... lebih 46 poin

Hino Kahoko is a second year student at a Seisou Academy, a school where the students are divided into two groups: those who wear the gray uniforms, the General Education students, and those who wear the cream colored blazers, who have chosen a musical instrument as their course of study. Kahoko Hino adalah mahasiswa tahun kedua di sebuah Akademi Seisou, sebuah sekolah di mana para siswa dibagi menjadi dua kelompok: mereka yang memakai seragam abu-abu, Pendidikan Umum siswa, dan orang-orang yang mengenakan blazer berwarna krem, yang telah memilih alat musik sebagai program studi mereka. One day Lili, the mischievous musical fairy who had blessed the original founder of the school, finds Kahoko running late to class. Suatu hari Lili, peri musik nakal yang telah diberkati pendiri asli dari sekolah, menemukan Kahoko terlambat ke kelas. Delighted that she is able to see him, Lili grants Kahoko a magical violin, an... 46 points Senang bahwa ia dapat melihatnya, hibah Lili Kahoko biola ajaib, sebuah ... 46 poin
97 97
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Hikaru no Go Hikaru no Go

A 6th grader named Shindoh Hikaru finds an ancient more... 44 points Seorang murid kelas 6 bernama Shindoh Hikaru menemukan sebuah kuno lagi ... 44 poin

A 6th grader named Shindoh Hikaru finds an ancient go table in the attic of his grandfather's house. Seorang murid kelas 6 bernama Shindoh Hikaru menemukan sebuah pergi kuno meja di loteng rumah kakeknya. While he tries to wipe off some blood stains off it, a ghost appears and takes over his body. Sementara dia mencoba untuk menghapus beberapa noda darah dari itu, hantu muncul dan mengambil alih tubuhnya.

Genres: Fantasy, Historical, School Life Genre: Fantasy Life, Sejarah, Sekolah
Studio: Shueisha, Studio Pierrot 44 points Studio: Shueisha, Studio Pierrot 44 poin
98 98
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Zombie Loan Zombie Loan

Kita Michiru, a timid high school girl, possesses more... 43 points Kita Michiru, gadis sekolah tinggi pemalu, memiliki lebih ... poin 43

Kita Michiru, a timid high school girl, possesses the 'eyes of death' which let her see black rings on the necks of the people who are about to die. Kita Michiru, gadis sekolah pemalu tinggi, memiliki mata 'kematian' yang memungkinkan dia melihat cincin hitam di leher orang-orang yang hampir mati. She soon notices that two of her classmates, Akatsuki Chika and Tachibana Shito, have the darkest rings she had ever seen, and learned that they are already dead and live only because they used a 'zombie loan' service. Dia segera pemberitahuan bahwa dua dari teman-teman sekelasnya, Akatsuki Chika dan Tachibana Shito, memiliki cincin tergelap yang pernah dilihatnya, dan mengetahui bahwa mereka sudah mati dan hidup hanya karena mereka menggunakan pinjaman zombie 'layanan. Now the three of them have to work to repay the loan. Sekarang mereka bertiga harus bekerja untuk membayar kembali pinjaman.

Genres: Action, Fantasy, School Life Genre: Action, Fantasy, School Life
Studio: Square ENIX 43 points Studio: Square Enix 43 poin
99 99
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Full Moon Wo Sagashite Full Moon Wo Sagashite

Twelve-year-old girl named Mitsuki dreams of becom more... 43 points Tahun gadis Twelve bernama impian Mitsuki dari m enjadi lebih ... poin 43

Twelve-year-old girl named Mitsuki dreams of becoming a famous singer. gadis dua belas tahun bernama mimpi Mitsuki menjadi seorang penyanyi terkenal. However, she has a tumor in her throat, which might only be cured at the cost of her voice. Namun, ia memiliki tumor di tenggorokannya, yang mungkin hanya sembuh pada biaya suaranya. One day, two shinigamis appear before her with news that she has only one year left to live. Suatu hari, dua shinigamis muncul di depannya dengan berita bahwa dia hanya memiliki satu tahun lagi untuk hidup. In order to realize her dream, Mitsuki asks them to transform her into a 16-year old girl and takes part in a singing audition. Untuk mewujudkan mimpinya, Mitsuki meminta mereka untuk mengubah dirinya menjadi seorang gadis berusia 16 tahun dan ambil bagian dalam audisi menyanyi. She passes and starts her signing career under the scene name Fullmoon, but can she achieve her goal in such a short... 43 points Dia berlalu dan mulai karir penandatanganan di bawah nama adegan Fullmoon, tapi dia bisa mencapai tujuannya sedemikian singkat ... 43 poin
100 100
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.hack// Twilight hack /. / Twilight

.hack//Legend of the Twilight Bracelet is the full more... 43 points /. Hack / Legenda Gelang Twilight adalah penuh lagi ... 43 poin

.hack//Legend of the Twilight Bracelet is the full name of this anime. hack /. / Legenda Gelang Senja adalah nama lengkap dari anime ini. The twins Rena and Shugo use their Blackrose and Kite characters to save The World MMORPG from a virus. Si kembar Rena dan Shugo penggunaan Blackrose dan karakter Kite untuk menyelamatkan The World MMORPG dari virus.

Genres: Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Sci-Fi Genre: Petualangan, Komedi, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Studio: Bee Train 43 points Studio: Bee Train 43 poin
101 101
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School Days Sekolah Hari

School life harem anime with a twist! Sekolah kehidupan harem anime dengan twist! Based on ah more... 43 points Berdasarkan ah lagi ... 43 poin

School life harem anime with a twist! Sekolah kehidupan harem anime dengan twist! Based on a hentai game, it features a love triangle between Makoto Ito and two girls: Kotonoha and Sekai. Berdasarkan game Hentai, itu fitur cinta segitiga antara Makoto Ito dan dua anak perempuan: Kotonoha dan Sekai. Warning: extremely violent ending! Peringatan: sangat kekerasan berakhir!

Genres: Drama, Horror, Psychological, Romance, School life Genre: Drama, Horor, Psychological, Romance, Sekolah kehidupan
Studio: TNK 43 points Studio: TNK 43 poin
102 102
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A cyberpunk anime film set in NeoTokyo, 27 years a more... 43 points Sebuah cyberpunk anime film set di NeoTokyo, 27 tahun yang ... lebih 43 poin

A cyberpunk anime film set in NeoTokyo, 27 years after World War III. Sebuah cyberpunk anime film set di NeoTokyo, 27 tahun setelah Perang Dunia III. Follows the journey of Kaneda and Tetsuo that ultimately leads to a quest for ultimate power, denoted as 'Akira'. Mengikuti perjalanan Kaneda dan Tetsuo yang akhirnya mengarah pada pencarian kekuasaan tertinggi, dilambangkan sebagai 'Akira'. Politics and agendas of misuse of power are showcased in this anime film. 43 points Politik dan agenda penyalahgunaan kekuasaan yang dipamerkan dalam film anime poin. 43
103 103
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Zoids Zoids

Animal type mechas called zoids used for war, batt more... 42 points Hewan jenis mechas zoids disebut digunakan untuk perang, Batt lagi ... 42 poin

Animal type mechas called zoids used for war, battle, and adventure! 42 points Hewan jenis mechas zoids disebut digunakan untuk perang, pertempuran, dan petualangan poin! 42
104 104
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Itazura Na Kiss Itazura Na Kiss

A romantic comedy about a clumsy girl with persist more... 42 points Sebuah komedi romantis tentang seorang gadis kikuk dengan bertahan lebih ... poin 42

A romantic comedy about a clumsy girl with persistence and a guy who has looks, intelligence, and money that can't help falling in love with her. 42 points Sebuah komedi romantis tentang seorang gadis kikuk dengan kegigihan dan seorang pria yang memiliki penampilan, kecerdasan, dan uang yang tidak dapat membantu jatuh cinta padanya 42. Poin
105 105
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ah! ah! My GoddesS My Goddess

Keiichi Morisato is an engineering student, top dr more... 41 points Keiichi Morisato adalah mahasiswa teknik, dr atas lagi ... 41 poin

Keiichi Morisato is an engineering student, top driver of his compus moter club, and not lucky with the ladies. Keiichi Morisato adalah mahasiswa teknik, sopir atas klub moter compus, dan tidak beruntung dengan wanita. But while calling for tacke-out food one evening, a wrong number puts him in contact with the "Goddess Hotline." Tapi sementara meminta makanan tacke keluar satu malam, nomor yang salah menempatkan dia di kontak dengan "Dewi Hotline." One misplaced with later, Keiichi finds himself blessed with Belldandy, the perfect girlfriend and a goddess in every sense of the word. Satu salah dengan kemudian, Keiichi menemukan dirinya diberkati dengan Belldandy, pacar sempurna dan dewi dalam setiap arti kata.

Unfortunately, she doesn't have any idea of how to act in the human world, and her presence quickly gets Keiichi kicked out of the dorm.... 41 points Sayangnya, ia tidak memiliki gagasan tentang bagaimana untuk bertindak di dunia manusia, dan kehadirannya cepat mendapatkan Keiichi diusir dari asrama .... 41 poin
106 106
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Magic Knight Reyearth Magic Knight Reyearth

Hikaru Shidou, Umi Ryuuzaki, Fuu Hououji are on a more... 41 points Shidou Hikaru, Umi Ryuuzaki, Fuu Hououji berada pada ... lebih 41 poin

Hikaru Shidou, Umi Ryuuzaki, Fuu Hououji are on a field trip to the Tokyo Tower with their respective schools. Shidou Hikaru, Umi Ryuuzaki, Fuu Hououji berada pada karyawisata ke Menara Tokyo dengan sekolah masing-masing. The girls are blinded by a flash of light and hear a voice calling for the Legendary Magic Knights to save Cephiro. Gadis-gadis yang dibutakan oleh kilatan cahaya dan mendengar suara panggilan untuk Magic Ksatria legendaris untuk menyimpan Cephiro. They fall through the sky into another world, Cephiro. Mereka jatuh melalui langit ke dunia lain, Cephiro. Once there, they meet Master Mage Clef. Sesampai di sana, mereka bertemu Master Mage kunci. In the first story arc, the current Pillar, Princess Emeraude, has been captured by her high priest, Zagato. Dalam busur cerita pertama, Tiang saat ini, Putri Emeraude, telah ditangkap oleh imam tinggi-tinggi, Zagato. The three girls are charged with the task of saving the Princess by a... 41 points Ketiga gadis dibebankan dengan tugas menyelamatkan Putri oleh a. .. 41 poin
107 107
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Air Udara

Kunisaki Yukito travels around the country, seekin more... 40 points Yukito Kunisaki perjalanan di seluruh negeri, seekin lagi ... 40 poin

Kunisaki Yukito travels around the country, seeking the legendary 'girl from the sky'. Yukito Kunisaki perjalanan di seluruh negeri, mencari 'legendaris gadis dari langit'. When he reaches a small seaside town, he meets Misuzu, a girl who seems eager to befriend him. Ketika dia mencapai sebuah kota kecil di tepi pantai, ia bertemu Misuzu, seorang gadis yang tampaknya ingin berteman padanya.

Genres: Drama, Romance Genre: Drama, Romance
Studio: Commitee for the Legend of Winged Beings, Key, Kyoto Animation 40 points Studio: Panitia Legenda Makhluk bersayap, Key, Kyoto Animasi 40 poin
108 108
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Princess Princess Princess Princess

Princess Princess is a story revolving around the more... 39 points Princess Princess adalah cerita bergulir sekitar ... lebih 39 poin

Princess Princess is a story revolving around the lives of three boys chosen to dress up as girls at the all-boy school they attend, which also just happens to be the most elite school in the area. Princess Princess adalah cerita berputar di sekitar kehidupan tiga anak laki-laki memilih untuk berpakaian seperti gadis-gadis di sekolah semua anak-mereka menghadiri, yang juga kebetulan menjadi sekolah paling elit di daerah tersebut. The main protagonist, Toru Kouno, has just transferred to a new all-boys school, Fujimori, after living with his uncle for a time. Tokoh protagonis utama, Toru Kouno, baru saja dipindahkan ke sekolah semua-anak-anak baru, Fujimori, setelah tinggal dengan pamannya untuk sementara waktu. He is one such boy chosen to be one of the Hime or "Princesses", which is a tradition at the school in order to break up the monotony of life surrounded by nothing but mal... 39 points Dia adalah salah satu anak laki-laki tersebut terpilih menjadi salah satu Hime atau "Putri", yang merupakan tradisi di sekolah untuk memecah monoton hidup dikelilingi oleh apa pun kecuali mal ... 39 poin
109 109
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Mahou Sensei Negima Mahou Sensei Negima

Negi Springfield is a 10 year old mage who gets an more... 38 points Negi Springfield adalah mage berusia 10 tahun yang mendapat suatu ... lebih 38 poin

Negi Springfield is a 10 year old mage who gets an assignment as a teacher for a class of older girls. Negi Springfield adalah mage berusia 10 tahun yang mendapat tugas sebagai guru untuk kelas anak-anak perempuan yang lebih tua.

Genres: Action, Comedy, Romance, Supernatural Genre: Action, Comedy, Romance, Supernatural
Studio: XEBEC 38 points Studio: XEBEC 38 poin
110 110
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Eyeshield 21 Eyeshield 21

Sena Kobayakawa is an average guy who joins Deimon more... 38 points Kobayakawa Sena adalah seorang pria rata-rata yang bergabung dengan Deimon lagi ... 38 poin

Sena Kobayakawa is an average guy who joins Deimon Devil Bats football team and competes in various tournaments. 38 points Kobayakawa Sena adalah seorang pria rata-rata yang bergabung dengan Deimon Devil Bats tim sepakbola dan bersaing dalam berbagai turnamen poin. 38
111 111
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this anime is funny sexy and ecchi anime ini lucu seksi dan Ecchi
you will like t more... 38 points Anda akan seperti t lagi ... 38 poin

this anime is funny sexy and ecchi anime ini lucu seksi dan Ecchi
you will like this 38 points Anda akan seperti ini 38 poin
112 112
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Tenchi Muyo! Tenchi Muyo!

Tenchi Masaki was a normal 17-year old boy until t more... 38 points Tenchi Masaki adalah seorang-anak 17 tahun yang normal sampai t lagi ... 38 poin

Tenchi Masaki was a normal 17-year old boy until the day he accidentally releases the space pirate, Ryoko from a cave she was sealed in 700 years ago as the people thought she was a demon. Tenchi Masaki adalah anak normal berusia 17 tahun sampai hari ia sengaja melepaskan bajak laut ruang, Ryoko dari gua dia disegel dalam 700 tahun yang lalu sebagai orang mengira dia adalah setan. In a series of events, four other alien girls show up at the Masaki household as Tenchi learns much of his heritage he never knew about and must deal with five alien girls who each have some sort of romantic interest in him. 38 points Dalam serangkaian acara, empat gadis asing lainnya muncul di rumah tangga sebagai Tenchi Masaki belajar banyak dari warisan, ia tidak pernah tahu tentang dan harus berurusan dengan lima gadis asing yang masing-masing memiliki semacam bunga romantis dalam dirinya poin. 38
113 113
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Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann

An epic anime about humanity rising up to fight th more... 37 points Sebuah anime epik tentang kemanusiaan bangkit melawan th lagi ... 37 poin

An epic anime about humanity rising up to fight their oppressors, full of hot blooded action and a human spirit that can overcome anything. Sebuah anime epik tentang kemanusiaan bangkit melawan penindas mereka, penuh aksi berdarah panas dan jiwa manusia yang dapat mengatasi apa pun.

Genres: Action, Mecha, Sci-fi Genre: Action, Mecha, Sci-fi
Studio: Gainax 37 points Studio: Gainax 37 poin
114 114
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Ghost Hunt Ghost Hunt

Mai Taniyama, an ordinary first year high school s more... 37 points Mai Taniyama, merupakan tahun pertama sekolah menengah s biasa lagi ... 37 poin

Mai Taniyama, an ordinary first year high school student, join a team of ghost hunters called Shibuya Psychic Research Center (SPR), led by arrogant and mysterious Kazuya Shibuya. Mai Taniyama, merupakan tahun pertama siswa SMA biasa, bergabung dengan tim pemburu hantu yang disebut Shibuya Psychic Research Center (SPR), yang dipimpin oleh Kazuya Shibuya sombong dan misterius.

Genres: Drama, Horror, Mystery, Psychological, Supernatural, Romance Genre: Drama, Horor, Misteri, Psikologi, Supernatural, Romance
Studio: JC Staff 37 points Studio: JC Staff 37 poin
115 115
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Chrono Crusade Chrono Crusade

Set in the United States during the 1920s, Chrono more... 37 points Atur di Amerika Serikat selama tahun 1920-an, Chrono lagi ... 37 poin

Set in the United States during the 1920s, Chrono Crusade follows the story of Rosette Christopher, and her devil partner Chrono. Atur di Amerika Serikat selama tahun 1920-an, Perang Salib Chrono mengikuti kisah roset Christopher, dan iblis-nya mitra Chrono. As members of the Magdalene Order, they travel around the country eliminating demonic threats to society, while Rosette searches for her lost brother Joshua. 37 points Sebagai anggota Ordo Magdalena, mereka melakukan perjalanan keliling negara mengeliminasi ancaman jahat kepada masyarakat, sementara roset pencarian untuk kehilangan saudara Yosua. 37 poin nya
116 116
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Detective Academy Q Detective Academy Q

The story began in a classroom of a middle school. more... 36 points Cerita dimulai di kelas dari sebuah sekolah menengah. lagi ... 36 poin

The story began in a classroom of a middle school. Cerita dimulai di kelas dari sebuah sekolah menengah. Our main character, Kyu, when called by the guidance counselor, declared that he wanted to be a detective. karakter utama kami, Kyu, saat dipanggil oleh guru BP, menyatakan bahwa ia ingin menjadi detektif. He took the entrance exam to Dan Detective School where talented people from the whole country gather. Dia mengambil ujian masuk ke Dan Detective School di mana orang-orang berbakat dari seluruh negeri berkumpul. He passed the difficult entrance exam for the so-called "Q class" (Q = qualified), which is personally instructed by the founder and head master of the school, the legendary famous detective, Dan Morihiko. Dia lulus ujian masuk sulit untuk kelas apa yang disebut "Q" (Q = berkualitas), yang secara pribadi diperintahkan oleh master pendiri dan kepala sekolah, detektif terkenal legendaris, Morihiko Dan. There he got to know Minami Megum... 36 points Di sana ia harus tahu Minami Megum ... 36 poin
117 117
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Full Metal Panic Fumoffu Full Metal Panic Fumoffu

It has the same characters as Full Metal Panic but more... 36 points Ini memiliki karakter yang sama dengan Metal Panic Kendali tetapi lebih ... 36 poin

It has the same characters as Full Metal Panic but is basically a spoof off of the origenal. Ini memiliki tokoh-tokoh yang sama dengan Metal Panic Kendali tetapi pada dasarnya adalah sebuah lelucon off dari origenal tersebut. It is made by the same people so it is a great and hilarious anime. 36 points Hal ini dilakukan oleh orang yang sama sehingga dan hilarious anime besar. 36 poin
118 118
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Hellsing Ultimate Hellsing Ultimate

One of the best action anime series. Salah satu seri anime tindakan terbaik. Hellsing Ulti more... 35 points Hellsing Ulti lagi ... 35 poin

One of the best action anime series. Salah satu seri anime tindakan terbaik. Hellsing Ultimate follows the original manga closely. Hellsing Ultimate mengikuti manga asli erat. Very violent, gory, and beautiful, amazing quality anime. Sangat anime kekerasan, berdarah, dan indah, kualitas luar biasa.

Genres: Horror, Action, Supernatural Genre: Horor, Aksi, Supernatural
Studio: Rondo Robe, Satelight, Wild Geese 35 points Studio: Rondo Robe, Satelight, Wild Geese 35 poin
119 119
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Samurai 7 Samurai 7

The small Kanna village hires samurai to defend ag more... 35 points Desa Kanna kecil menyewa samurai untuk membela ag lagi ... 35 poin

The small Kanna village hires samurai to defend against the bandits who steal their rice. Desa Kanna kecil menyewa samurai untuk membela melawan bandit yang mencuri beras mereka. After successfully defending the village, the seven samurai then launch an attack on the power-hungry ruler himself... Setelah berhasil mempertahankan desa, tujuh samurai kemudian melancarkan serangan terhadap pemimpin yang haus kekuasaan sendiri ...

Genres: Adventure, Fantasy, Mecha Genre: Petualangan, Fantasi, Mecha
Studio: Gonzo 35 points Studio: Gonzo 35 poin
120 120
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Great Teacher Onizuka Anime Guru Besar Onizuka Anime

Onizuka is an ex-biker and gang leader who has one more... 35 points Onizuka adalah mantan biker dan pemimpin geng yang satu lagi ... 35 poin

Onizuka is an ex-biker and gang leader who has one goal, to become the greatest teacher. Onizuka adalah mantan biker dan pemimpin geng yang memiliki satu tujuan, untuk menjadi guru besar. He learns of the power and respect possible as an intern teacher, using his strength and connections to get his students to respect him. Dia belajar dari kekuatan dan menghormati mungkin sebagai guru magang, menggunakan kekuatan dan koneksi untuk mendapatkan murid-muridnya untuk menghormatinya. Now, graduated, he gets a job at a prestigious private school to handle their 'problem class' that made the past few teachers quit. Sekarang, lulus, dia mendapatkan pekerjaan di sebuah sekolah swasta bergengsi untuk menangani masalah mereka kelas 'yang membuat beberapa guru lalu berhenti. He must handle a different sort of trouble when the trouble makers include some of the smartest kids in Japan who prefer a more cerebral appro... 35 points Dia harus menangani masalah semacam berbeda ketika pembuat masalah termasuk beberapa anak paling cerdas di Jepang yang lebih memilih otak appro lagi ... 35 poin
121 121
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Great Teacher Onizuka Guru Besar Onizuka

Eikichi Onizuka, a 22-year-old former member of a more... 34 points Eikichi Onizuka, seorang mantan tahun-22 anggota dari sebuah ... lebih 34 poin

Eikichi Onizuka, a 22-year-old former member of a biker gang, sets on a quest to become the greatest teacher Japan has ever seen. Eikichi Onizuka, mantan anggota 22 tahun dari geng pengendara motor, set pada pencarian untuk menjadi guru besar Jepang yang pernah melihat.

Genres: Comedy, Drama, School Life Genre: Komedi, Drama, Sekolah Kehidupan
Studio: Sony, Studio Pierrot 34 points Studio: Sony, Studio Pierrot 34 poin
122 122
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Gravitation Gravitasi

Shuichi Shindo and his band Bad Luck are strugglin more... 34 points Shuichi Shindo dan band-nya Bad Luck yang meronta-ronta lagi ... 34 poin

Shuichi Shindo and his band Bad Luck are struggling to get their music career up and coming, but when Shuichi meets a beautiful stranger by the name of Eiri Yuki one night, the stranger criticizes Shuichi's lyrics and he tips off the crazy events that begin a rollercoaster relationship with an attraction between two people that can only be described as Gravitation. Shuichi Shindo dan band-nya Bad Luck berjuang untuk mendapatkan karir musik mereka dan datang, tapi ketika Shuichi bertemu dengan orang asing yang indah dengan nama Eiri Yuki satu malam, orang asing itu mengkritik lirik Shuichi dan dia tips dari kejadian gila yang memulai Rollercoaster hubungan dengan daya tarik antara dua orang yang hanya dapat digambarkan sebagai Gravitasi.

Genres: Comedy, Romance, Shonen-ai (=yaoi (=gay)). Genre: Comedy, Romance, Shonen-ai (= yaoi (= gay)).
Studio: 34 points Studio: 34 poin
123 123
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Flame of Recca Flame of recca

Flame of Recca follows the story of a teenage boy more... 34 points Flame of recca berikut cerita seorang anak remaja lagi ... 34 poin

Flame of Recca follows the story of a teenage boy named Recca Hanabishi, who is interested in ninja and claims to be one himself. Flame of recca berikut cerita seorang anak remaja bernama recca Hanabishi, yang tertarik pada ninja dan mengklaim sebagai satu dirinya sendiri. He often gets into fights because he made it publicly known that the person who manages to defeat him will earn his services as a loyal ninja. Dia sering mendapat berkelahi karena ia membuat publik diketahui bahwa orang yang berhasil mengalahkan dia akan memperoleh jasanya sebagai seorang ninja yang setia. Despite this, he eventually pledges his loyalty and services as a ninja to Yanagi Sakoshita, a girl with the innate ability to heal any wound/injury, because of her kindess and compassion. Meskipun demikian, ia akhirnya janji kesetiaan dan jasa sebagai ninja ke Yanagi Sakoshita, seorang gadis yang lahir dengan kemampuan untuk menyembuhkan luka / cedera, karena kindess dan kasih sayang. Recca soon discovers that he possesses... 34 points Recca segera menemukan bahwa ia memiliki ... 34 poin
124 124
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Rsario+Vampire Rsario + Vampire

Tsukune Aono is a painfully average high school fr more... 34 points Tsukune Aono adalah sekolah tinggi rata-rata fr menyakitkan lagi ... 34 poin

Tsukune Aono is a painfully average high school freshman who is unable to get into any private school, due to his disappointing test scores. Tsukune Aono adalah mahasiswa sekolah tinggi yang menyakitkan rata-rata tidak dapat masuk ke setiap sekolah swasta, karena nilai tes-nya mengecewakan. The only school he is finally accepted into turns out to be a secret school for supernatural monsters (youkai), who are disguised as humans. Sekolah hanya dia akhirnya diterima ternyata sekolah rahasia untuk monster supernatural (Youkai), yang menyamar sebagai manusia. The first student he meets is the beautiful Moka Akashiya, who becomes his friend for an unusual reason; she is a vampire, and is attracted to the sweet taste of his human blood. Mahasiswa pertama ia bertemu adalah Moka indah Akashiya, yang menjadi temannya karena alasan yang tidak biasa, dia adalah vampir, dan tertarik dengan rasa manis dari darah manusia itu. Tsukune quickly realizes his admission... 34 points Tsukune cepat menyadari masuk nya ... 34 poin
125 125
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Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Higurashi no Naku Koro ni

Literally meaning 'when cicadas cry', this is a co more... 33 points Secara harfiah berarti 'ketika jangkrik menangis', ini adalah co lebih ... poin 33

Literally meaning 'when cicadas cry', this is a controversial murder mystery anime. Secara harfiah berarti 'ketika jangkrik menangis', ini adalah sebuah anime kontroversial misteri pembunuhan. It's set in a rural village called Hinamizawa, where strange events during the Watanagashi Festival (a celebration dedicated to the local god, Oyashiro-sama) happen. Ini diatur di sebuah desa bernama Hinamizawa pedesaan, di mana peristiwa aneh selama Festival Watanagashi (perayaan didedikasikan untuk dewa lokal, Oyashiro-sama) terjadi. The main characters are six teenagers who get involved in the murders. Tokoh utama adalah enam remaja yang terlibat dalam pembunuhan. It's very hard to tell reality and delusions apart in this anime, but slowly the truth is revealed... Sulit untuk mengatakan realitas dan delusi terpisah di anime ini, tetapi perlahan-lahan kebenaran terungkap ...

Genres: Drama, Horror, Mystery, Psychological thriller Genre: Drama, Horor, Misteri, Psikologi thriller
Studio: Studio Deen 33 points Studio: Studio Deen 33 poin
126 126
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Hajime no Ippo Hajime no Ippo

Magunochi Ippo is an ordinary high school student more... 33 points Magunochi Ippo adalah siswi SMA biasa lagi ... 33 poin

Magunochi Ippo is an ordinary high school student who lives a rather boring life. Magunochi Ippo adalah mahasiswa biasa sekolah tinggi yang tinggal hidup agak membosankan. But all that changes when he is saved by a boxer named Takamura and decides to follow in his steps. Tapi semua itu berubah ketika dia diselamatkan oleh seorang petinju bernama Takamura dan memutuskan untuk mengikuti jejak-Nya.

Genres: Action, Comedy Genre: Action, Komedi
Studio: Madhouse 33 points Studio: Madhouse 33 poin
127 127
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Ichigo 100% Ichigo 100%

Junpei Manaka encounters a beautiful girl on the s more... 33 points Junpei Manaka bertemu dengan seorang gadis cantik di s ... lebih 33 poin

Junpei Manaka encounters a beautiful girl on the school rooftop. Junpei Manaka bertemu seorang gadis cantik di atap sekolah. He catches a glimpse of her strawberry-pattern panties before she runs away. Dia menangkap sekilas celana dalam stroberi-pola sebelum dia melarikan diri. It's a love at first sight! Itu cinta pada pandangan pertama! He tries to find the girl and comes to a conclusion that it was Tsukasa, the most beautiful girl of the school, and asks her out. Dia mencoba untuk menemukan gadis itu dan datang ke kesimpulan bahwa itu adalah Tsukasa, gadis yang paling cantik dari sekolah, dan meminta dia keluar. However, he learns later that it was actually Aya Tojo, a shy bookworm. Namun, ia belajar kemudian bahwa itu sebenarnya Aya Tojo, kutu buku pemalu. It's a classic harem anime with Junpei getting more girls chasing him than he can handle. It's a harem anime klasik dengan Junpei mendapatkan gadis-gadis mengejarnya lebih daripada yang bisa menangani.

Genres: Ecchi, Romance, Drama, Come... 33 points Genre: Ecchi, Romance, Drama, Ayo ... 33 poin
128 128
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Lovely Complex Lovely Complex

This is a romance and comedy anime series. Ini adalah roman dan komedi seri anime. it is a more... 33 points itu adalah ... lebih 33 poin

This is a romance and comedy anime series. Ini adalah roman dan komedi seri anime. it is about a girl and a guy in high school who both appear to have growth problems. ini adalah tentang seorang gadis dan seorang pria di sekolah tinggi yang baik tampaknya memiliki masalah pertumbuhan. they start out as enemies/ comedy duo and then started to like each other... 33 points mereka mulai keluar sebagai musuh / duo komedi dan kemudian mulai saling menyukai ... 33 poin
129 129
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Scryed Men-scn /

33 points 33 poin
130 130
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Initial D Initial D

Japanese street racing anime that begins with Red more... 32 points Jepang balap jalan anime yang diawali dengan Merah lagi ... 32 poin

Japanese street racing anime that begins with Red Suns racing team challenging the Speed Stars. Jepang balap jalan anime yang diawali dengan tim balap Red Suns menantang Speed Stars. The races usually happen on mountains and a are done in drift style. Balapan yang biasanya terjadi di pegunungan dan dilakukan dalam gaya drift.

Genres: Action, Racing, Drama Genre: Action, Racing, Drama
Studio: Studio Gallop, Pastel 32 points Studio: Studio Gallop, Pastel 32 poin
131 131
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Midori Days Midori Days

Seiji Sawamura is a tough student in his high scho more... 32 points Sawamura Seiji adalah mahasiswa sulit dalam scho tinggi lagi ... 32 poin

Seiji Sawamura is a tough student in his high school who always gets into fights, even though he usually protects weaker people from bullies. Sawamura Seiji adalah seorang siswa sulit di sekolah tinggi yang selalu masuk ke dalam perkelahian, meskipun dia biasanya melindungi orang-orang lemah dari pengganggu. Most people are afraid of him so he can't find a girlfriend. Kebanyakan orang takut kepadanya sehingga ia tidak dapat menemukan pacar. One day he wakes up to find a miniature shy girl Midori Kasugano attached where his right hand was. Suatu hari ia bangun untuk menemukan seorang gadis pemalu miniatur Midori Kasugano terpasang di mana tangan kanannya.

Genres: Comedy, Drama, Romance, Ecchi Genre: Komedi, Drama, Romance, Ecchi
Studio: Pierrot 32 points Studio: Pierrot 32 poin
132 132
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Please Teacher! Harap Guru! (Onegai Sensei) (Onegai Sensei)

A boy kei kusanagi meets an alien who becomes his more... 32 points Anak laki-laki memenuhi kei Kusanagi alien yang menjadi itu lagi ... 32 poin

A boy kei kusanagi meets an alien who becomes his teacher kei has stand stills and he is actually 18 years old he ends up marrying his teacher and he encouters all these problems trying to keep this a secret. 32 points Anak laki-laki memenuhi kei Kusanagi alien yang menjadi kei gurunya telah stills berdiri dan ia sebenarnya 18 tahun ia akhirnya menikah dengan gurunya dan ia encouters semua masalah ini mencoba untuk menjaga rahasia ini poin. 32
133 133
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Pretear Pretear

A high school girl named Himeno Awayuki is attempt more... 32 points Seorang gadis sekolah bernama Himeno Awayuki adalah upaya lebih ... 32 poin

A high school girl named Himeno Awayuki is attempted to adjust to her new life after her widowed father remarries wealthy divorcee Natsue. Seorang gadis sekolah bernama Himeno Awayuki ini dicoba untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan kehidupan baru setelah ayahnya menikah lagi dengan janda Natsue janda kaya. While taking a short cut to school, Himeno accidentally steps on a flower. Sementara mengambil jalan pintas ke sekolah, sengaja Himeno langkah pada bunga. As she tries to think of how to help it, a little boy named Shin, tells her to take his hand. Saat ia mencoba untuk memikirkan bagaimana untuk membantu, seorang anak kecil bernama Shin, mengatakan kepadanya untuk mengambil tangannya. When she does, the flower is healed but Himeno collapses. Ketika dia, bunga disembuhkan namun runtuh Himeno. When she awakens, she finds herself surrounded by the seven Leafe Knights, Hayate, Sasame, Goh, Kei, Mannen, Hajime, and Shin. Ketika dia terbangun, dia menemukan dirinya dikelilingi oleh tujuh Ksatria Leafe, Hayate, Sasame, Goh, Kei, Mannen, Hajime, dan Shin. They te... 32 points Mereka te ... 32 poin
134 134
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My-HiME My-Hime

Teenager Mai once dreamed of an ordinary high scho more... 32 points Remaja Mai pernah bermimpi suatu scho tinggi biasa lagi ... 32 poin

Teenager Mai once dreamed of an ordinary high school life - that is before she won a scholarship to the prestigious Fuuka Academy. Remaja Mai pernah bermimpi dari kehidupan sekolah biasa tinggi - yaitu sebelum dia memenangkan beasiswa ke Akademi Fuuka bergengsi. But (tearing a page from "Buffy the Vampire Slayer") it turns out that Mai is a HiME, one of 12 girls with supernatural powers gathered at the academy to fight the demons that dwell in and around the school. Tapi (merobek halaman dari "Buffy the Vampire Slayer") ternyata adalah Mai Hime, salah satu dari 12 gadis dengan kekuatan gaib berkumpul di akademi untuk melawan setan-setan yang tinggal di sekitar sekolah. However, a murky secret organization has other plans for the HiME than just wasting fiends... 32 points Namun, sebuah organisasi rahasia suram punya rencana lain untuk Hime dari hanya membuang-buang iblis ... 32 poin
135 135
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Elemental Gelade Elemental Gelade

Beings called Edel Raids co-exist with humans in t more... 31 points Makhluk yang disebut Edel Razia hidup berdampingan dengan manusia di t lagi ... 31 poin

Beings called Edel Raids co-exist with humans in the world of Guardia. Makhluk yang disebut Edel Razia hidup berdampingan dengan manusia di dunia Guardia. Edel Raids have the ability to fuse with a human and become a living weapon. Edel Razia memiliki kemampuan untuk menyatu dengan manusia dan menjadi senjata hidup. The story focuses on the adventures of a young sky pirate named Coud Van Giruet, an Edel Raid named Reverie Metherlance, and three guardians of an Edel Raid protection organization called Arc Aile. Cerita berfokus pada petualangan bajak laut langit muda bernama Coud Van Giruet, seorang bernama Lamunanku Edel Raid Metherlance, dan tiga penjaga sebuah organisasi perlindungan Edel Raid disebut Arc Aile.

Studio: XEBEC Studio: XEBEC
Genres: Action,Comedy,Adventure, Fantasy, Romance 31 points Genre: Action, Comedy, Adventure, Fantasy, Romance 31 poin
136 136
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Maburaho Maburaho

A story about a boy who's name is Kazuki Shikemori more... 31 points Sebuah cerita tentang seorang anak yang namanya Kazuki Shikemori lagi ... 31 poin

A story about a boy who's name is Kazuki Shikemori who is attending Aoi Academy for elitist magicians. Sebuah cerita tentang seorang anak yang namanya Kazuki Shikemori yang hadir Aoi Academy penyihir elitis. He's always below average and girls won't even glance at him. Dia selalu di bawah rata-rata dan bahkan gadis-gadis tidak akan melirik padanya. They think he is a useless guy, until one day three girls fell on him... Mereka mengira ia adalah seorang yang tidak berguna, sampai suatu hari tiga gadis jatuh padanya ... But their purpose is his genes! Namun, tujuan mereka adalah gen-nya!

Studio: JCStaff Studio: JCStaff
Genres: Comedy, Romance, Action, Magical. 31 points Genre: Comedy, Romance, Action, Sihir. 31 poin
137 137
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Two girls named Nana who met by accident in a trai more... 30 points Dua gadis bernama Nana yang bertemu secara tidak sengaja di sebuah Trai lagi ... 30 poin

Two girls named Nana who met by accident in a train and who tried to make their own life in Tokyo. Dua gadis bernama Nana yang bertemu secara tidak sengaja di kereta api dan yang mencoba untuk membuat hidup mereka sendiri di Tokyo. One of them is in a rock band and the other one has a very complicate life between hate and love.Watch this anime and you'll never regret it!!! Salah satunya adalah dalam sebuah band rock dan yang lain memiliki hidup yang sangat rumit antara benci dan love.Watch anime ini dan Anda tidak akan menyesal! Nana4ever Nana4ever

Genres: Comedy, Drama, Romance, Slice of life Genre: Komedi, Drama, Romance, Slice kehidupan
Studio: Madhouse 30 points Studio: Madhouse 30 poin
138 138
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School Rumble School Rumble

Tsukamoto Tenma is an ordinary 2nd year high schoo more... 30 points Tsukamoto Tenma adalah tahun tinggi Schoo 2 biasa lagi ... 30 poin

Tsukamoto Tenma is an ordinary 2nd year high school student who has fallen in love with one of her classmates, Karasuma Ooji. Tsukamoto Tenma adalah 2 tahun yang biasa siswi SMA yang telah jatuh cinta dengan salah satu teman sekelasnya, Karasuma Ooji. However, currently she is unable to confess her feelings to him. Namun, saat ini dia tidak bisa mengaku perasaannya kepadanya. To make things worse, she found out that Karasuma is transferring to another school in a year. Untuk membuat hal-hal buruk, ia menemukan bahwa Karasuma adalah pindah ke sekolah lain dalam setahun. On the other hand, Tenma's other classmate, Harima Kenji (who is a delinquent) is also in love with Tenma. Di sisi lain, teman sekelas yang lainnya Tenma, Harima Kenji (yang merupakan tunggakan) juga jatuh cinta dengan Tenma. Not being able to confess his feelings, Harima gets depressed day by day! Tidak bisa mengakui perasaannya, Harima mendapatkan tertekan dari hari ke hari!

Genres:romantic comedy, comedy,... 30 points Genre: komedi romantis, komedi, ... 30 poin
139 139
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Kanon Kanon

Yuichi Aizawa returns to the city of his childhood more... 29 points Yuichi Aizawa kembali ke kota masa kecilnya lebih ... poin 29

Yuichi Aizawa returns to the city of his childhood, but he doesn't remember anything about events 7 years ago. Yuichi Aizawa kembali ke kota masa kecilnya, tetapi dia tidak ingat apa-apa tentang peristiwa 7 tahun yang lalu. On the day he arrives, he meets a strange girl Tsukimiya Ayu who has wings on her backpack, and begins to recall the forgotten memories. Pada hari ia tiba, ia bertemu seorang gadis aneh Tsukimiya Ayu yang memiliki sayap di ranselnya, dan mulai mengingat kembali kenangan terlupakan.

Genres: Harem, Romance, Sci-fi Genre: Harem, Romance, Sci-fi
Studio: Key, Kyoto Animation 29 points Studio: Kunci, Kyoto Animasi 29 poin
140 140
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Gintama Gintama

This show is a Japanese animation that takes place more... 29 points Acara ini merupakan animasi Jepang yang terjadi lagi ... 29 poin

This show is a Japanese animation that takes place in Edo, Japan (former name of present day Tokyo). Acara ini merupakan animasi Jepang yang terjadi di Edo, Jepang (nama mantan sekarang Tokyo). The Amanto, aliens from outer space,have taken over the country. The Amanto, alien dari luar angkasa, telah mengambil alih negara. The Amanto have suppressed the sumurai's resistance by imposing a sword ban. Para Amanto telah menekan perlawanan sumurai itu dengan memberlakukan larangan pedang. Sakata Gintoki is one of the few remaining sumurai. Sakata Gintoki adalah salah satu dari beberapa sisa sumurai. Along with Shimura Shinpachi, and an alien girl named Kagura,Sakata and his friends act as freelancers,taking jobs to pay for their rent. Seiring dengan Shimura Shinpachi, dan seorang gadis asing bernama Kagura, Sakata dan teman-temannya bertindak sebagai freelancer, mengambil pekerjaan untuk membayar sewa.

Genres: Comedy, Science Fiction, Action Genre: Komedi, Fiksi Sains, Aksi
Studio: Sunrise 29 points Studio: Sunrise 29 poin
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Basilisk Basilisk

Ten representatives each from two warring ninja cl more... 29 points Sepuluh perwakilan masing-masing dari dua berperang kb ninja lagi ... 29 poin

Ten representatives each from two warring ninja clans do battle in middle-age Japan. Sepuluh perwakilan dari masing-masing dua klan ninja berperang bertempur di tengah-usia Jepang. The clans each support a different grandson of Tokugawa Ieyasu as the next shogun. Setiap klan mendukung cucu Tokugawa Ieyasu yang berbeda sebagai shogun berikutnya. Prize is destruction of the rivals and a thousand year support from the government of the future shogun! Hadiah adalah penghancuran saingan dan dukungan ribu tahun dari pemerintah shogun masa depan!

Genres: Action, Historical fantasy Genre: Action, Historical fantasi
Studio: Gonzo 29 points Studio: Gonzo 29 poin
142 142
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yu-gi-oh 5d's yu-gi-oh 5d's

The game of Duel Monsters has changed; a new addit more... 29 points Permainan Duel Monsters telah berubah, sebuah addit baru lagi ... 29 poin

The game of Duel Monsters has changed; a new addition has been introduced to the future of dueling as seen in 5D's: "Turbo Duels". Permainan Duel Monsters telah berubah; sebuah tambahan baru telah diperkenalkan untuk masa depan duel seperti yang terlihat di 5D's: "Turbo Duels". These duels are played in giant stadiums, and duelists ride motorcycles with built-in duel equipment known as "Duel Runners". Duel ini diputar di stadion raksasa, dan duelists naik sepeda motor dengan built-in peralatan duel yang dikenal sebagai "Duel Runner". Domino City has also changed, under the guidance of the head of its public maintenance bureau, Rex Goodwin. Domino City juga telah berubah, di bawah bimbingan kepala biro pemeliharaan publik, Rex Goodwin. Rich and powerful people live in what is now known as "New Domino City", while the poorer class are shunned and live mostly in the slum... 29 points Kaya dan orang kuat hidup di tempat yang sekarang dikenal sebagai "New Domino City", sedangkan kelas miskin yang dijauhi dan sebagian besar berada di daerah kumuh ... 29 poin
143 143
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Witchblade Witchblade

Masane Amaha is a wielder of Witchblade, a powerfu more... 28 points Masane Amaha adalah wielder dari Witchblade, powerfu yang lebih ... poin 28

Masane Amaha is a wielder of Witchblade, a powerful, intelligent weapon. Masane Amaha adalah wielder dari Witchblade, senjata, kuat cerdas.

Genres: Action, Supernatural, Science Fiction, Ecchi Genre: Action, Supernatural, Fiksi Ilmiah, Ecchi
Studio: Gonzo 28 points Studio: Gonzo 28 poin
144 144
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Angelic Layer Angelic Layer

12-year-old Misaki Suzuhara has just gotten involv more... 28 points 12 tahun Misaki Suzuhara baru saja mendapat involv lebih ... poin 28

12-year-old Misaki Suzuhara has just gotten involved in Angelic Layer, a battling game using electronic dolls called angels. 12 tahun Misaki Suzuhara baru saja terlibat dalam Angelic Layer, permainan berjuang menggunakan boneka elektronik yang disebut malaikat. Even as a newbie, Misaki shows advanced skills as she meets new friends and enters Angelic Layer tournaments to fight the greatest Angelic Layer champions of the nation. 28 points Bahkan sebagai seorang pemula, Misaki menunjukkan ketrampilan-ketrampilan mutahir saat dia bertemu teman baru dan memasuki turnamen Angelic Layer untuk melawan juara Angelic Layer terbesar bangsa poin. 28
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Yu-Gi-Oh! Yu-Gi-Oh! GX GX

Jaden Yuki is a new student with only one thing on more... 28 points Jaden Yuki adalah mahasiswa baru dengan hanya satu hal lagi ... poin 28

Jaden Yuki is a new student with only one thing on his mind, to become the next King Of Games. Jaden Yuki adalah mahasiswa baru dengan hanya satu hal dalam pikirannya, untuk menjadi Raja berikutnya Of Games. Jaden meets several friends, teachers, and even enemies at the large Dueling school. 28 points Jaden bertemu beberapa teman, guru, dan bahkan musuh di sekolah duel besar poin. 28
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Gantz Gantz

Synopsis: Sinopsis:
Kei Kurono is a typical high school stud more... 27 points Kei Kurono adalah sekolah tinggi khas pejantan lagi ... 27 poin

Synopsis: Sinopsis:
Kei Kurono is a typical high school student in a selfish world, not caring about anyone other than himself. Kei Kurono adalah siswa sekolah biasa tinggi di dunia egois, tidak peduli tentang orang lain selain dirinya sendiri. However when, by chance, he was forced to help out his childhood friend, Katou Masaru, rescue a drunkard who fell into subway tracks, both he and Katou were killed%u2026 Or not. Namun ketika, secara kebetulan, dia dipaksa untuk membantu teman masa kecilnya, Katou Masaru, menyelamatkan seorang pemabuk yang jatuh ke rel kereta bawah tanah, baik ia dan Katou tewas% u2026 Atau tidak. After being run over by the train, they were suddenly teleported to an enclosed apartment with others who recently died. Setelah ditabrak kereta api, mereka tiba-tiba teleported ke apartemen tertutup dengan orang lain yang baru saja meninggal. And now their lives are controlled by a mysterious black ball inside the apartment... 27 points Dan sekarang kehidupan mereka dikendalikan oleh suatu bola hitam misterius di dalam apartemen ... 27 poin
147 147
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Frazier Frazier

Ashley is a stripper who has the ability to contro more... 27 points Ashley adalah stripper yang memiliki kemampuan untuk contro lagi ... 27 poin

Ashley is a stripper who has the ability to control the weather in order to rob casinos and banks wearing her favorite fishnet stockings along with her Actress friend, Melanie, who sponsers the team and her Japanese addicted friend Gladys, who drives in a pink bently used as their get-away-car. Ashley adalah stripper yang memiliki kemampuan untuk mengendalikan cuaca untuk merampok kasino dan bank mengenakan stoking jala favoritnya bersama teman Aktris-nya, Melanie, yang sponsers tim dan Gladys Jepang temannya kecanduan, yang drive dalam pink bently digunakan sebagai mendapatkan mereka-mobil pergi-. Can they take control of Las Vegas? Apakah mereka mengambil kendali Las Vegas? Or will the evil Cheif of police Nicole Ryan catch them 27 points Atau akan jahat Kepala polisi menangkap mereka Nicole Ryan 27 poin
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Kiba Kiba

Zed, a 15 year old boy lives in an urban area call more... 26 points Zed, anak laki-laki berusia 15 tahun tinggal di daerah perkotaan panggilan lagi ... 26 poin

Zed, a 15 year old boy lives in an urban area called Calm city. Zed, sebuah kehidupan anak 15 tahun di daerah perkotaan yang disebut Tenang kota. He constantly feels out of place and wants to be free. Dia terus-menerus merasa keluar dari tempat dan ingin bebas. One day, a portal opens before him, and he travels to another world, where wind blows freely... Suatu hari, portal akan terbuka di depannya, dan ia melakukan perjalanan ke dunia lain, di mana angin berhembus bebas ... Zed is destined to become a Shard Caster: a magician which control Spirits to do their bidding. Zed ditakdirkan untuk menjadi Kastor Shard: penyihir yang melakukan kontrol Alkohol perintah mereka. Unknown to him, his friend Noah also travels to the new world... Unknown dia, temannya Nuh juga perjalanan ke dunia baru ...

Genres: Action, Fantasy Genre: Action, Fantasy
Studio: Madhouse 26 points Studio: Madhouse 26 poin
149 149
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Final Fantasy Unlimited Final Fantasy Unlimited

Ai and Yu, after reading their parent's research a more... 26 points Ai dan Yu, setelah membaca penelitian orang tua mereka yang ... lebih 26 poin

Ai and Yu, after reading their parent's research and after their parents' disappearance, they decided to go on search for them. Ai dan Yu, setelah membaca penelitian orang tua mereka dan setelah hilangnya orangtua mereka, mereka memutuskan untuk pergi mencari mereka. They ride a strange train to the Inner World in search of their parents and meets up with Lisa in the train and together they begin their journey within the Inner World. 26 points Mereka naik kereta aneh ke Dunia batin dalam pencarian orang tua mereka dan bertemu dengan Lisa di kereta dan bersama mereka memulai perjalanan mereka dalam batin Dunia poin. 26
150 150
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Vandread Vandread

In a universe where men and women are mortal enemi more... 26 points Dalam alam semesta di mana laki-laki dan perempuan akan mati enemi lagi ... 26 poin

In a universe where men and women are mortal enemies, Hibiki is captured by a band of female pirates. Dalam alam semesta di mana laki-laki dan perempuan adalah musuh fana, Hibiki ditangkap oleh sekelompok bajak laut perempuan. The group find themselves stranded with a super ship they dub the Nirvana and set out for the female home planet. Kelompok ini menemukan diri mereka terdampar dengan sebuah kapal super mereka menjuluki dengan Nirvana dan berangkat ke planet asal wanita. Along the way, they discover the existence of the "The Harvest" and the possible destruction of both men and women. 26 points Sepanjang jalan, mereka menemukan keberadaan "" dan The perusakan yang mungkin Panen kedua laki-laki dan perempuan poin. 26
151 151
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RomeoXJuliet RomeoXJuliet

Dystopian anime loosely based on William Shakespea more... 26 points anime distopia longgar berdasarkan William Shakespea lagi ... 26 poin

Dystopian anime loosely based on William Shakespeare's play. anime distopia longgar berdasarkan sandiwara William Shakespeare. In the fantastical aerial city of Neo Verona, the noble house of Capulet had ruled peacefully for generations - until 14 ago, when they were all wiped out in a bloody coup by rival house of Montague. Di kota udara fantastis Neo Verona, rumah mulia Capulet telah memerintah damai untuk generasi - sampai 14 yang lalu, ketika mereka semua musnah dalam sebuah kudeta berdarah oleh rumah saingan Montague. Now, as Neo Verona suffers under the rule of its new masters, the fates of two star crossed lovers are about to become tragically entwined... Sekarang, sebagai Neo Verona menderita di bawah kekuasaan majikan baru, nasib dua bintang menyeberangi pecinta sekitar untuk menjadi tragis terjalin ...

Genre: Fantasy, Dystopian, Romance Genre: Fantasy, distopia, Romance
Studio: Gonzo 26 points Studio: Gonzo 26 poin
152 152
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Toradora! Toradora!

Despite Ryuji Takasu's gentle personality, his eye more... 26 points Meskipun's lembut kepribadian Takasu Ryuji, matanya lagi ... 26 poin

Despite Ryuji Takasu's gentle personality, his eyes make him look like an intimidating delinquent. Meskipun kepribadian lembut Ryuji Takasu's, matanya membuatnya tampak seperti mengintimidasi bermasalah. Class rearrangements on his second high school year put him together with his best friend, Yusaku Kitamura, and his secret crush, Minori Kushieda. Kelas penataan ulang pada tahun ajaran kedua yang tinggi membuatnya bersama-sama dengan sahabatnya, Yusaku Kitamura, dan menghancurkan rahasianya, Minori Kushieda. Along with these two comes Minorin's best friend, Taiga Aisaka. Seiring dengan kedua datang teman Minorin terbaik, Taiga Aisaka. Her delicate appearance contrasts with her brutal personality. penampilan halus nya kontras dengan kepribadian brutal. Secretly in love with Kitamura, Taiga agrees to help Ryuji with his love interest as long as he helps her get closer to hers. 26 points Diam-diam jatuh cinta dengan Kitamura, Taiga setuju untuk membantu Ryuji dengan bunga cintanya selama ia membantu dia lebih dekat dengan miliknya poin. 26
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Baccano! Baccano!

Each of the stories in the series involves several more... 25 points Setiap cerita dalam seri beberapa melibatkan lebih ... 25 poin

Each of the stories in the series involves several unrelated plots intersecting each other. Setiap cerita dalam seri melibatkan beberapa plot yang tidak berhubungan saling berpotongan. You will see mafia, immortal alchemists, magic, and other stuff. Anda akan melihat mafia, alkemis abadi, sihir, dan hal-hal lain. Great anime with good animation and interesting plot lines. Great anime dengan animasi bagus dan plot yang menarik.

Genres: Adventure, Comedy Genre: Adventure, Komedi
Studio: Brains-Base, Aniplex 25 points Studio: Otak-Base, Aniplex 25 poin
154 154
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True Tears True Tears

True Tears revolves around a high school student n more... 25 points True Tears revolves sekitar n pelajar SMA ... lebih 25 poin

True Tears revolves around a high school student named Shinichir%u014D Nakagami with a high artistic ability. True Tears revolves sekitar seorang siswa SMA bernama Shinichir% u014D Nakagami dengan kemampuan seni yang tinggi. He lives with his mother, father, and fellow high school student Hiromi Yuasa who moved into his house after her father died. Dia tinggal dengan ibunya, ayah, dan sesama siswa sekolah tinggi Hiromi Yuasa yang pindah ke rumahnya setelah ayahnya meninggal. Her father had been a close friend of the family, so it was natural for Hiromi to come stay with the Nakagami family; one year has passed since she came to live in their home. Ayahnya seorang teman dekat keluarga, sehingga wajar bagi Hiromi datang tinggal dengan keluarga Nakagami; satu tahun telah berlalu sejak ia datang untuk tinggal di rumah mereka. Shinichir%u014D has known Hiromi for years, but before he had always treasured her smile... 25 points Shinichir% u014D telah dikenal Hiromi selama bertahun-tahun, tapi sebelum ia selalu berharga tersenyum ... 25 poin
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Peach Girl Peach Girl

Dramatic, will keep you guessing what will happen more... 25 points Drama, akan membuat Anda menebak-nebak apa yang akan terjadi lagi ... 25 poin

Dramatic, will keep you guessing what will happen next. Drama, akan membuat Anda menebak-nebak apa yang akan terjadi selanjutnya. Great anime, I was shocked not to see it on the list. 25 points Great anime, aku terkejut tidak melihat pada daftar poin. 25
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Chobits Chobits

The story centers on the life of Hideki Motosuwa, more... 25 points Pusat cerita tentang kehidupan Hideki Motosuwa, lagi ... 25 poin

The story centers on the life of Hideki Motosuwa, a repeat student attempting to qualify for university by studying at Seki prep school in Tokyo. Pusat cerita tentang kehidupan Hideki Motosuwa, seorang mahasiswa mencoba mengulang memenuhi syarat untuk universitas dengan belajar di sekolah persiapan di Tokyo Seki. Besides a girlfriend, he dreams of having a persocom (%u30D1%u30BD%u30B3%u30F3?): an android used as a personal computer, which is expensive. Selain itu pacar, dia mimpi memiliki persocom (% u30D1% u30BD% u30B3% u30F3?): Android sebuah digunakan sebagai komputer pribadi, yang mahal. On his way home one evening, he stumbles across a persocom in the form of a beautiful girl with long hair lying against a pile of trash bags, and he carries her home. Dalam perjalanan pulang satu malam, kakinya akan terantuk di persocom dalam bentuk seorang gadis cantik dengan rambut panjang berbaring terhadap tumpukan kantong sampah, dan dia membawa pulang. Upon turning her on, she instantly regards Hi... 25 points Setelah berputar di atas, ia langsung menganggap Hi ... 25 poin
157 157
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Samurai Deeper Kyo Samurai Deeper Kyo

One of the greatest and most feared samurai in the more... 24 points Salah satu yang terbesar dan paling ditakuti samurai di ... lebih 24 poin

One of the greatest and most feared samurai in the world, Demon Eyes Kyo, seeks to regain his body after his soul was sealed inside the body of his rival, Mibu Kyoshiro. Salah satu, terbesar dan paling ditakuti di dunia samurai Demon Eyes Kyo, berusaha untuk mendapatkan kembali tubuhnya setelah jiwanya disegel di dalam tubuh saingannya, Kyoshiro Mibu.

Genres: Adventure, Comedy, Historical, Supernatural Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Historical, Supernatural
Studio: Studio Deen 24 points Studio: Studio Deen 24 poin
158 158
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Ergo Proxy Ergo Proxy

In a post-apocalyptic world, humans survive largel more... 24 points Dalam dunia pasca-apokaliptik, manusia bertahan largel lagi ... 24 poin

In a post-apocalyptic world, humans survive largely in utopian domed cities, served by robot AutoRaves. Dalam dunia post-apocalyptic, manusia bertahan hidup sebagian besar di kota-kota kubah utopis, dilayani oleh AutoRaves robot. A strange virus called Cogito causes some Autoreivs to gain self-awareness. Virus aneh yang disebut Cogito menyebabkan beberapa Autoreivs untuk mendapatkan kesadaran diri. Real Mayar, a female inspector in Romdeau city, is assigned to investigate mysterious killings. Real Mayar, seorang inspektur perempuan di kota Romdeau, ditugaskan untuk menyelidiki pembunuhan misterius. While they were thought to be performed by these awakened androids, the trail instead leads to insanely powerful beings called Proxies. Sementara mereka dianggap dilakukan oleh robot ini terbangun, jejak, bukan mengarah ke insanely makhluk kuat yang disebut Proxies.

Genres: Cyberpunk, Sci-fi, Postcyberpunk, Suspense, Mystery Genre: Cyberpunk, Sci-fi, Postcyberpunk, Ketegangan, Misteri
Studio: Manglobe 24 points Studio: Manglobe 24 poin
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Suzuka Suzuka

A track star named Suzuka specializes in the high more... 24 points Bintang lagu bernama Suzuka mengkhususkan diri dalam tinggi lagi ... 24 poin

A track star named Suzuka specializes in the high jump but a Freshman boy gets a big crush on her. Bintang lagu bernama Suzuka mengkhususkan diri dalam lompat tinggi tetapi anak freshman mendapat naksir besar padanya. His name is Akistki (no idea how to spell it) He is unremarkable until he runs the 100 meter dash and blows everyone away. Namanya Akistki (tidak tahu bagaimana mengejanya) Dia biasa-biasa saja sampai dia menjalankan lari 100 meter dan pukulan setiap orang pergi. To win Suzuka's heart Akistki joins the track team to prove that he is worthy. Untuk memenangkan hati Suzuka's Akistki bergabung dengan tim atletik untuk membuktikan bahwa dia layak. Complications from the past and misunderstandings arise in the relationship between them including him hooking up with another girl just because she kissed him. Komplikasi dari masa lalu dan kesalahpahaman timbul dalam hubungan antara mereka termasuk dia bergaul dengan gadis lain hanya karena dia menciumnya. Great romance show. 24 points Great romance menunjukkan. 24 poin
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Excel Saga Excel Saga

Truly a unique anime, and one of the few animes th more... 24 points Benar-benar sebuah anime yang unik, dan salah satu dari beberapa animes th lagi ... 24 poin

Truly a unique anime, and one of the few animes that're better to watch in english than subbed. Benar-benar sebuah anime yang unik, dan salah satu dari beberapa animes that're lebih baik untuk menonton di Inggris dari subbed. Lots of "Fan Service" and the final episode was banned from japanese television. Banyak "Fan Service" dan episode akhir dilarang dari televisi Jepang. (which is hard to do) I dont think i've ever seen more blood in an anime than in that final ep (plus the lesbian sex was a plus =) if you liked this anime than i reccomend Puny Puny Poemi which was made by the same guy and has even more fan service (which i didn't think was possible until i watched it and all i can say is... 24 points (Yang sulit dilakukan) I dont think I've ever seen darah lebih banyak dalam anime daripada di ep akhir (plus seks lesbian merupakan nilai tambah =) jika Anda menyukai anime dari i merekomendasikan Jelek Jelek Poemi yang dibuat oleh orang yang sama dan memiliki pelayanan yang lebih bahkan kipas (yang saya pikir tidak mungkin sampai saya melihat dan semua saya dapat katakan adalah ... 24 poin
161 161
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Last Exile Last Exile

Claus Valca and Lavie Head are young courier pilot more... 23 points Claus dan Lavie Head Valca adalah pilot kurir muda lagi ... 23 poin

Claus Valca and Lavie Head are young courier pilot and his navigator in the world of Prester. Claus dan Lavie Head Valca adalah kurir pilot dan navigator muda di dunia Prester. War is happening between the countries of Anatole and Dysis, and in the middle of it, these two young people have to deliver a little girl named Alvis Hamilton to a neutral battleship Sylvana. Perang yang terjadi antara negara-negara di Anatole dan Dysis, dan di tengah itu, kedua orang muda untuk memberikan seorang gadis kecil bernama Alvis Hamilton untuk sebuah kapal perang Sylvana netral. It's a beautiful steampunk anime where Gonzo outdid themselves with mixing 2D and 3D animation almost perfectly. Ini anime steampunk indah di mana Gonzo outdid diri dengan mencampur animasi 2D dan 3D hampir sempurna.

Genres: Adventure, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Steampunk Genre: Adventure, Fantasi, Fiksi Ilmiah, Steampunk
Studio: GONZO 23 points Studio: gonzo 23 poin
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The story is set on the "Planet of Endless Il more... 23 points Cerita diatur di Planet "dari Il Endless lebih ... poin 23

The story is set on the "Planet of Endless Illusion", a place where rogues of all sorts gather. Cerita diatur di Planet "dari Endless Illusion", tempat di mana segala macam penyamun berkumpul. The protagonist, Van, travels the world searching for a man with a clawed right hand who killed his bride. Tokoh utamanya, Van, berkeliling dunia mencari seorang pria dengan tangan kanan mencakar yang membunuh istrinya. He is joined by several other travelers along the way, each linked to the clawed man by a personal loss. Dia bergabung dengan beberapa penumpang lainnya di sepanjang jalan, masing-masing terkait dengan pria mencakar oleh kerugian pribadi.

Genres: action, adventure, drama, science fiction 23 points Genre: action, petualangan, drama, fiksi ilmiah 23 poin
163 163
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Rozen Maiden Rozen Maiden

When Sakurada Jun, a deeply traumatized ex-student more... 23 points Ketika Sakurada Jun, sebuah trauma yang sangat-siswa mantan lagi ... 23 poin

When Sakurada Jun, a deeply traumatized ex-student finds a web site that tells him to place an order for a doll in his drawer, his life is turned around when the doll comes to life... Ketika Sakurada Jun, seorang mantan sangat trauma-siswa menemukan situs web yang memberitahu dia untuk memesan sebuah boneka di laci nya, hidupnya berbalik ketika boneka itu datang ke kehidupan ...

Genres: Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Supernatural. 23 points Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Supernatural. 23 poin
164 164
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Witch Hunter Robin Witch Hunter Robin

A specialized group in the government who's purpos more... 23 points Sebuah kelompok tertentu dalam pemerintahan yang purpos lagi ... 23 poin

A specialized group in the government who's purpose is to capture anyone with supernatural powers. 23 points Sekelompok khusus di pemerintahan yang bertujuan untuk menangkap siapa pun dengan kekuatan gaib poin. 23
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Wolf Rain Wolf Rain

According to an old legend, when the end of the wo more... 23 points Menurut legenda tua, ketika akhir wo yang lebih ... poin 23

According to an old legend, when the end of the world comes, Paradise will appear; however, only wolves will know how to find it. Menurut legenda tua, ketika akhir dunia datang, surga akan muncul, namun serigala hanya akan tahu bagaimana menemukannya. Although wolves are believed to have been hunted to extinction nearly two hundred years ago, they still exist, surviving by taking human form.[1] Freeze City is a northern human city in a world where the majority of people live in poverty and hardship. 23 points Meskipun serigala diyakini telah punah diburu untuk hampir dua ratus tahun yang lalu, mereka masih ada, hidup dengan mengambil bentuk manusia. [1] Freeze City adalah sebuah kota utara manusia di dunia di mana sebagian besar orang hidup dalam kemiskinan dan kesulitan. 23 poin
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Ranhma 1/2 Ranhma 1 / 2

is a cool entertaining and hilarious amine ..Shoul more... 23 points adalah amina menghibur dan lucu keren .. bahu lagi ... 23 poin

is a cool entertaining and hilarious amine ..Should watch it , it's real funny and romantic and entertaining .. 23 points adalah amina menghibur dan lucu keren .. Haruskah hati-hati, itu asli lucu dan romantis dan menghibur .. 23 poin
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Hana Yori Dango (Boys Over Flowers) Hana Yori Dango (Boys Over Flowers)

Tsukushi Makino, the main character of this series more... 22 points Tsukushi Makino, karakter utama seri ini lagi ... 22 poin

Tsukushi Makino, the main character of this series, is a working-class girl, attends an elite school full of rich kids. Tsukushi Makino, karakter utama dari seri ini, adalah seorang gadis kelas pekerja, menghadiri sekolah elit yang penuh dengan anak kaya. This shoujo anime follows her love life. Shoujo anime berikut ini kehidupan cintanya.

Genres: Slice of life, Romance, Comedy Genre: Slice hidup, Romance, Komedi
Studio: Toei Animation 22 points Studio: Toei Animation 22 poin
168 168
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169 169
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Gundam Seed Destiny Gundam Seed Destiny

Gundam Seed Destiny is the sequel to gundam Seed. more... 22 points Gundam Seed Destiny adalah sekuel gundam Seed. lagi ... 22 poin

Gundam Seed Destiny is the sequel to gundam Seed. Gundam Seed Destiny adalah sekuel Gundam SEED. There are many gundam series and most are ok. Ada banyak seri gundam dan sebagian besar ok. But, Gundam Seed Destiny is by far the best. Tapi, Gundam Seed Destiny adalah jauh yang terbaik. Its a combination of Romance and Mecha action. kombinasi Its Romance dan tindakan Mecha. Watch it and u wont regret it!!! Hati-hati dan u wont regret it! ^^ 22 points ^ ^ 22 poin
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Pitchi Pitchi Pitch Pitchi Pitchi Pitch

22 points 22 poin
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Pandora Hearts Pandora Hearts

Oz Vessalius, heir to one of the duke houses, has more... 22 points Oz Vessalius, pewaris salah satu rumah Duke, telah lebih ... poin 22

Oz Vessalius, heir to one of the duke houses, has just turned fifteen. Oz Vessalius, pewaris salah satu rumah Duke, baru saja menginjak usia lima belas. His life is rich and carefree, darkened only by the constant absence of his father. Hidupnya kaya dan ceria, gelap hanya dengan tidak adanya konstan ayahnya. At his coming-of-age ceremony, however, everything changes. Pada kedatangannya-of-usia upacara, Namun, perubahan segalanya. For no reason that he can discern, he's cast into the prison known as the "Abyss", only to be saved by a "chain" known as Alice, the bloodstained black rabbit. Untuk ada alasan bahwa dia bisa membedakan, ia dilemparkan ke dalam penjara yang dikenal sebagai "Abyss", hanya untuk diselamatkan oleh rantai "" dikenal sebagai Alice, kelinci hitam berlumuran darah. The mystery there begins as Oz unravels the mystery behind Alice, the Abyss and the strange organization known as Pandora. 22 points misteri di sana dimulai sebagai Oz unravels misteri di balik Alice, the Abyss dan organisasi aneh yang dikenal sebagai Pandora poin. 22
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Vampire Knight Guilty Vampire Knight Guilty

like Vampire Knight this will you be gusting in ti more... 22 points seperti Vampire Knight ini Anda akan berembus di ti lagi ... 22 poin

like Vampire Knight this will you be gusting in till the end 22 points seperti Vampire Knight ini Anda akan berembus di sampai akhir 22 poin
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He Is My Master Dia Apakah Master Saya

Ecchi anime about two sisters serving as maids for more... 21 points Ecchi anime tentang dua saudara perempuan melayani sebagai pelayan untuk lebih ... poin 21

Ecchi anime about two sisters serving as maids for a millionaire boy. Ecchi anime tentang dua saudara perempuan melayani sebagai pelayan untuk seorang anak jutawan.

Genres: Ecchi, Comedy Genre: Ecchi, Comedy
Studio: Gainax, Shaft 21 points Studio: Gainax, Shaft 21 poin
174 174
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Mushishi Mushishi

They are neither plants nor animals. Mereka tidak menanam atau hewan. They differ f more... 21 points Mereka berbeda f lebih ... poin 21

They are neither plants nor animals. Mereka tidak menanam atau hewan. They differ from other forms of life such as the micro-organisms and the fungi. Mereka berbeda dari bentuk-bentuk kehidupan lainnya seperti mikro-organisme dan jamur. Instead they resemble the primeval body of life and are generally known as "Mushi". Sebaliknya mereka menyerupai tubuh purba hidup, yang umumnya dikenal sebagai "Mushi". Their existence and appearance are unknown to many and only a limited number of humans are aware of them. Keberadaan mereka dan penampilan tidak diketahui banyak dan hanya dalam jumlah terbatas manusia menyadarinya. Ginko is a "Mushi-shi" who travels around to investigate and find out more about the Mushi. Ginko adalah "Mushi-shi" yang berkeliling untuk menyelidiki dan mencari tahu lebih banyak tentang Mushi. In the process, he also lends a helping hand to people who face problems with supernatural occurances... 21 points Dalam prosesnya, ia juga meminjamkan tangan membantu orang-orang yang menghadapi masalah dengan kejadian supernatural ... 21 poin
175 175
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Welcome to the NHK! Selamat Datang di NHK!

Tatsuhiro Sato is a university dropout and has bee more... 21 points Tatsuhiro Sato adalah putus sekolah dan universitas telah lebah lagi ... 21 poin

Tatsuhiro Sato is a university dropout and has been unemployed for the past 3 years. Tatsuhiro Sato adalah putus sekolah universitas dan telah bekerja selama 3 tahun terakhir. He's a hikikomori - a modern hermit of sorts, who never speaks to other people and only leaves his apartment to buy food from a convenience store. Dia hikikomori - pertapa modern macam, yang tidak pernah berbicara kepada orang lain dan hanya meninggalkan apartemennya untuk membeli makanan dari sebuah toko. Sato's also a NEET (not in education or employment). Sato juga NEET (tidak dalam pendidikan atau pekerjaan). He creates a conspiracy theory to explain why he had come to live like that. Dia menciptakan teori konspirasi untuk menjelaskan mengapa ia datang untuk hidup seperti itu. One day, a girl named Misaki appears at his door. Suatu hari, seorang gadis bernama Misaki muncul di pintu. She is set on curing Tatsuhiro's hikikomori ways , but what are her motives? Dia ditetapkan pada cara mengobati hikikomori Tatsuhiro, tapi apa motif nya?

Personal... 21 points Pribadi ... 21 poin
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Robotech Robotech

Earth fights off three successive extraterrestrial more... 21 points Bumi perkelahian dari tiga berturut-turut luar angkasa lagi ... 21 poin

Earth fights off three successive extraterrestrial invasions by using mechas developed with the help of alien technology. Bumi perkelahian dari tiga invasi luar bumi berturut-turut dengan menggunakan mechas dikembangkan dengan bantuan teknologi asing. This is an 85 episode long adaptation of three different anime TV series. Ini merupakan adaptasi panjang 85 episode dari tiga serial TV yang berbeda anime.

Genres: Mecha, Anime, Sci-fi, Space Opera, Drama 21 points Genre: Mecha, Anime, Sci-fi, Space Opera, Drama 21 poin
177 177
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Blue Gender Blue Gender

mature, violant, and not g@y like naruto or some s more... 21 points dewasa, violant, dan tidak g @ y seperti naruto atau beberapa s lagi ... 21 poin

mature, violant, and not g@y like naruto or some sht like that 21 points dewasa, violant, dan tidak g @ y seperti naruto atau beberapa SHT seperti itu 21 poin
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Girls Bravo Girls Bravo

Girls Bravo features a young male student named Yu more... 21 points Girls Bravo fitur seorang mahasiswa laki-laki muda bernama Yu lebih ... poin 21

Girls Bravo features a young male student named Yukinari Sasaki who was teased and bullied by girls to the point that he developed an allergic reaction, breaking out in hives whenever he comes into contact with a female. Girls Bravo fitur seorang mahasiswa laki-laki muda bernama Yukinari Sasaki yang menggoda dan diintimidasi oleh gadis-gadis ke titik bahwa ia mengembangkan suatu reaksi alergi, gatal-gatal melanggar di setiap kali dia datang ke dalam kontak dengan wanita. One day, when he comes back from school, he falls into his bathtub and is transported to "Seiren", a mysterious world with a mostly female population. Suatu hari, ketika dia kembali dari sekolah, ia jatuh ke dalam bak mandi dan dipindahkan ke "Seiren", sebuah dunia yang misterius dengan penduduk sebagian besar perempuan. While Seiren is featured in several episodes, the majority of the series takes place in Japan. 21 points Sementara Seiren sering muncul dalam beberapa episode, mayoritas dari seri berlangsung di Jepang poin. 21
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Paradise Kiss Paradise Kiss

Yukari wants nothing more than to make her parents more... 21 points Yukari tidak lebih dari ingin untuk membuat orang tuanya lagi ... 21 poin

Yukari wants nothing more than to make her parents happy by studying hard and getting into a good college. Yukari tidak lebih dari ingin untuk membuat orangtuanya bahagia dengan belajar keras dan masuk ke sebuah perguruan tinggi yang baik. One afternoon, however, she is kidnapped by a group of self-styled fashionistas calling themselves "Paradise Kiss." Suatu sore, bagaimanapun, ia diculik oleh sekelompok fashionista gadungan menyebut diri mereka "Paradise Kiss." Yukari suddenly finds herself flung into the roller-coaster life of the fashion world, guided by George, art-snob extraordinaire. Yukari tiba-tiba menemukan dirinya terlempar ke dalam kehidupan roller-coaster di dunia fashion, dipandu oleh George, seni-sok luar biasa. In a glamorous makeover of body, mind and soul, she is turned from a hapless bookworm into her friends22 own exclusive clothing model. Dalam Makeover glamor tubuh, pikiran dan jiwa, dia berbalik dari malang ke friends22 kutu buku model pakaian sendiri eksklusif.
Scroll upSc... 21 points Gulir upSc ... 21 poin
180 180
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Chrome Shelled Regios Chrome Dikuliti Regios

One of the newest anime from Japan that just recen more... 21 points Salah satu anime terbaru dari Jepang yang hanya recen lagi ... 21 poin

One of the newest anime from Japan that just recently started at the begining of 2009. Salah satu anime terbaru dari Jepang yang baru saja dimulai pada awal tahun 2009. One of the best anime you will ever watch! 21 points Salah satu anime terbaik yang pernah Anda akan menonton! 21 poin
181 181
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Serial Experiments Lain Serial Percobaan Lain

The plot of this cyberpunk anime is hard to summar more... 20 points Plot cyberpunk anime ini adalah sulit untuk summar lagi ... 20 poin

The plot of this cyberpunk anime is hard to summarize; the best way to call it is "mindfuck ". Plot cyberpunk anime ini sulit untuk meringkas, cara terbaik untuk menyebutnya adalah "mindfuck". It features young girl Lain who discovers that she is a program in human body, supposed to break down the walls between reality and the Wired. Ini fitur Lain gadis muda yang menemukan bahwa ia adalah program dalam tubuh manusia, seharusnya untuk mendobrak dinding antara realitas dan Wired. The Wired is the anime's name for internet and all other communication networks; with new internet's Protocol 7 which, makes use of Schumann resonance, it could theoretically enable unconscious communication between people and machines without any physical inter... 20 points The Wired adalah anime nama untuk internet dan semua jaringan komunikasi lainnya; dengan internet baru Protokol 7 yang, memanfaatkan resonansi Schumann, secara teoritis bisa memungkinkan komunikasi bawah sadar antara orang dan mesin tanpa antar fisik ... 20 poin
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Mobile Fighter G Gundam Mobile Fighter G Gundam

G Gundam is set in the Future Century timeline of more... 20 points G Gundam diatur dalam timeline Abad Masa Depan lebih ... poin 20

G Gundam is set in the Future Century timeline of the Gundam metaseries. G Gundam diatur dalam timeline Century Masa Depan metaseries Gundam. Domon Kasshu, the main character, pilots the Shining Gundam as representative of Japanese space colony, the Neo-Japan. Domon Kasshu, tokoh utama, pilot Gundam Shining sebagai wakil dari koloni luar angkasa Jepang, Neo-Jepang. He battles with representatives of other countries for Neo-Japan's domination, but he seems more interested in finding his brother and the Devil Gundam he stole. Dia pertempuran dengan perwakilan negara-negara lain untuk dominasi Neo-Jepang, tapi tampaknya dia lebih tertarik dalam menemukan saudaranya dan Gundam iblis ia mencuri.

Genres: Mecha Genre: Mecha
Studio: Sunrise 20 points Studio: Sunrise 20 poin
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Honey & Clover Honey & Clover

This anime is a slice of life type of story about more... 20 points anime ini adalah sepotong jenis cerita tentang kehidupan lagi ... 20 poin

This anime is a slice of life type of story about several art college students and their teachers. anime ini adalah sepotong jenis kehidupan cerita tentang beberapa mahasiswa seni dan guru mereka. Some of the main characters are Yuuta Takemoto, a mellow 19 years old student who isn't sure about what he wants from life; Hagumi Hanamoto, a very cute and young looking 18 year old with amazing talent for art; and Shinobu Morita, a laid back guy who never is able to graduate due to his attitude, but is very smart and always obsessed about making money. Beberapa karakter yang utama adalah Yuuta Takemoto, seorang mahasiswa tahun 19 mellow yang tidak yakin tentang apa yang dia ingin dari hidup; Hagumi Hanamoto, yang sangat cantik dan muda 18 tahun mencari dengan bakat luar biasa bagi seni, dan Shinobu Morita, sebuah santai pria yang tidak pernah mampu lulus karena sikapnya, tapi sangat cerdas dan selalu terobsesi mencari uang.

Genres: Comedy, Drama, Slice of life, Roma... 20 points Genre: Komedi, Drama, Slice hidup, Roma 20 poin ...
184 184
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Monster Rakasa

Kenzo Tenma, a famous brain surgeon tries to track more... 20 points Kenzo Tenma, seorang dokter bedah otak terkenal mencoba untuk melacak lagi ... 20 poin

Kenzo Tenma, a famous brain surgeon tries to track a psychopath killer named "Monster", who he himself saved from death years ago. Kenzo Tenma, seorang dokter bedah otak terkenal mencoba untuk melacak pembunuh psikopat bernama "Rakasa", yang ia sendiri diselamatkan dari kematian tahun lalu.

Genres: Drama, Horror, Mystery, Psychological, Thriller Genre: Drama, Horor, Misteri, Psikologi, Thriller
Studio: Madhouse 20 points Studio: Madhouse 20 poin
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Please Twins Silakan Twins

made by the people who brout you please teacher, t more... 20 points dibuat oleh orang-orang yang brout tolong guru, t lagi ... 20 poin

made by the people who brout you please teacher, this is a romance story about two girls and a boy as they see which of the two girls seeking loveis really his sister or his true romance 20 points dibuat oleh orang-orang yang brout Tolong guru, ini adalah cerita roman tentang dua gadis dan anak laki-laki karena mereka melihat dari dua gadis loveis benar-benar mencari saudara perempuan atau cinta yang sebenarnya 20 poin
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Strawberry Panic Strawberry Panic

A transfer student in high school finds herself fa more... 20 points Seorang murid pindahan di sekolah tinggi menemukan dirinya fa lagi ... 20 poin

A transfer student in high school finds herself falling in love and finding a way to be cheerful around her friends while having the biggest heart break of her life. Mahasiswa transfer di sekolah tinggi menemukan dirinya jatuh cinta dan menemukan cara untuk bergembira di sekitar teman-temannya sementara memiliki patah hati terbesar dalam hidupnya. Plus, that love was her first, so its even more interesting about how she deals with her problem. Plus, cinta yang pertama adalah dia, bahkan yang lebih menarik tentang bagaimana ia berhubungan dengan masalahnya. Good thing she has her roomate to support her and love her at all times. Untung dia memiliki teman sekamarnya untuk mendukung dan mencintainya setiap saat. This is an all girls' academy where they can only love the girls around them =D 20 points Ini adalah gadis 'akademi semua mana mereka hanya bisa mencintai gadis-gadis di sekitar mereka = D 20 poin
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La corda d'oro La corda d'oro

Hino Kahoko goes to this amazing school, though sh more... 20 points Kahoko Hino pergi ke sekolah ini luar biasa, meskipun sh lagi ... 20 poin

Hino Kahoko goes to this amazing school, though she is in the regular department and knows nearly nothing of music. Kahoko Hino pergi ke sekolah luar biasa ini, meskipun ia berada di departemen reguler dan tahu hampir tidak ada musik. That is until one day, when she meets a curios little creature who introduces himself as a music fairy by the name of Lili. Itu sampai suatu hari, ketika dia bertemu dengan barang antik makhluk kecil yang memperkenalkan dirinya sebagai peri musik dengan nama Lili. This fairy gives the unwilling Kahoko a magical violin, which any one can play. peri ini tidak bersedia memberikan Kahoko biola ajaib, yang ada orang yang bisa bermain. That day, the names of the students who are to participate in the music competition are announced - and Kahoko's on the list! Hari itu, nama-nama siswa yang berpartisipasi dalam kompetisi musik diumumkan - dan Kahoko di daftar! Suddenly Kahoko is thrown into a world of music,... 20 points Tiba-tiba Kahoko dilemparkan ke dalam dunia musik, ... 20 poin
188 188
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Ninja Scroll: The Series Ninja Scroll: Series

Only 13 episodes but action packed. Hanya 13 episode tapi tindakan dikemas. Jubei Kibagami more... 19 points Jubei Kibagami lagi ... 19 poin

Only 13 episodes but action packed. Hanya 13 episode tapi tindakan dikemas. Jubei Kibagami must assist the light maiden in getting the dragon stone to the ancient treasure and in every episode he is faced by a new and awesome foe. Jubei Kibagami harus membantu gadis cahaya dalam mendapatkan batu naga hingga harta kuno dan di setiap episode dia dihadapkan dengan musuh baru dan mengagumkan. By far this is the best Ninja anime series. Sejauh ini seri Ninja anime terbaik. There might be many who don't agree but if you like samurai and the way of the sword this a definite must see. Mungkin ada banyak yang tidak setuju, tapi jika Anda suka samurai dan jalan pedang ini suatu yang pasti harus melihat. The movie is awesome and the series is just as great. Film ini mengagumkan dan seri sama besar.

Genres: Action, Historical Genre: Action, Historical
Studio: Madhouse 19 points Studio: Madhouse 19 poin
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Kekkaishi Kekkaishi

14 year old Yoshimori Sumimura and 16 year old Tok more... 19 points Yoshimori Sumimura tua dan 16 tahun Tok tahun 14 lagi ... 19 poin

14 year old Yoshimori Sumimura and 16 year old Tokine Yukimura are offspring of rivaling kekkaishi (barrier maker) families. 14 tahun Yoshimori Sumimura dan 16 tahun Tokine Yukimura adalah keturunan menyaingi Kekkaishi (pembuat penghalang) keluarga. They have abilities to make magical barriers and even control dimensions. Mereka memiliki kemampuan untuk membuat hambatan magis dan bahkan dimensi kontrol. Their job is to protect great sealed power in Karasumori from monsters called Ayakashi which are drawn to it. Tugas mereka adalah untuk melindungi listrik disegel besar dalam Karasumori dari monster yang disebut Ayakashi yang ditarik itu.

Genres: Action, Supernatural, Comedy Genre: Action, Supernatural, Komedi
Studio: Sunrise 19 points Studio: Sunrise 19 poin
190 190
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Bamboo Blade Bambu Blade

Toraji Ishida is a penniless high school kendo tea more... 19 points Toraji Ishida adalah teh kendo sekolah tinggi punya uang lagi ... 19 poin

Toraji Ishida is a penniless high school kendo teacher. Toraji Ishida adalah guru sekolah kendo punya uang tinggi. He has to find five girls for his team to compete with his rival, who is also a kendo teacher, so he can win free meals at his father's restaurant. Dia harus menemukan lima gadis untuk timnya untuk bersaing dengan saingannya, yang juga seorang guru kendo, jadi dia bisa menang makan gratis di restoran ayahnya. A light comedy story about the five girls and the kendo club gang. Sebuah cerita ringan komedi tentang lima gadis dan geng klub kendo.

Genres: Comedy, Action, Slice of life Genre: Komedi, Aksi, Slice kehidupan
Studio: AIC ASTA 19 points Studio: AIC Asta 19 poin
191 191
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Speed Grapher Speed Grapher

Speed Grapher follows the exploits of former war p more... 19 points Speed Grapher mengikuti perang eksploitasi p mantan lagi ... 19 poin

Speed Grapher follows the exploits of former war photographer Tatsumi Saiga, who investigates a secret fetish club for the ultra-wealthy. Speed Grapher mengikuti perang eksploitasi fotografer mantan Saiga Tatsumi, yang menyelidiki sebuah klub jimat rahasia untuk ultra-kaya. He tries to photograph the club's "goddess", a 15-year-old girl named Kagura, but is discovered. Dia mencoba untuk memotret "dewi klub", seorang gadis 15 tahun bernama Kagura, tapi ditemukan. As he is about to be killed, Kagura kisses him, granting him the ability to destroy anything he photographs. Saat ia akan dibunuh, Kagura mencium, pemberian dia kemampuan untuk menghancurkan apa pun foto.

Genres: Drama, Mystery, Psychological, Supernatural Genre: Drama, Mystery, Psychological, Supernatural
Studio: GONZO 19 points Studio: Gonzo 19 poin
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Nabari no Ou Nabari no Ou

Set in the modern age, the story is about Rokujo M more... 19 points Atur di era modern, cerita ini tentang Rokujo M lagi ... 19 poin

Set in the modern age, the story is about Rokujo Miharu, who just wanted to live a normal life and inherit a Okonomiyaki restaurant. Atur di era modern, cerita tentang Rokujo Miharu, yang hanya ingin hidup normal dan mewarisi restoran Okonomiyaki. At the moment, his biggest problem was the constant pestering from Kouichi Aizawa and Durandal Thobari Kumohira, who started a Nind%u014D (%u5FCD%u9053, Nind%u014D? lit. "Way of the Ninja") Club. Pada saat ini, masalahnya terbesar adalah mengganggu konstan dari Aizawa Kouichi dan Durandal Thobari Kumohira, yang memulai% Nind u014D (% u5FCD% u9053, Nind% u014D? Lit "Jalan Ninja.") Club. Miharu wanted nothing to do with "ninjas" and turns them down every time. Miharu ingin tidak ada hubungannya dengan "ninja" dan ternyata mereka turun setiap saat. But soon, he is attacked by an actual group of ninjas and is protected by Kouichi and Kumohira. Namun segera, ia diserang oleh sekelompok ninja aktual dan dilindungi oleh Kouichi dan Kumohira. T... 19 points T. .. 19 poin
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Spice and Wolf Rempah dan Wolf

Craft Lawrence is a trader who travels selling his more... 18 points Craft Lawrence adalah seorang pedagang yang menjual perjalanan yang lebih ... poin 18

Craft Lawrence is a trader who travels selling his goods in many villages. Craft Lawrence adalah seorang pedagang yang menjual barang perjalanan di banyak desa. One day, a wolf goddess of harvest named Horo sneaks into his cart in the form of a young woman. Suatu hari, seorang dewi bernama serigala panen sneaks Horo ke gerobak nya dalam bentuk seorang wanita muda. They get to know each other and travel to the Horo's homeland to the North as partners in trading. Mereka mengenal satu sama lain dan perjalanan ke tanah air untuk Horo Utara sebagai mitra dalam trading.

Genres: Adventure, Fantasy Genre: Adventure, Fantasy
Studio: IMAGIN 18 points Studio: BAYANGKAN 18 poin
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Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha

Nanoha Takamachi is a 3rd grade elementary school more... 18 points Nanoha Takamachi adalah kelas 3 SD lagi ... 18 poin

Nanoha Takamachi is a 3rd grade elementary school girl who rescues an injured ferret (who is actually a transformed boy named Yuuno) and finds Raising Heart, a magical crystal which gives her magical powers. Nanoha Takamachi adalah gadis kelas 3 sekolah dasar yang menyelamatkan sebuah musang terluka (yang sebenarnya adalah anak laki-laki ditransformasikan bernama Yuuno) dan menemukan Budidaya Heart, kristal magis yang memberikan kekuatan magis nya. Now she has to collect 21 magic Jewel Seeds from Yuuno's world, but she's not the only one after them... Sekarang dia harus mengumpulkan 21 sihir Jewel Seeds dari Yuuno dunia, tapi dia bukan satu-satunya setelah mereka ...

Genres: Magical girl, Adventure Genre: Magical girl, Adventure
Studio: Seven Arcs 18 points Studio: Tujuh Arc 18 poin
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Hayate no Gotoku Hayate no Gotoku

16-year-old Hayate is really down on his luck. Hayate 16 tahun adalah benar-benar di atas keberuntungannya. His more... 18 points Nya lagi ... 18 poin

16-year-old Hayate is really down on his luck. Hayate 16 tahun adalah benar-benar di atas keberuntungannya. His unemployed parents are good-for-nothings who waste the money they have on gambling. orangtua menganggur Nya yang baik-untuk-tidak apa-yang menghabiskan uang mereka terhadap perjudian. One day, his parents have racked up a huge gambling debt that they had to sell Hayate to the yakuza for the value of his organs. Suatu hari, orang tuanya telah memeras sebuah hutang perjudian besar yang mereka harus menjual Hayate kepada yakuza untuk nilai organ. In a desperate attempt to avoid that fate, Hayate decides to become a "bad guy" and kidnap someone to be held for ransom, but his efforts to do so are mistaken as a confession of love by the girl he targets. 18 points Dalam upaya putus asa untuk menghindari nasib yang, Hayate memutuskan untuk menjadi buruk orang "" dan menculik seseorang akan diselenggarakan untuk tebusan, tapi usaha untuk melakukannya keliru sebagai mengaku cinta oleh gadis yang target. 18 poin
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The Twelve Kingdoms Dua Belas Negara

Yoko Nakajima, an unhappy high school student, is more... 18 points Yoko Nakajima, seorang siswi SMA yang tidak bahagia, adalah lebih ... poin 18

Yoko Nakajima, an unhappy high school student, is one day suddenly faced with a strange man who swears allegiance to her. Yoko Nakajima, seorang siswa sekolah tidak bahagia tinggi, adalah salah satu hari tiba-tiba berhadapan dengan orang aneh yang bersumpah setia padanya. After a battle with demon-like beasts, he then takes her to another world along with two of her classmates. Setelah pertempuran dengan setan-seperti binatang, ia kemudian membawanya ke dunia lain bersama dengan dua teman sekelasnya. There, her appearance has changed and she can understand the language even though her classmates cannot. Di sana, penampilannya telah berubah dan dia dapat mengerti bahasa walaupun teman sekelasnya tidak bisa. But their status as "Kaikyaku" (people who come from Earth) makes them hunted fugitives, so they wander the land of the 12 countries, simply trying to survive and to... 18 points Namun status mereka sebagai "" Kaikyaku (orang yang datang dari Bumi) membuat mereka diburu buronan, sehingga mereka mengembara di tanah dari 12 negara, hanya mencoba untuk bertahan dan untuk ... 18 poin
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Moon Phase Tahap bulan

Photographer Kohei Morioka, while on assignment fo more... 18 points Fotografer Kohei Morioka, sedangkan pada tugas untuk lebih ... poin 18

Photographer Kohei Morioka, while on assignment for a magazine devoted to the occult, enters a dark castle in Germany where he encounters a young vampire girl named Hazuki who tries to turn him into her servant. Fotografer Kohei Morioka, sedangkan pada tugas untuk majalah yang ditujukan untuk gaib, memasuki sebuah istana gelap di Jerman di mana ia bertemu seorang gadis muda bernama Hazuki vampir yang mencoba mengubahnya menjadi hamba-nya. While Kohei doesn't succumb to Hazuki's will, he does set her free from the barrier keeping her in the castle. Sementara Kohei tidak menyerah untuk Hazuki akan, dia tidak membebaskannya dari penghalang menjaga dirinya di dalam benteng. He is surprised to find her living with him in Japan. 18 points Dia terkejut menemukan hidup bersamanya di Jepang poin. 18
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Kodomo no Omocha (KODOCHA) Kodomo no Omocha (KODOCHA)

The main characters of Kodocha are Sana and Akito Karakter utama Kodocha adalah Sana dan Akito
more... 18 points lagi ... 18 poin

The main characters of Kodocha are Sana and Akito Karakter utama Kodocha adalah Sana dan Akito
Sana is a cheerhul 11-yr-old star and Akito is a physically strong trouble-maker.He causes chaos at school so Sana faces him,he soon falls in love wth her,but she is too slow with love. Sana bintang 11-yr-tua cheerhul dan Akito merupakan kekacauan menyebabkan masalah-maker.He fisik yang kuat di sekolah sehingga Sana wajah, ia segera jatuh cinta wth, tapi dia terlalu lambat dengan cinta.

Genre: Romantic comedy, Drama 18 points Genre: Komedi Romantis, Drama 18 poin
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G Gundam G Gundam

In FC 60, the 13th Gundam Fight begins. Dalam FC 60, Gundam 13 Fight dimulai. Domon Ka more... 18 points Ka Domon lagi ... poin 18

In FC 60, the 13th Gundam Fight begins. Dalam FC 60, Gundam 13 Fight dimulai. Domon Kasshu pilots the Shining Gundam as the representative of Neo-Japan, the Japanese space colony. Domon Kasshu pilot Shining Gundam sebagai wakil Neo-Jepang, dalam koloni luar angkasa Jepang. Along with his crew member Rain Mikamura, he battles the other countries' representatives in order to earn the right to rule Earth and the colonies for four years for Neo-Japan. Seiring dengan kru anggotanya Hujan Mikamura, ia pertempuran perwakilan negara-negara lain untuk mendapatkan hak untuk memerintah Bumi dan koloni selama empat tahun untuk Neo-Jepang. However, Domon seems to be more concerned with finding his brother and the stolen Devil Gundam 18 points Namun, Domon tampaknya lebih peduli dengan menemukan saudaranya dan dicuri Iblis Gundam 18 poin
200 200
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Dears Sayangku

One year prior to the beginning of the story, mank more... 18 points Satu tahun sebelum awal cerita, mank lagi ... 18 poin

One year prior to the beginning of the story, mankind made its first contact with an alien species, when a malfunctioning alien spacecraft made an impromptu crash-landing in Tokyo Bay. Satu tahun sebelum awal cerita, manusia melakukan kontak pertama dengan spesies asing, ketika sebuah pesawat alien rusak membuat kecelakaan pendaratan-mendadak di Tokyo Bay. The aliens on board the UFO are human-like and remarkably beautiful, and are soon affectionatly nicknamed "DearS" by their human hosts, which means "Dear friends from outer space"; as extraordinarily kind and gentle as they are lovely, the DearS are a slave race in actuality, seeming to thrive as individuals and a... 18 points Alien di papan UFO adalah seperti manusia dan sangat indah, dan segera affectionatly dijuluki "sayangku" oleh tuan rumah manusia, yang berarti "teman-teman yang terhormat dari luar angkasa"; jenis sebagai luar biasa dan lembut seperti yang indah, yang sayangku adalah perlombaan budak di aktualitas, tampak berkembang sebagai individu dan a. .. 18 poin
201 201
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Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo Bo Bobobo-Bo-bobo

Insane and bizzare show. Gila dan menunjukkan aneh. A rebel named Bobobo-Bo B more... 17 points Seorang pemberontak bernama Bobobo-Bo B lagi ... 17 poin

Insane and bizzare show. Gila dan menunjukkan aneh. A rebel named Bobobo-Bo Bo-Bobo and his gang rise up against the tyrant of the Maruhage empire, Tsuru Tsurulina IV. Seorang pemberontak bernama Bobobo-Bo Bo-Bobo dan kelompoknya bangkit melawan tiran dari kerajaan Maruhage, Tsuru Tsurulina IV.

Genres: Comedy, Humour, Action, Parody Genre: Komedi, Humor, Action, Parodi
Studio: Toei Animation 17 points Studio: Toei Animation 17 poin
202 202
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Slayers Slayers

Lina Inverse, a wandering sorceress and bandit-kil more... 17 points Lina Inverse, seorang penyihir yang menyimpang dan bandit-Kil lagi ... 17 poin

Lina Inverse, a wandering sorceress and bandit-killer, joins forces with roving swordsman Gourry Gabriev in what's supposed to be a quick union of convenience. Lina Inverse, seorang penyihir yang menyimpang dan bandit-pembunuh, bergabung dengan pasukan pedang keliling Gourry Gabriev di apa yang seharusnya menjadi serikat cepat kenyamanan. Instead, an artifact Lina "liberated" from a gang of thieves turns out to be the key to the resurrection of the demon lord Shabranigdo. Sebaliknya, sebuah artefak Lina "merdeka" dari sekelompok pencuri ternyata menjadi kunci kebangkitan iblis Shabranigdo tuan. Urged on by the mysterious Red Priest Rezo, the pair has no choice but to fight the dark lord and his servants, accumulating new allies and enemies along the way. 17 points Mendesak oleh Imam Rezo Red misterius, pasangan tidak memiliki pilihan lain kecuali untuk melawan penguasa gelap dan hamba-hambanya, mengumpulkan sekutu dan musuh baru di sepanjang jalan poin. 17
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Ju Oh sei Ju Oh Sei

If you like stuff like blood, violance, sexual con more... 17 points Jika Anda menyukai hal-hal seperti darah, kekerasan, con seksual lagi ... 17 poin

If you like stuff like blood, violance, sexual content, cussing, betrayal, drama, romance, and a lot of surprising twists then this is a must see anime. 17 points Jika Anda menyukai hal-hal seperti darah, kekerasan, konten seksual, memaki-maki, pengkhianatan, drama, roman, dan banyak tikungan mengejutkan maka ini adalah harus melihat anime poin. 17
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Buso Renkin Buso Renkin

Highscooler Muto Kazuki saves a girl from a terrib more... 17 points Kazuki Muto Highscooler menyimpan seorang gadis dari sebuah terrib lagi ... 17 poin

Highscooler Muto Kazuki saves a girl from a terrible monster but dies in the process. Kazuki Muto Highscooler menyimpan seorang gadis dari rakasa mengerikan tetapi mati dalam proses. He then wakes up in the school dorm thinking it was all a dream. Dia kemudian terbangun di asrama sekolah berpikir itu adalah semua mimpi. However he was actually saved buy Tokiko Tsumura who replaced his destroyed heart by an alchemical device. Namun dia benar-benar disimpan membeli Tokiko Tsumura yang menggantikan hatinya dihancurkan oleh perangkat alkemis. Now Kazuki starts fighting homunculus monsters together with Tokiko. 17 points Sekarang Kazuki monster homunculus mulai berjuang bersama-sama dengan Tokiko poin. 17
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High School Girls High School Girls

Eriko, Yumi and Ayano finally entered Yambuki Girl more... 16 points Eriko, Yumi dan Ayano akhirnya memasuki Yambuki Girl lagi ... 16 poin

Eriko, Yumi and Ayano finally entered Yambuki Girls' High School that they had longed to go in order to become stylish students. Eriko, Yumi dan Ayano akhirnya memasuki Yambuki Girls 'High School bahwa mereka ingin pergi untuk menjadi siswa bergaya. However, when they saw the real circumstances of the girls' school, their illusion of brilliant high school life was ruined easily. 16 points Namun, ketika mereka melihat keadaan sebenarnya dari anak perempuan sekolah, ilusi mereka sekolah hidup yang lebih tinggi brilian mudah hancur. 16 poin
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Ragnarok Ragnarok

Having recovered emotionally from the death of her more... 16 points Setelah pulih secara emosional dari kematian-nya lebih ... poin 16

Having recovered emotionally from the death of her brother Keough, Yufa, an acolyte, and her childhood friend, the swordsman Roan, set out for a new journey across the Rune-Midgard Kingdom. Setelah pulih secara emosional dari kematian kakaknya Keough, Yufa, pembantu, dan teman masa kecilnya, pendekar dauk, berangkat perjalanan baru di Kerajaan Rune-Midgard. They are joined by the merchant Maya, the magician Takius, the hunter Judia and their old companion, the assassin Iruga. Mereka bergabung oleh pedagang Maya, Takius penyihir, pemburu Judia dan teman lama mereka, pembunuh Iruga. However it seems all is not well in this world, especially since Keough, who was believed to be dead, starts appearing to them once again... 16 points Namun tampaknya semua tidak baik di dunia ini, terutama sejak Keough, yang diyakini mati, mulai muncul kepada mereka sekali lagi ... 16 poin
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Wedding Peach Wedding Peach

The story follows Momoko Hanasaki, a junior high s more... 16 points Cerita berikut Momoko Hanasaki, s SMP lagi ... 16 poin

The story follows Momoko Hanasaki, a junior high school girl who is in trouble between the Angel World and the Devil World. Cerita berikut Momoko Hanasaki, seorang gadis SMP yang berada dalam kesulitan antara Dunia Malaikat dan Iblis Dunia. It all starts when Aphrodite tells Momoko that she is the legendary Love Angel Wedding Peach, and that she will take the place of her mother, Sakura, in finding and protecting the "Saint Something Four", after a devil named Pluie tries to steal Momoko's mother's ring. Semuanya dimulai saat Aphrodite mengatakan Momoko bahwa dia adalah Cinta legendaris Angel Wedding Peach, dan bahwa dia akan menggantikan ibunya, Sakura, dalam menemukan dan melindungi Sesuatu "Saint Empat", setelah setan bernama Pluie mencoba mencuri Momoko's ibu cincin. Now she must protect the sanctity of love from Raindevila and her minions. Sekarang dia harus melindungi kesucian cinta dari Raindevila dan pelayan-nya.

Her friends, the other Love Ang... 16 points Temannya, 16 lainnya Love poin Ang ...
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kamichama karin Dewi Karin

trust me one this one i bet my life on it u will l more... 16 points percayalah satu ini saya berani bertaruh kehidupan saya di atasnya u akan l lebih ... poin 16

trust me one this one i bet my life on it u will luv it :D 16 points percayalah satu ini saya berani bertaruh kehidupan saya di atasnya akan luv u itu: D 16 poin
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Gungrave Gungrave

A fantastic story about Brandon Heat, a hired kill more... 15 points Sebuah cerita fantastis tentang Brandon Heat, yang membunuh mempekerjakan lebih ... poin 15

A fantastic story about Brandon Heat, a hired killer, and Harry MacDowell, boss of a mafia organization. Sebuah cerita tentang Brandon Heat fantastis, seorang pembunuh bayaran, dan Harry MacDowell, bos dari organisasi mafia. Starting off as friends, in the end they attempt to kill each other. Mulai dari sebagai teman, pada akhirnya mereka berusaha untuk membunuh satu sama lain.

Studio: Madhouse Studio: Madhouse
Genres: Action, Criminal, Sci-Fi, Supernatural 15 points Genre: Action, Pidana, Sci-Fi, Supernatural 15 poin
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Night Wizard Night Wizard

High schooler Renji Hiiragi and other Wizards with more... 15 points High schooler Renji Hiiragi dan Wizards lainnya dengan lebih ... poin 15

High schooler Renji Hiiragi and other Wizards with magical powers struggle to protect the world from evil Emulators. High schooler Renji Hiiragi dan Wizards lainnya dengan perjuangan kekuatan magis untuk melindungi dunia dari Emulator jahat. Based on a Japanese video game. Berdasarkan video game Jepang.

Genres: Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy
Studio: Hal Film Maker 15 points Studio: Hal Film Maker 15 poin
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RahXephon RahXephon

RahXephon is a godlike mecha, piloted by a 17-year more... 15 points RahXephon adalah mecha dewa, dikemudikan oleh tahun 17 lebih ... poin 15

RahXephon is a godlike mecha, piloted by a 17-year-old Ayato Kamina. RahXephon adalah mecha dewa, dikemudikan oleh Kamina Ayato 17 tahun. He uses it to fight against pan-dimensional invaders known as the Mulians, or Mu. Dia menggunakannya untuk berperang melawan penjajah pan-dimensi yang dikenal sebagai Mulians, atau Mu.

Genres: Adventure, Action, Mecha, Sci-fi Genre: Adventure, Action, Mecha, Sci-fi
Studio: Bones 15 points Studio: Bones 15 poin
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Ai Yori Aoshi Ai Yori Aoshi

A story of a man who ran away from home... Sebuah cerita tentang seorang pria yang lari dari rumah ... And one more... 15 points Dan satu lagi ... 15 poin

A story of a man who ran away from home... Sebuah cerita tentang seorang pria yang lari dari rumah ... And one day he accidentally bumped into a girl who who he should have to marry 15 points Dan suatu hari ia sengaja menabrak seorang gadis yang yang seharusnya ia menikah 15 poin
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Paranoia Agent Paranoia Agent

15 points 15 poin
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Midori No Hibi Midori No Hibi

15 points 15 poin
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Scrapped Princess Bekas Putri

Pacifica Casull is "the poison fated to destr more... 15 points Pacifica Casull adalah "racun ditakdirkan untuk destr lagi ... 15 poin

Pacifica Casull is "the poison fated to destroy the world," and because of this her father the king ordered her to be "Scrapped" at birth. Pacifica Casull adalah "racun ditakdirkan untuk menghancurkan dunia," dan karena ini ayahnya raja memerintahkan dia untuk menjadi "bekas" saat lahir. She survived however, and travels with her adopted siblings Shannon and Raquel awaiting the arrival of her 16th birthday and the fulfillment of her destiny... 15 points Namun ia selamat, dan perjalanan dengan mengadopsi kedua adiknya Shannon dan Raquel menunggu kedatangan ulang tahun ke-16 dan pemenuhan takdir 15 poin dia ...
216 216
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Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien

Narumi Takayuki is a high school guy who spends hi more... 14 points Narumi Takayuki adalah orang yang sekolah tinggi yang menghabiskan hi lagi ... 14 poin

Narumi Takayuki is a high school guy who spends his days lazing and being bored, until one day he meets a girl... Narumi Takayuki adalah orang yang sekolah tinggi yang menghabiskan hari-bermalas-malasan dan merasa bosan, sampai suatu hari ia bertemu seorang gadis ...

Genres: School Life, Drama, Harem, Romance Genre: School Life, Drama, Harem, Romance
Studio: Age soft, Media Factory, Studio Fantasia 14 points Studio: Umur lembut, Media Pabrik, Studio Fantasia 14 poin
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Voltes V Voltes V

The original anime! 14 points Anime asli! 14 poin
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Hungry Heart Hungry Heart

Hungry Heart: Wild Striker tells the story of Kan% more... 14 points Hungry Heart: Wild Striker bercerita tentang% Kan lebih ... poin 14

Hungry Heart: Wild Striker tells the story of Kan%u014D Ky%u014Dsuke, a teenage high-school student, who, at the beginning of the series, has just transferred into the Jyoy%u014D Orange high school. Hungry Heart: Wild Striker menceritakan% Kan u014D Ky% u014Dsuke, seorang siswa SMA remaja, yang, pada awal seri, baru saja dipindahkan ke% Jyoy u014D Orange sekolah tinggi. Ky%u014Dsuke's older brother is the illustrious and extremely famous AC Milan soccer player, Kan%u014D Seisuke, who had first taught him how to play and love the game of soccer and whom he has greatly admired since childhood. saudara Ky% u014Dsuke lebih tua adalah agung dan sangat terkenal pemain sepak bola AC Milan, Kan% u014D Seisuke, yang pertama kali mengajarinya cara bermain dan mencintai permainan sepak bola dan yang ia sangat dikagumi sejak kecil. After Seisuke left Japan to sign with Italian powerhouse AC Milan, peop... 14 points Setelah Seisuke meninggalkan Jepang untuk menandatangani dengan raksasa Italia AC Milan, peop ... 14 poin
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Aishiteru baby Aishiteru bayi

the tale of a boy in highschool who thinks nothing more... 14 points kisah seorang anak di SMU yang berpikir apa-apa lagi ... 14 poin

the tale of a boy in highschool who thinks nothing of his relationships, and is told to take care of yuzuyu a small child whos parents are missing there are twist and turns and a romance plot not spoiling enymore go watch it its only 25-27 episodes 14 points kisah seorang anak di SMU yang berpikir apa-apa tentang hubungan, dan diperintahkan untuk mengurus yuzuyu whos anak kecil orang tua yang hilang ada pelintir dan berubah dan tidak merusak plot asmara enymore hanya pergi menonton episode 25-27 nya 14 poin
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DN Angel DN Angel

Daisuke Niwa is a 14-year-old boy who has a specia more... 14 points Daisuke Niwa adalah tahun anak usia 14 yang telah specia yang lebih ... poin 14

Daisuke Niwa is a 14-year-old boy who has a special genetic ability: whenever he sees or thinks about his crush, Risa Harada, he turns into the infamous phantom thief Dark. Daisuke Niwa adalah anak usia 14 tahun yang mempunyai kemampuan genetik khusus: setiap kali ia melihat atau berpikir tentang yang disukainya, Risa Harada, ia berubah menjadi hantu pencuri terkenal Dark. Satoshi Hiwatari is a student at the same school as Daisuke and the Harada twins, as well as the Commander of the police force who is heading the investigation on Dark. Satoshi Hiwatari adalah seorang siswa di sekolah yang sama dengan Daisuke dan si kembar Harada, serta Panglima angkatan kepolisian yang memimpin penyelidikan pada Dark. Satoshi Hiwatari is also member of the Hikari family, a clan of artists which has opposed the Niwa family of thieves for centuries. 14 points Satoshi Hiwatari juga anggota keluarga Hikari, sebuah klan seniman yang menentang keluarga Niwa pencuri selama berabad-abad poin. 14
221 221
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In the year 2023, a new racing sport was born, the more... 13 points Di 2023, setahun olahraga balap baru lahir, yang ... lebih 13 poin

In the year 2023, a new racing sport was born, the IGPX, short for Immortal Grand Prix. Pada tahun 2023 olahraga balap baru lahir, IGPX, kependekan Immortal Grand Prix. The story starts in 2048. Cerita ini dimulai pada 2048. The IGPX has become the world's most popular sport. The IGPX telah menjadi olahraga dunia yang paling populer. It's so big that an entire city was built for the racing industry. It's so besar bahwa seluruh kota dibangun untuk industri balap. Races take place on a 60-mile track called The Big Eye In the IGPX, two teams of three battle-ready mechs, driven by human pilots, race at speeds in excess of 350mph. Ras terjadi pada jalur 60 mil berjudul The Eye Besar Dalam IGPX, dua tim dari tiga mechs pertempuran-siap, didorong oleh pilot manusia, ras dengan kecepatan lebih dari 350mph.
Team Satomi, a crew of amateur pilots, has just won a minor-league championship and now finds themse... 13 points Tim Satomi, kru pilot amatir, baru saja memenangkan juara liga-kecil dan sekarang menemukan ... 13 poin themse
222 222
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Kodomo no Jikan Kodomo no Jikan

23 years old Daisuke Aoki, gets his first teaching more... 13 points 23 tahun Daisuke Aoki, mendapatkan pengajaran pertama lagi ... 13 poin

23 years old Daisuke Aoki, gets his first teaching job as a grade school instructor at an elementary School and is placed in charge of class 3-1. 23 tahun Daisuke Aoki, mendapatkan pekerjaan mengajar pertamanya sebagai seorang instruktur sekolah dasar di sebuah sekolah dasar dan ditempatkan untuk memimpin 3-1 kelas. One of his students, a mischievous 9 year old old girl Kokonoe Rin, develops a crush on him and aggressively pursues her efforts to be with her teacher despite the fact that he could lose his job if she gets too close. Salah satu murid-muridnya, satu tahun 9 nakal gadis berusia tua Kokonoe Rin, mengembangkan naksir dia dan agresif mengejar usahanya harus dengan gurunya meskipun fakta bahwa ia bisa kehilangan pekerjaannya jika dia terlalu dekat. Controversial anime; note that TV version is extremely censored compared to DVD. Anime kontroversial, perhatikan bahwa versi TV sangat disensor dibandingkan dengan DVD.

Genres: Ecchi, Comedy, Drama, Lolicon, Romance Genre: Ecchi, Comedy, Drama, Lolicon, Romance
Studio... 13 points Studio ... 13 poin
223 223
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Rumbling Hearts Hati gemuruh

Story about love and drama between four best frien more... 13 points Cerita tentang cinta dan drama antara empat frien terbaik lagi ... 13 poin

Story about love and drama between four best friends. Cerita tentang cinta dan drama antara empat terbaik teman.

Genres: Drama, Romance Genre: Drama, Romance
Studio: Studio Fantasia 13 points Studio: Studio Fantasia 13 poin
224 224
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Medabots Medabots

In the year 2122 everybody who is anybody has thei more... 13 points Pada tahun 2122 setiap orang yang ada telah thei lagi ... 13 poin

In the year 2122 everybody who is anybody has their own Medabot that they use to robattle opponents 13 points Pada tahun 2122 setiap orang yang ada telah Medabot mereka sendiri yang mereka gunakan untuk robattle lawan 13 poin
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H2O footprints in the Sand H2O jejak kaki di Pasir

a story about a Blind guy named Hirose Living with more... 13 points sebuah cerita tentang seorang pria bernama Hirose Buta Hidup dengan lebih ... poin 13

a story about a Blind guy named Hirose Living with his Uncle in the Village to cure his Blindness he can see the spirit called Otoha and upon stumbling to this Village he met some girls who accompanied him in the latter parts will his blindness be cured? sebuah cerita tentang seorang pria Buta bernama Hirose Hidup dengan pamannya di Desa untuk menyembuhkan Kebutaan, dia bisa melihat roh disebut Otoha dan atas sandungan bagi Desa ini ia bertemu beberapa gadis yang menemaninya di bagian terakhir akan kebutaannya disembuhkan? and what caused it? 13 points dan apa penyebabnya? 13 poin
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Tactics Taktik

a boy named kentarou who is a folklorists and who more... 13 points anak laki-laki bernama kentarou yang merupakan folklorists dan siapa lagi ... 13 poin

a boy named kentarou who is a folklorists and who exorcists ghost wanted to break the seal of haruka who is a ogre eating goblin and kentarou wants to be friend of haruka too so they can help each other to exorcists a ghost. 13 points anak laki-laki bernama kentarou yang merupakan folklorists dan jampi hantu yang ingin membuka segel dari Haruka yang merupakan raksasa makan goblin dan kentarou ingin menjadi teman Haruka juga, sehingga mereka dapat saling membantu untuk pengusir roh hantu poin. 13
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DNA2(squared) DNA2 (kuadrat)

This poorly drawn anime is a great romantic comedy more... 13 points Ini buruk ditarik anime adalah sebuah film komedi romantis yang besar lagi ... 13 poin

This poorly drawn anime is a great romantic comedy that revolves around a highschool boy named Junta who is allergic to girls and vomits everytime he gets "happy." Buruk ini ditarik anime adalah sebuah film komedi romantis besar yang berkisar sekitar seorang anak SMU bernama Junta yang alergi terhadap gadis-gadis dan muntah setiap kali dia mendapat "bahagia." In the future he was known as a "megaplayboy" who impregnated 100 females and helped overpopulate the world. Dalam waktu dia dikenal sebagai megaplayboy "" yang diresapi 100 wanita dan membantu overpopulate dunia. A space traveler Karin goes back in time to stop him from becoming the megaplayboy, but ends up creating him, thus causing a lot of contraversy. 13 points Sebuah ruang Karin perjalanan kembali pada waktunya untuk menghentikan dia dari menjadi megaplayboy, tapi akhirnya membuat dirinya, sehingga menyebabkan banyak kontroversi poin. 13
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07-Ghost Summary 07-Ghost Ringkasan

Set in a gothic fantasy world, this is the story o more... 13 points Ditetapkan di dunia fantasi gothik, ini adalah cerita o lagi ... 13 poin

Set in a gothic fantasy world, this is the story of Teito Klein, an orphaned slave who became the top military academy student. Ditetapkan di dunia fantasi gothik, ini adalah kisah Teito Klein, seorang budak yatim piatu yang menjadi mahasiswa akademi militer atas. However, an unexpected turn of events left him pursued by the forces of the Barsburg Empire. Meskipun demikian, sebuah peristiwa tak terduga membuatnya dikejar oleh pasukan Kekaisaran Barsburg. Now an escaping convict, Teito's sheltered by the church and it's law of sanctuary. Sekarang seorang narapidana melarikan diri, berlindung Teito oleh gereja dan itu hukum tempat kudus. Here, he discovered many mysteries surrounding himself, the church, and the Empire itself. Di sini, ia menemukan banyak misteri yang mengelilingi dirinya, gereja, dan Kerajaan itu sendiri. The fact that he might be connected to a dethroned king and the mystical stone of god, 'T... 13 points Fakta bahwa dia mungkin terhubung ke mencopot raja dan batu mistis dewa, 'T. .. 13 poin
229 229
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Spiral: Suiri no Kizuna Spiral: Suiri tidak Kizuna

Spiral: The Bonds of Reasoning tells the story of more... 14 points Spiral: Obligasi dari Penalaran menceritakan lebih ... poin 14

Spiral: The Bonds of Reasoning tells the story of highschool student Ayumu Narumi. Spiral: Obligasi dari Penalaran menceritakan kisah siswa SMU Ayumu Narumi. Two years ago his older brother Kiyotaka, a famous detective and pianist disappeared without a trace. Dua tahun lalu kakaknya Kiyotaka, seorang detektif terkenal dan pianis menghilang tanpa jejak. Ayumu's only clue is the phrase "Blade Children" - the words Ayumu made out in Kiyotaka's last phone call. satunya petunjuk Ayumu adalah frase "Blade Children" - kata-kata Ayumu dibuat di telepon terakhir Kiyotaka's. Ayumu starts solving a series of murders and other related incidents. Ayumu mulai memecahkan serangkaian pembunuhan dan insiden terkait lainnya. Together with school's journalist Hiyono Yuizaki and his sister-in-law Madoka, he tries to figure out who the Blade Children are and what... 14 points Bersama dengan itu wartawan sekolah Hiyono Yuizaki dan adiknya-in-hukum Madoka, ia mencoba untuk mencari tahu siapa Anak Blade dan apa ... 14 poin
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Boku no Pico Boku no Pico

(Yaoi/Shotacon) The main story is about a boy name more... 13 points (Yaoi / Shotacon) Cerita utama adalah tentang nama anak laki-laki lebih ... poin 13

(Yaoi/Shotacon) The main story is about a boy named Piko, who has sexual relations with an older man, that thought he was a girl. (Yaoi / Shotacon) Cerita utamanya adalah tentang seorang bocah bernama Piko, yang memiliki hubungan seksual dengan pria yang lebih tua, yang mengira ia seorang gadis. But even after he realized Piko was a boy, he didn't stop. 13 points Tapi bahkan setelah ia sadar Piko masih kecil, ia tidak berhenti poin. 13
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Kannazuki no Miko Kannazuki no Miko

Its the story of Himeko and Chikane, the reincarna more... 12 points Its cerita dari Himeko dan Chikane, reincarna yang lebih ... poin 12

Its the story of Himeko and Chikane, the reincarnations of the Solar and Lunar Miko.They are two high school girls going to the prestigious Ototachibana Academy of Mahoroba, Japan. cerita Its Himeko dan Chikane, reinkarnasi dari Solar dan Lunar Miko.They dua gadis-gadis SMA pergi ke Akademi Ototachibana bergengsi Mahoroba, Jepang. When an ancient evil rises once more, the girls are plunged into destiny as their long-sealed personas awaken to defend the world against the Orochi. Ketika kuno yang jahat naik sekali lagi, gadis-gadis yang jatuh ke dalam takdir sebagai persona panjang mereka terbangun tertutup untuk mempertahankan dunia melawan Orochi.

Genres: Magical girl, Mecha, Yuri (what a weird combination!) Genre: Gadis Gaib, Mecha, Yuri (kombinasi aneh apa!)
Studio: Rondo Robe, TNK 12 points Studio: Rondo Robe, TNK 12 poin
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Happy Lesson Happy Pelajaran

About five teachers living with a student things m more... 12 points Sekitar lima guru yang hidup dengan seorang siswa hal m lebih ... poin 12

About five teachers living with a student things might get crazy but it sure is fun to watch 12 points Sekitar lima guru yang hidup dengan seorang siswa hal-hal yang mungkin bisa gila tapi jelas menyenangkan untuk menonton 12 poin
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Record of Lodoss War Rekaman Perang Lodoss

On the cursed island continent of Lodoss, a party more... 12 points Di benua pulau terkutuk Lodoss, pesta lagi ... 12 poin

On the cursed island continent of Lodoss, a party of adventurers becomes caught up in the struggle against a plot to conquer Lodoss and revive a long-dormant ancient evil deity. Di benua pulau terkutuk Lodoss, pihak petualang menjadi terjebak dalam perjuangan melawan rencana untuk menaklukkan Lodoss dan menghidupkan kembali dewa lama tidur jahat kuno. This thirteen-part Japanese television series is based on a series of Japanese novels, and is notable among other things for its inclusion of elements from the Dungeons & Dragons (TM) role-playing game 12 points Bagian seri televisi Jepang-tiga belas didasarkan pada serangkaian novel Jepang, dan terkenal antara lain untuk dimasukkan unsur dari Dungeons & Dragons (TM) Permainan peran 12 poin
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King of Bandit Jing Raja Bandit Jing

Jing, a dashing Robin Hood-like bandit, and his wi more... 12 points Jing, seorang Robin Hood seperti bandit gagah, dan wi-nya lagi ... 12 poin

Jing, a dashing Robin Hood-like bandit, and his wise-cracking companion Kir travel the countryside stealing goods and breaking hearts. Jing, seorang bandit Robin Hood seperti gagah, dan ia bijak-retak teman Kir perjalanan pedesaan mencuri barang dan melanggar hati. The two gentlemen-thieves may be just as interested in the town beauties as they are in the town bank but odds are they'll find themselves in some sort of jam before their latest adventure is through. Kedua pria-pencuri mungkin sama tertarik pada keindahan kota seperti halnya di bank kota, tapi kemungkinan besar mereka akan menemukan mereka sendiri dalam beberapa jenis selai sebelum petualangan terbaru mereka adalah melalui.

I thought this was a really cool and funny show its worth watching =D One of my favorites. Saya pikir ini adalah pertunjukan benar-benar keren dan lucu menonton nilainya = D Salah satu favorit saya.

Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Sci-Fi Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Studio: Studio Deen 12 points Studio: Studio Deen 12 poin
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Kino's Journey Kino's Journey

In Kino's Journey, the protagonist, Kino, accompan more... 12 points Dalam Kino's Journey, pemeran utama, Kino, accompan lagi ... 12 poin

In Kino's Journey, the protagonist, Kino, accompanied by a talking motorcycle, a Brough Superior motorcycle named Hermes, travels through a mystical world of many different countries and forests, each unique in its customs and people. Dalam Kino's Journey, protagonis, Kino, disertai dengan sepeda motor berbicara, sebuah sepeda motor Brough Superior bernama Hermes, perjalanan melalui dunia mistik dari berbagai negara dan hutan, masing-masing unik di bea cukai dan orang-orang. Kino only spends three days and two nights in every town, without exception, on the principle that three days is enough time to learn almost everything important about a place, while leaving time to explore new lands. 12 points Kino hanya menghabiskan tiga hari dan dua malam di setiap kota, tanpa kecuali, pada prinsip bahwa tiga hari cukup waktu untuk belajar hampir semuanya penting tentang suatu tempat, sementara meninggalkan waktu untuk menjelajahi tanah baru. 12 poin
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Seto no Hanayome Seto no Hanayome

Seto no Hanayome's story revolves around a young t more... 12 points no Hanayome Seto cerita berkisar t muda lagi ... 12 poin

Seto no Hanayome's story revolves around a young teenage boy named Nagasumi Michishio. Seto no Hanayome cerita yang berkisar sekitar seorang remaja muda bernama Nagasumi Michishio. One day during his summer vacation, Nagasumi was saved from drowning by a mermaid, Sun Seto, in the Seto Inland Sea. Suatu hari selama liburan musim panasnya, Nagasumi diselamatkan dari tenggelam oleh putri duyung, Sun Seto, di Laut Pedalaman Seto. However, under mermaid law, if a mermaid's identity as a mermaid has been revealed, either the mermaid who was involved or the human who saw the mermaid are to be executed. Namun, berdasarkan hukum putri duyung, jika identitas putri duyung sebagai putri duyung telah terungkap, baik putri duyung yang terlibat atau manusia yang melihat putri duyung itu harus dilaksanakan. In an attempt to save both Nagasumi and Sun's lives, Sun's family, which is apparently the head of its own mob, reluctantly... 12 points Dalam upaya untuk menghemat's Nagasumi dan kehidupan Sun, keluarga Sun, yang ternyata kepala massa sendiri, enggan ... 12 poin
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Burst Angel Burst Angel

Some crazzy chick that reminds me of the girl from more... 12 points Beberapa chick crazzy yang mengingatkan saya tentang gadis itu dari lebih ... poin 12

Some crazzy chick that reminds me of the girl from Black Lagoon named Jo, a usless tag along, a computer geek, a cook, and an organization that is for hire as body guards undercover missions and other stuff. 12 points Beberapa chick crazzy yang mengingatkan saya pada gadis dari Black Lagoon bernama Jo, tag usless sepanjang, komputer geek, masak, dan sebuah organisasi yang disewa sebagai badan penjaga misi dan hal-hal lain yang menyamar poin. 12
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Chaos;Head Chaos; Kepala

An amazing psychological thriller 12 points Sebuah thriller psikologis yang menakjubkan 12 poin
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Tokyo Majin Tokyo Majin

Throughout Tokyo, people vanish only to turn up de more... 12 points Sepanjang Tokyo, orang hilang hanya untuk muncul de lagi ... 12 poin

Throughout Tokyo, people vanish only to turn up dead the next day, and each corpse disappears from the morgue as if it walked out under its own power. Sepanjang Tokyo, orang-orang yang lenyap muncul hanya untuk mati pada hari berikutnya, dan setiap mayat menghilang dari kamar mayat seakan berjalan di bawah kekuasaan sendiri. Intent on halting the deaths, two students assemble a team to solve the mystery. Bertekad menghentikan kematian, dua orang mahasiswa membentuk sebuah tim untuk memecahkan misteri. The clues lead them to a terrifying discovery, one that will bring humanity to the brink of war with an otherworldly power. Petunjuk membawa mereka ke penemuan yang mengerikan, yang akan membawa umat manusia ke jurang perang dengan kekuatan dunia lain.
Starring: Hiro Shimono, Eiji Sekiguchi Dibintangi: Hiro Shimono, Eiji Sekiguchi
Director: Shinji Ishihira Direktur: Shinji Ishihira
Genre: Anime & Animation Genre: Anime & Animasi
Format: Full Screen ... Format: Full Screen ...
Language: English Bahasa: Inggris
Subtitles: E... 12 points Sub judul: E. .. 12 poin
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Magic Knight Rayearth Magic Knight Rayearth

Magic Knight Rayearth begins when three junior hig more... 12 points Magic Knight Rayearth dimulai ketika tiga Hig junior lagi ... 12 poin

Magic Knight Rayearth begins when three junior high school girls hear a voice asking them to save a world called Cephiro. Magic Knight Rayearth dimulai ketika tiga SMP gadis-gadis SMA mendengar suara meminta mereka untuk menyelamatkan sebuah dunia yang disebut Cephiro. The voice belongs to Princess Emeraude, the Pillar whose will maintains the peace of this magical world where belief is power. Suara itu milik Putri Emeraude, Tiang yang akan memelihara perdamaian dunia ini magis mana keyakinan adalah kekuatan. But the peace in Cephiro is now threatened as Princess Emeraude is imprisoned and monsters begin to invade the land. Tapi perdamaian di Cephiro sekarang terancam sebagai Putri Emeraude adalah dipenjara dan monster mulai menyerang tanah. With her last bit of strength, the princess summons forth the three girls destined to become the Magic Knights in the hopes of saving... 12 points Dengan sedikit kekuatan terakhirnya, putri panggilan keluar tiga gadis ditakdirkan untuk menjadi Ksatria Magic dengan harapan tabungan ... 12 poin
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Demashita! Demashita! Powerpuff Girls Z Powerpuff Girls Z

In order to stop an ecological disaster, Ken Kitaz more... 12 points Untuk menghentikan bencana ekologis, Ken Kitaz lagi ... 12 poin

In order to stop an ecological disaster, Ken Kitazawa used Chemical Z, a new form of the Professor's original substance Chemical X, to destroy a giant glacier. Untuk menghentikan bencana ekologis, Ken Kitazawa digunakan Kimia Z, suatu bentuk baru dari Profesor asli substansi kimia X, untuk menghancurkan sebuah gletser raksasa. The Chemical Z is caused by Peach's accident of dropping a rice cake which had dissolved in the chemical. Z kimia disebabkan oleh kecelakaan Peach's menjatuhkan kue beras yang telah dilarutkan dalam bahan kimia. However, the impact of Chemical Z caused several black and white lights to appear in the skies above Tokyo City. Namun, dampak Kimia Z disebabkan lampu beberapa hitam dan putih muncul di langit di atas Kota Tokyo. Three ordinary girls, Momoko, Miyako, and Kaoru, were engulfed in white lights and soon became the new defenders of Tokyo... 12 points Tiga gadis biasa, Momoko, Miyako, dan Kaoru, yang dilanda lampu putih dan segera menjadi pembela baru dari Tokyo ... 12 poin
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Slamdunk Slamdunk

Slam Dunk centers around Hanamichi Sakuragi, who s more... 13 points Slam Dunk Hanamichi Sakuragi di sekitar pusat, yang s ... lebih 13 poin

Slam Dunk centers around Hanamichi Sakuragi, who starts as a deliquent outcast, becoming the leader of a gang. Slam Dunk Sakuragi Hanamichi pusat sekitar, yang mulai sebagai orang buangan deliquent, menjadi pemimpin geng. Hanamichi, being very unpopular with girls, has been rejected by them fifty times. Hanamichi, menjadi sangat tidak populer dengan gadis, telah ditolak oleh mereka lima puluh kali. Yet, he finds out that Haruko Akagi is the girl of his dreams, and is happy when she's not scared of him like all the other girls he has asked out. Namun, dia tahu bahwa Haruko Akagi adalah gadis impiannya, dan bahagia ketika dia tidak takut dia seperti semua gadis lainnya yang dia minta keluar.

Haruko Akagi, who recognizes Hanamichi's athleticism, introduces him to the Shohoku basketball team. Haruko Akagi, yang mengakui Hanamichi's athleticism, memperkenalkan dirinya kepada tim basket Shohoku. Hanamichi was reluctant to join the team at first becaus... 13 points Hanamichi enggan untuk bergabung dengan tim di becaus pertama ... 13 poin
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Ayashi no Ceres (Ceres, Celestial Legend) Ayashi no Ceres (Ceres, Celestial Legend)

Aya discovers that the celestrial being ceres, liv more... 12 points Aya menemukan bahwa Ceres yang celestrial liv, lebih ... poin 12

Aya discovers that the celestrial being ceres, lives within her and is out to kill her twin brother Aki. Aya menemukan bahwa Ceres yang celestrial, hidup dalam dirinya dan keluar untuk membunuh saudara kembarnya Aki. Ceres promises not to harm anyone if Aya is able to find a celestrial robe, wich Ceres is searching for. Ceres janji untuk tidak melukai siapa pun jika Aya dapat menemukan jubah celestrial, Ceres yang sedang mencari. This anime is full of adventure, friendship, romance and a little of comedy. 12 points anime ini penuh dengan petualangan, persahabatan, percintaan dan sedikit komedi poin. 12
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Sola Sola

15-year old Yorito Morimiya loves the sky. 15 tahun Yorito Morimiya mencintai langit. One day more... 12 points Satu hari lagi ... 12 poin

15-year old Yorito Morimiya loves the sky. 15 tahun Yorito Morimiya mencintai langit. One day, he goes out to take a picture of the dawn; only to see a strange girl there... 12 points Suatu hari, dia pergi keluar untuk mengambil gambar dari fajar, hanya untuk melihat seorang gadis yang aneh ... ada 12 poin
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Inuysaha: The Final Act Inuysaha: UU Final

The thrilling final season of Inuyasha that has ke more... 12 points Akhir musim yang mendebarkan Ke Inuyasha yang lebih ... 12 poin

The thrilling final season of Inuyasha that has kept us all waiting for 5 long years!! Akhir musim yang mendebarkan Inuyasha yang telah membuat kami semua menunggu selama 5 tahun lama! The story takes off right where the last one stopped, and the story starts moving much faster then before(there are no filler episodes in this season). 12 points cerita yang mengajar di tempat yang terakhir berhenti, dan cerita mulai bergerak lebih cepat maka sebelum (ada filler episode ada di musim ini) poin. 12
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In a fictional version of Tokyo, battle ensues bet more... 11 points Dalam versi fiksi dari Tokyo, pertempuran terjadi kemudian bertaruh lagi ... 11 poin

In a fictional version of Tokyo, battle ensues between the town's protector called Karas and Eko Hoshunin, a former Karas who seeks to remake the city and destroy the humans. Dalam versi fiksi dari Tokyo, pertempuran terjadi kemudian antara pelindung kota bernama Karas dan Eko Hoshunin, seorang mantan Karas yang berusaha untuk membuat kembali kota dan menghancurkan manusia. 6 episode OVAs with incredible animation quality! 6 episode OVA dengan kualitas animasi yang luar biasa!

Genres: Action, Henshin Genre: Action, Henshin
Studio: Tatsunoko Production 11 points Studio: Tatsunoko Produksi 11 poin
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Rental Magica Sewa Mimi

Young and inexperienced Itsuki Iba has a special p more... 11 points Muda dan berpengalaman Itsuki Iba memiliki p khusus lagi ... 11 poin

Young and inexperienced Itsuki Iba has a special power to see through any magic: the Glam Sight. Young dan berpengalaman Itsuki Iba memiliki kekuatan khusus untuk melihat melalui sihir: dengan Sight Glam. He leads a small magician organization called Astral which lends their services for money. Dia memimpin sebuah organisasi kecil yang disebut Astral penyihir yang meminjamkan uang jasa mereka. They encounter all kinds of enemies and struggle to keep Astral running. Mereka menghadapi semua jenis musuh dan berjuang untuk tetap berjalan Astral.

Genres: Fantasy, Magic, Action Genre: Action Fantasy, Magic,
Studio: Zexcs 11 points Studio: Zexcs 11 poin
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Monster Rancher Rakasa Farm

A kid is pulled through his video game into anothe more... 11 points Seorang anak ditarik melalui permainan video ke dalam anothe lagi ... 11 poin

A kid is pulled through his video game into another world similar to the game! 11 points Seorang anak ditarik melalui permainan video ke dalam dunia lain yang mirip dengan permainan poin! 11
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Kimikiss Pure Rogue Kimikiss Murni Rogue

Kouichi Sanada and Kazuki Aihara's childhood frien more... 11 points Sanada Kouichi dan yang kecil frien Aihara Kazuki lagi ... 11 poin

Kouichi Sanada and Kazuki Aihara's childhood friend Mao Mizusawa has returned after living in France for a couple of years. Sanada Kouichi dan masa kecil teman Aihara Kazuki's Mizusawa Mao telah kembali setelah tinggal di Perancis selama beberapa tahun. Kouichi is surprised to learn that, since her parents are remaining overseas for the time being, his mother has agreed to let Mao stay with them. Kouichi terkejut untuk belajar itu, karena orangtuanya yang tersisa di luar negeri untuk sementara waktu, ibunya telah setuju untuk membiarkan Mao tinggal bersama mereka. The three friends help each other deal with the ups and downs of high school romance. Ketiga sahabat saling membantu menangani lain dengan naik turunnya percintaan sekolah tinggi.

Genres: comedy, romance, slice of life, incest Genre: komedi, romance, slice hidup, inses
Studio: JC Staff 11 points Studio: JC Staff 11 poin
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Sister Princess Sister Princess

Wataru Minakami and his fellow classmates had the more... 11 points Wataru Minakami dan teman-teman sekelasnya sesama memiliki ... lebih 11 poin

Wataru Minakami and his fellow classmates had the perfect plan for their future when they would go to high school together. Wataru Minakami dan teman sekelas rekan-rekannya memiliki rencana yang sempurna untuk masa depan mereka ketika mereka akan pergi ke sekolah tinggi bersama-sama. However, since Wataru has failed the entrance exam, this definitely complicates things. Namun, karena Wataru telah gagal dalam ujian masuk, ini jelas mempersulit hal. Soon after this news, his butler Jiiya informs him that he was accepted by recommendation to the Star Gazers Hill West University on Promised Island. Segera setelah berita ini, dia butler Jiiya memberitahu dia bahwa ia telah diterima oleh rekomendasi kepada Star Hill Barat Gazers Universitas di Pulau Terjanji. Arriving at the port, he meets Mami and Yamada, two other students that will be attending with him. Sesampainya di pelabuhan, ia bertemu dengan Mami dan Yamada, dua siswa lain yang akan hadir bersamanya. He is saved by one of his sisters Kare... 11 points Dia diselamatkan oleh salah seorang saudara perempuannya Kare ... 11 poin
251 251
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Nodame Cantabile Nodame Cantabile

Megumi Noda aka Nodame is a piano student at Momog more... 11 points Megumi Noda alias Nodame adalah mahasiswa piano di Momog lagi ... 11 poin

Megumi Noda aka Nodame is a piano student at Momogaoka College. Megumi Noda alias Nodame adalah mahasiswa piano di Momogaoka College. An extremely talented pianist who wants to be a kindergarten teacher, she prefers playing by ear rather than reading the score. Seorang pianis yang sangat berbakat yang ingin menjadi guru TK, dia lebih suka bermain dengan telinga daripada membaca skor. She is messy and disorganized, takes baths several days apart and loves to eat, sometimes even stealing her friends. Dia kacau dan tidak terorganisir, mengambil mandi beberapa hari terpisah dan suka makan, kadang-kadang bahkan mencuri teman-temannya.

Shinichi Chiaki is Momogaoka's top student. Shinichi Chiaki adalah mahasiswa top Momogaoka's. Born into a musical family, he is talented in piano and violin and has secret ambitions to become a conductor. Lahir dari keluarga musik, ia berbakat dalam piano dan biola dan memiliki ambisi rahasia untuk menjadi konduktor. An arrogant multi-lingual perfectio... 11 points Sebuah perfectio multi-bahasa arogan ... 11 poin
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An older show, but a classic no the less. Sebuah acara yang lebih tua, tetapi tidak klasik yang kurang. The seri more... 11 points seri ini lagi ... 11 poin

An older show, but a classic no the less. Sebuah acara yang lebih tua, tetapi tidak klasik yang kurang. The series takes place inside of a computer system with characters modeling features that would be found there (ie viruses and Chronicles the adventures of Bob, a system guardian and his fight to protect mainframe 11 points Serial ini berlangsung dalam sistem komputer dengan fitur pemodelan karakter yang akan ditemukan di sana (yaitu virus dan Chronicles petualangan Bob, seorang wali sistem dan perjuangannya untuk melindungi mainframe 11 poin
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Bokura ga ita Bokura ga ita

Yano Motoharu is the most popular guy in class, th more... 11 points Yano Motoharu adalah orang yang paling populer di kelas, th lagi ... 11 poin

Yano Motoharu is the most popular guy in class, the school's basketball ace, and highly charismatic to boot! Yano Motoharu adalah orang yang paling populer di kelas, ace basket sekolah, dan sangat karismatik untuk boot! No wonder Nanami Takahashi can't resist falling in love with him. Tidak heran Nanami Takahashi tidak bisa menahan jatuh cinta kepadanya. When Yano returns Nana's feelings, things seem too good to be true and the two begin a relationship; but Yano has a contradictory personality which confuses Nana most of the time. Ketika Yano kembali perasaan Nana, hal-hal tampaknya terlalu bagus untuk menjadi kenyataan dan kedua mulai hubungan, tetapi Yano memiliki kepribadian yang kontradiktif membingungkan Nana hampir sepanjang waktu. On top of that, tragic events in Yano's past won't stop haunting their relationship. Selain itu, peristiwa tragis di masa lalu Yano tidak akan berhenti menghantui hubungan mereka. Unable to halt their passionate fee... 11 points Tidak dapat menghentikan biaya gairah mereka ... 11 poin
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Koi Kaze Koi Kaze

Drama and romance anime about brother and sister f more... 10 points Drama dan romance anime tentang saudara dan saudari f lagi ... 10 poin

Drama and romance anime about brother and sister falling in love. Drama dan romance anime tentang adik dan kakak jatuh cinta. Warning: incest! 10 points Peringatan: inses! 10 poin
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Tokimeki Memorial Only Love Tokimeki Memorial Hanya Cinta

The story revolves around a male second year high more... 10 points Cerita berkisar pada tahun kedua laki-laki tinggi lagi ... 10 poin

The story revolves around a male second year high school student, Riku Aoba, who has just recently transferred to the Tsumugi Private High School, where he notices, upon joining, several unique and funny occurrences, often being the target of a series of events and races administered by the student council and its fun-seeking president. Cerita berkisar pada tahun kedua laki-laki siswa sekolah tinggi, Riku Aoba, yang baru saja ditransfer ke Tsumugi Swasta High School, di mana ia melihat, setelah bergabung, kejadian yang unik dan lucu beberapa, sering menjadi sasaran dari serangkaian kegiatan dan ras dikelola oleh dewan mahasiswa dan presiden yang menyenangkan-cari.

While at the academy, Riku meets three beautiful girls: Amamiya Sayuri, Kasuga Tsukasa, and Yayoi Mina, with numerous fateful events happening along the way. 10 points Sementara di akademi, Riku bertemu tiga gadis cantik: Amamiya Sayuri, Kasuga Tsukasa, dan Yayoi Mina, dengan berbagai peristiwa naas yang terjadi di sepanjang jalan poin. 10
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Descendants of Darkness Keturunan Kegelapan

Even after death, life is full of paperwork and cr more... 10 points Bahkan setelah kematian, hidup penuh dengan dokumen dan cr lagi ... 10 poin

Even after death, life is full of paperwork and criminals. Bahkan setelah kematian, hidup penuh dengan dokumen dan penjahat. Tsuzuki Asato is a 26 year old, happy-go-lucky and childish shinigami (god of death) whose job is to makes sure that those who are dead remain dead and stay in their proper realms. Tsuzuki Asato adalah berusia 26 tahun, shinigami barbur dan kekanak-kanakan (dewa kematian) yang tugasnya adalah untuk memastikan bahwa mereka yang mati tetap mati dan tinggal di alam yang tepat. Even though he's had this job for over 70 years, he is in the worst division with horrible pay. Meskipun dia punya pekerjaan ini selama lebih dari 70 tahun, ia berada di divisi terburuk dengan membayar mengerikan. He also has a knack for not keeping partners (since shinigami work in pairs), but now he seems to have one that will stick around: stubborn, smart-mouthed, serious... 10 points Dia juga memiliki kemampuan untuk tidak menjaga mitra (sejak bekerja shinigami di pasang), tapi sekarang dia tampaknya memiliki satu yang akan menempel di sekitar: keras kepala, pintar-mulut, ... 10 poin serius
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Tsukihime Lunar Legend Lunar Legend Tsukihime

This siries followes the life of Shiki Tohno a 17 more... 10 points Ini siries followes kehidupan Shiki Tohno dengan 17 lebih ... poin 10

This siries followes the life of Shiki Tohno a 17 year old high school student with the ability to see Death lines on everything he sees. Ini siries followes kehidupan Shiki Tohno tahun 17 siswa lama sekolah tinggi dengan kemampuan untuk melihat garis kematian pada segala sesuatu yang dilihatnya. With a simple cut he can destroy or kill anyone, by dismantleing them. Dengan memotong sederhana ia dapat menghancurkan atau membunuh siapa pun, oleh dismantleing mereka. One day he kills a young women he sees in the park for unknown reasons, and soon finds that she is an undead vampire and has come back to find him and force him to help her fight other vampires. Suatu hari dia membunuh seorang wanita muda yang ia lihat di taman untuk alasan yang tidak diketahui, dan segera menemukan bahwa ia adalah seorang vampir mayat hidup dan telah kembali untuk mencari dia dan memaksa dia untuk membantu melawan dia vampir lainnya. As the story goes on they soon fall in love as he learns more about his past and uncovers myster... 10 points Seperti ceritanya pada mereka segera jatuh cinta ketika ia belajar lebih banyak tentang masa lalunya dan mengungkapkan myster ... 10 poin
258 258
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Akane-Iro ni Somaru Saka Akane-iro ni Somaru Saka

In order to protect the girl Yuuhi Katagiri, a new more... 10 points Untuk melindungi gadis Yuuhi Katagiri, yang baru lagi ... 10 poin

In order to protect the girl Yuuhi Katagiri, a new transfer student, from danger, Junichi Nagase is forced to kiss her. Untuk melindungi gadis Yuuhi Katagiri, seorang mahasiswa transfer baru, dari bahaya, Junichi Nagase dipaksa untuk menciumnya. Not understanding what happend, she screams at him, not knowing that her father has arranged for her to marry him 10 points Tidak memahami apa happend, dia berteriak kepadanya, tidak mengetahui bahwa ayahnya telah mengatur baginya untuk menikah dengannya 10 poin
259 259
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Magical Meow Meow Taruto Magical Meow Meow Taruto

Meet a cute and lovable little kitty who just happ more... 10 points Memenuhi dicintai kucing kecil dan imut yang baru saja happ lagi ... 10 poin

Meet a cute and lovable little kitty who just happens to be a magic princess! Bertemu dengan kucing kecil yang lucu dan manis yang kebetulan menjadi putri sihir! Taruto is a little cat who has just moved to a new city with her master's family. Taruto adalah seekor kucing kecil yang baru saja pindah ke sebuah kota baru dengan keluarganya master. Taruto spends her days making friends and trying to help people with her rather unpredictable magic. Taruto menghabiskan hari-harinya berteman dan mencoba untuk membantu orang dengan sihirnya agak tak terduga. And it turns out that Taruto just might be a legendary magical princess! Dan ternyata Taruto hanya mungkin menjadi putri magis legendaris! But if she has to go back to her kingdom how will she ever be able to part with her beloved friends and master? 10 points Tapi kalau dia harus kembali ke kerajaannya bagaimana akan dia pernah bisa berpisah dengan teman-teman tercinta dan master? 10 poin
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261 261
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Spirited Away Spirited Away

A girl named Chihiro was moving to her new house w more... 10 points Seorang gadis bernama Chihiro pindah ke rumah barunya w lagi ... 10 poin

A girl named Chihiro was moving to her new house with her parents. Seorang gadis bernama Chihiro pindah ke rumah baru dengan orang tuanya. Until her dad took a short-cut and got lost buy they found a tunnel, the tunnel led into the spiritual world with spirits. Sampai ayahnya mengambil jalan pintas dan tersesat membeli mereka menemukan sebuah terowongan, terowongan menuju dunia spiritual dengan roh. The spirits sleep in the day time and wake up at night. Roh tidur di siang hari dan bangun di malam hari. Chihiro's parents turned into pigs and she met Haru who doesn't remember his name, Chihiro had to change her name into Sen, her journey was to slove a mystery and so she can save her parents and return to her world 10 points Orangtua Chihiro berubah menjadi babi dan ia bertemu Haru yang tidak ingat namanya, Chihiro harus merubah namanya menjadi Sen, perjalanannya adalah slove misteri dan supaya dia bisa menyelamatkan orang tuanya dan kembali ke dunianya 10 poin
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Prism Ark Prism Ark

There has been war between the kingdom of Windland more... 9 points Ada perang antara Kerajaan Windland lebih ... poin 9

There has been war between the kingdom of Windland and the Sablum empire for years. Ada perang antara Kerajaan Windland dan kerajaan Sablum selama bertahun-tahun. Sablum is plotting to take over their enemies using their mercenaries and powerful beings called Angels. Sablum adalah merencanakan untuk mengambil alih musuh-musuh mereka menggunakan tentara bayaran mereka dan makhluk kuat yang disebut Malaikat. Hyaweh, a mysterious, powerful swordsman, and Priecia, the princess of Windland, as well as their friends, step up to protect their country. Hyaweh, seorang pemain pedang, misterius kuat, dan Priecia, Putri Windland, serta teman-teman mereka, langkah untuk melindungi negara mereka. Based on a Japanese video game. Berdasarkan video game Jepang.

Genres: Action, Adventure, Ecchi, Romance, Comedy Genre: Action, Adventure, Ecchi, Romance, Komedi
Studio: FRONTLINE 9 points Studio: FRONTLINE 9 poin
263 263
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Goshuushou-sama Ninomiya-kun Goshuushou-sama Ninomiya-kun

Ninomiya Shungo is a rich high school student livi more... 9 points Ninomiya Shungo adalah seorang siswa sekolah tinggi kaya Livi lebih ... 9 poin

Ninomiya Shungo is a rich high school student living in a huge house. Ninomiya Shungo adalah seorang siswa sekolah tinggi kaya tinggal di sebuah rumah besar. He has an older sister, too; her friend asks her to help his own sister, a young and cute Mayu, overcome her fear of men. Dia memiliki seorang kakak, juga; temannya meminta dia untuk membantu saudara sendiri, seorang Mayu muda dan manis, mengatasi rasa takutnya manusia. So the two make Shungo and Mayu share the same room and even take baths together. Jadi dua membuat Shungo dan berbagi Mayu ruangan yang sama dan bahkan mandi bersama-sama. Reika Hojo, the head of student council who was long been interested in Shungo, cannot allow anyone to take him from her, so she ends up working as their maid... Reika Hojo, sebagai ketua dewan mahasiswa yang sudah lama tertarik pada Shungo, tidak dapat mengizinkan orang untuk mengambil dia dari padanya, sehingga dia berakhir bekerja sebagai pembantu mereka ...

Genres: Comedy, Ecchi, Romance Genre: Comedy, Ecchi, Romance
Studio: AIC Spirits 9 points Studio: AIC Spirits 9 titik
264 264
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Saikano Saikano

Shuuji and Chise are third year school students. Shuuji dan Chise adalah mahasiswa tahun ketiga sekolah. S more... 9 points S lagi ... 9 poin

Shuuji and Chise are third year school students. Shuuji dan Chise adalah mahasiswa tahun ketiga sekolah. Soon after they start dating, Shuuji learns that his shy girlfriend is in fact the ultimate weapon... Segera setelah mereka mulai berkencan, Shuuji belajar bahwa pacar nya pemalu sebenarnya senjata pamungkas ...

Genres: Drama, Romance, Mecha, School Life, Sci-fi Genre: Drama, Romance, Mecha, School Life, Sci-fi
Studio: Gonzo Digimation 9 points Studio: Gonzo Digimation 9 titik
265 265
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Hanbun no Tsuki ga Noboru Sora Tidak Hanbun Tsuki ga Noboru Sora

17 year old Yuuichi is hospitalized for hepatitis. more... 9 points Yuuichi tua tahun 17 adalah rumah sakit karena hepatitis. lagi ... poin 9

17 year old Yuuichi is hospitalized for hepatitis. Yuuichi berusia 17 tahun dirawat di rumah sakit untuk hepatitis. He meets a cute and seemingly very selfish girl Rika in the hospital, and falls in love. Dia bertemu dengan Rika gadis cantik dan tampaknya sangat egois di rumah sakit, dan jatuh cinta. He doesn't yet know that she has a weak heart and doesn't have long left to live... Dia belum tahu bahwa dia memiliki hati lemah dan tidak memiliki lama lagi untuk hidup ...

Genres: Drama, Romance Genre: Drama, Romance
Studio: Group TAC 9 points Studio: Grup TAC 9 titik
266 266
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Aquatic Age Perairan Umur

Girls with supernatural powers are fighting an inv more... 9 points Girls dengan kekuatan gaib yang berjuang inv lebih ... poin 9

Girls with supernatural powers are fighting an invisable war against each other. Girls dengan kekuatan gaib yang terlibat dalam perang invisable terhadap satu sama lain. The men with supernatural powers have the ability to manipulate the girls in their own certain way. Orang-orang dengan kekuatan supranatural memiliki kemampuan untuk memanipulasi gadis-gadis dengan cara tertentu mereka sendiri. An upstart singer has a girlfriend who is the leader of the supernatural girls although she does not know it. Seorang penyanyi pemula memiliki pacar yang adalah pemimpin dari gadis supranatural meskipun dia tidak tahu itu. When she finds out that her friend was lieing to her and that she had two fates she choses the darkness over the light. Ketika dia tahu bahwa temannya berbohong padanya dan bahwa dia memiliki dua nasib dia choses kegelapan di atas cahaya. Now it is up to the upstart singer boyfriend to save his love from the path of evil. 9 points Sekarang sampai ke pacar penyanyi pemula untuk menyelamatkan cintanya dari jalan jahat poin. 9
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Birdy the Mighty Birdy Maha Perkasa

this is a damn good show! ini adalah acara yang sangat bagus! Birdy Cephon Altera is a more... 9 points Birdy Cephon Altera adalah ... lebih 9 titik

this is a damn good show! ini adalah acara yang sangat bagus! Birdy Cephon Altera is a Federation agent chasing interplanetary criminals to the planet Earth. Birdy Cephon Altera adalah agen Federasi mengejar penjahat antar ke planet Bumi. While in pursuit of one, she accidentally kills a high school boy named Tsutomu Senkawa. Sementara dalam mengejar satu, ia sengaja membunuh seorang anak sekolah bernama Tsutomu Senkawa. Fortunately for Tsutomu, there is a way to keep him alive, although he ends up merged into Birdy's body and must remain so until the repair of his body is complete. Untungnya untuk Tsutomu, ada cara untuk tetap hidup, meskipun ia akhirnya bergabung ke dalam tubuh Birdy dan harus tetap demikian sampai perbaikan tubuhnya selesai. So Tsutomu is stuck sharing a body with an attractive, strong - if impulsive - space police agent, while trying to keep his... 9 points Jadi Tsutomu macet berbagi tubuh dengan, menarik kuat - jika impulsif - ruang agen polisi, ketika mencoba untuk menjaga ... 9 poin nya
268 268
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Green Green TV Green Green TV

It's the refreshing season of early summer. Ini musim menyegarkan dari awal musim panas. Deep i more... 9 points Deep i lagi ... 9 poin

It's the refreshing season of early summer. Ini musim menyegarkan dari awal musim panas. Deep in the lonely mountains in the great scale of nature, there is a secret base. Deep di pegunungan kesepian dalam skala besar alam, ada dasar rahasia. It was where a male reform school "Hane no Oto" Campus is located. Itu adalah di mana sebuah sekolah reformasi laki-laki "tidak hane Oto" Kampus terletak. Going there is the "Baka Trio (Idiotic Trio)" - motivated spirit "Bachigoo", typical idiot "Ichibansei" and big giant, "Tenjin" goes to. Akan ada "Baka Trio (tolol Trio)" - semangat motivasi "Bachigoo", idiot khas "Ichibansei" dan raksasa besar, "Tenjin" pergi ke. And last but not least, the average main character Takasaki Yuusuke. Dan terakhir, namun tidak sedikit, rata-rata karakter utama Takasaki Yuusuke.

Worrying about his campus life, disaster decides to pay him a visit! Khawatir tentang kehidupan kampusnya, bencana memutuskan untuk mengunjunginya! So that everyone can attend cl... 9 points Agar semua orang dapat menghadiri kb ... 9 poin
269 269
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The series begins in 2006, five years after the &q more... 9 points Seri ini dimulai tahun 2006, lima tahun setelah & q ... lebih 9 titik

The series begins in 2006, five years after the "I-Jin" incident detailed in the Read or Die OVA. Seri ini dimulai tahun 2006, lima tahun setelah insiden "" Aku-Jin rinci dalam Baca atau Die OVA. Yomiko Readman (aka "The Paper", agent of British Library Task Force) has supposedly gone missing, and Nenene Sumiregawa, her former student and best friend, is still in Tokyo after her parents moved to the USA. Yomiko Readman (alias "The" Kertas, agen British Library Satuan Tugas) telah diduga hilang, dan Nenene Sumiregawa, mantan mahasiswa dan sahabat, masih di Tokyo setelah orangtuanya pindah ke Amerika Serikat. Nenene has not written a book since Yomiko disappeared, as she has become lonely and frustrated that her sensei has never read her last book, and she feels she can't write again until she... 9 points Nenene belum menulis buku sejak Yomiko menghilang, karena dia telah menjadi kesepian dan frustrasi yang sensei-nya belum pernah membaca buku terakhirnya, dan dia merasa dia tidak dapat menulis lagi sampai dia ... 9 poin
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dragonball(z)(gt) dragonball (z) (gt)

first dragonball its about this kid named goku who more... 9 points dragonball pertama ini yang bernama goku anak tentang yang lebih ... 9 poin

first dragonball its about this kid named goku who want to get stronger and you watch him progress and get older and he tries to win this martial arts competition call the world martial art competition and the first time he loses to his master in disguise and the second time he loses to tien AKA tien shenhano (not accurately spell because i don't know) and the third time he wins again junior i don't wont to spoil who he so i wont tell you more about him anyways on to dragonball z its about him... 9 points dragonball pertama tentang anak yang ini bernama goku yang ingin mendapatkan lebih kuat dan Anda melihatnya kemajuan dan bertambah tua dan ia mencoba untuk memenangkan persaingan dunia seni bela diri panggilan kompetisi seni bela diri dan pertama kali dia kehilangan pada tuannya dengan menyamar dan yang kedua kali dia kehilangan untuk tien tien shenhano AKA (tidak akurat mantra karena saya tidak tahu) dan ketiga kalinya dia menang lagi SMP saya tidak wont merusak siapa dia jadi saya wont memberitahu lebih lanjut tentang dia anyways ke dragonball z nya tentang dia ... 9 poin
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Dennou Coil Dennou Coil

In the future, we're surrounded by virtual reality more... 8 points Di masa depan, kita dikelilingi oleh realitas virtual lebih ... 8 poin

In the future, we're surrounded by virtual reality which can be seen when one puts on special glasses. Di masa depan, kita dikelilingi oleh realitas virtual yang dapat dilihat ketika salah satu memakai gelas khusus. A young girl Yuuko moves with her family to Daikoku City, the center of technological advancement, and joins joins her grandmother's "investigation agency" which consists of kids equipped with powerful virtual reality tools and "metatags". Seorang gadis muda Yuuko bergerak bersama keluarganya untuk Daikoku City, pusat kemajuan teknologi, dan bergabung bergabung "investigasi neneknya agen" yang terdiri dari anak-anak dilengkapi dengan alat yang kuat dan virtual reality "metatag".

Genres: Adventure, Drama, Sci-fi Genre: Adventure, Drama, Sci-fi
Studio: Madhouse 8 points Studio: Madhouse 8 poin
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Blue Drop Blue Drop

This science fiction yuri anime is about a schoolg more... 8 points Ini yuri anime fiksi ilmiah tentang sebuah schoolg lebih ... 8 poin

This science fiction yuri anime is about a schoolgirl named Mari and her relationship with Hagino, an alien posing as a student. Ini fiksi ilmiah anime yuri adalah tentang anak sekolah diberi nama Mari dan hubungan dengan Hagino, alien menyamar sebagai seorang mahasiswa. Her mission is to prepare for invasion, however, she starts getting doubts after knowing Mari better. Misinya adalah untuk mempersiapkan invasi, bagaimanapun, ia mulai mendapatkan keraguan setelah mengetahui Mari lebih baik.

Genres: Drama, Sci-fi, Yuri Genre: Drama, Sci-fi, Yuri
Studio: Asahi Production, BeSTACK 8 points Studio: Asahi Produksi, BeSTACK 8 poin
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Rocket Girls Rocket Girls

its about a high school girl looking for her fathe more... 8 points nya tentang seorang gadis SMA mencari fathe nya lebih ... 8 poin

its about a high school girl looking for her father and along the way she becomes an astronaut. 8 points nya tentang seorang gadis SMA mencari ayahnya dan sepanjang jalan dia menjadi astronot. 8 poin
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Now and Then, Here and There Sekarang dan Kemudian, sini dan ada

A young boy named Shu Matsutani in an attempt to s more... 8 points Seorang anak muda bernama Shu Matsutani dalam upaya untuk s lebih ... 8 poin

A young boy named Shu Matsutani in an attempt to save an unknown girl is transported to another world (the far future of the Earth, shortly before its destruction). Seorang anak muda bernama Shu Matsutani dalam upaya untuk menyelamatkan seorang gadis yang tidak diketahui diangkut ke dunia lain (jauh masa depan Bumi, lama sebelum kehancuran). The world is desolate and militarized, and water is a scarce commodity. 8 points Dunia ini sepi dan militeristik, dan air adalah komoditas langka poin. 8
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El Hazard El Hazard

The story focuses on four people from our world (H more... 8 points Cerita berfokus pada empat orang dari dunia kita (H lebih ... 8 poin

The story focuses on four people from our world (High school students Makoto Mizuhara, Katsuhiko Jinnai and Nanami Jinnai, and History teacher Masamichi Fujisawa) who are mysteriously transported to the fantastical world of El-Hazard, which is threatened with a massive war between the human nations on one side and the insectoid Bugrom tribe on the other. Cerita berfokus pada empat orang dari dunia kita (High siswa sekolah Makoto Mizuhara, Katsuhiko Jinnai dan Nanami Jinnai, dan guru Sejarah Masamichi Fujisawa) yang secara misterius diangkut ke dunia fantastis El-Hazard, yang diancam dengan perang besar antara manusia negara di satu sisi dan suku Bugrom insectoid di sisi lain. To add further complexity, the quartet's transportation has a side effect, in that each of them gains a unique special ability. Untuk menambah kompleksitas lebih lanjut, transportasi kuartet itu memiliki efek samping, di masing-masing keuntungan kemampuan khusus yang unik. For instance, K... 8 points Misalnya, K. .. 8 poin
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Orphen Orphen

Orphen is the greatest sorcerer that the tower has more... 8 points Orphen adalah ahli sihir menara terbesar yang memiliki lebih ... 8 poin

Orphen is the greatest sorcerer that the tower has ever seen but he is more interested in chasing the Bloody August, an infamous and very mysterious dragon. Orphen adalah ahli sihir menara terbesar yang pernah dilihat tetapi dia lebih tertarik untuk mengejar Bloody Agustus, sebuah naga yang terkenal dan sangat misterius. Along with his apprentice Majic and their companion Clio he heads off on a quest with the Sword of Baltanders, the only thing that can free the Bloody August or 'Azile' from the spell she is under. 8 points Seiring dengan itu magang Majic dan kawan mereka Clio dia kepala off pada pencarian dengan Pedang Baltanders, satu-satunya yang dapat membebaskan Agustus Bloody atau 'Azile' dari mantra itu dia berada di bawah. 8 poin
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Hiebane Renmai Hiebane Renmai

Angel like creatures called Hiebane live in an iso more... 8 points Angel seperti makhluk yang disebut Hiebane tinggal di iso lagi ... 8 poin

Angel like creatures called Hiebane live in an isolated town shut off from the world. Angel seperti makhluk yang disebut Hiebane tinggal di sebuah kota terpencil mematikan dari dunia. The Hiebane work for a living and get the scraps that the humans let them buy. Pekerjaan Hiebane untuk hidup dan mendapatkan sisa bahwa manusia membiarkan mereka membeli. They like their existance but only live for aabout 7 years. Mereka seperti adanya mereka tetapi hanya hidup untuk atentang 7 tahun. A new Hiebane was born and now has to learn how to fit in with society. 8 points Sebuah Hiebane baru lahir dan sekarang harus belajar bagaimana untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan masyarakat. 8 poin
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Puny Puny Poemi Jelek Jelek Poemi

From the maker of Excel Saga, features almost too more... 8 points Dari pembuat Saga Excel, fitur hampir terlalu lebih ... 8 poin

From the maker of Excel Saga, features almost too much fan service and from a very young pair of lesbians. Dari pembuat Saga Excel, fitur hampir layanan fan terlalu banyak dan dari sepasang lesbian yang sangat muda. The thing i liked most about it though was it features the same female voice actress from Excel Saga who talks way too fast lol (watch it in English and you'll see what i mean) 8 points Yang paling saya suka itu walaupun apakah itu fitur suara aktris wanita yang sama dari Saga Excel yang berbicara terlalu cepat lol (menontonnya dalam bahasa Inggris dan Anda akan melihat apa yang saya maksud) 8 poin
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Gakuen Heaven Gakuen Heaven

8 points 8 poin
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Rizelmine Rizelmine

A story of a boy picked to marry a sort of science more... 8 points Sebuah kisah tentang anak laki-laki memilih untuk menikah dengan semacam ilmu lagi ... 8 poin

A story of a boy picked to marry a sort of science exsperement girl. Sebuah kisah tentang anak laki-laki memilih untuk menikah dengan gadis semacam ilmu exsperement.
He over time learns to like Rizel 8 points Dia belajar dari waktu ke waktu seperti Rizel 8 poin
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Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha

Nanoha Takamachi is a 3rd grade elementary school more... 8 points Nanoha Takamachi adalah sekolah dasar kelas 3 lebih ... 8 poin

Nanoha Takamachi is a 3rd grade elementary school girl. Nanoha Takamachi adalah seorang gadis sekolah kelas 3 SD. Nanoha's regular life changes when she hears a voice calling to her on the way home and ends up rescuing an injured ferret (who is actually a transformed boy called Y%u016Bno, an archaeologist from a distant world). Nanoha perubahan hidup teratur ketika dia mendengar suara memanggilnya dalam perjalanan pulang dan akhirnya menyelamatkan sebuah musang terluka (yang sebenarnya adalah anak laki-laki berubah disebut Y u016Bno%, seorang arkeolog dari dunia yang jauh). She obtains a magical crystal called Raising Heart , and gains magical powers.After their encounter, Nanoha and Y%u016Bno have to collect the twenty-one "Jewel Seeds",powerful lost crystals from Y%u016Bno's world that grant wish... 8 points Dia mendapatkan kristal magis yang disebut Budidaya Heart, dan powers.After magis keuntungan pertemuan mereka, Nanoha dan% u016Bno Y harus mengumpulkan dua puluh satu "Jewel Seeds", kuat kehilangan kristal dari% u016Bno's Y dunia yang ingin memberikan ... 8 poin
282 282
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LineBarrels of Iron LineBarrels Besi

This show is about a kid always forced to run erra more... 8 points Acara ini adalah tentang anak selalu dipaksa untuk menjalankan Erra lebih ... 8 poin

This show is about a kid always forced to run errands for others. Acara ini adalah tentang anak selalu dipaksa untuk menjalankan tugas bagi orang lain. One day while running errands he is hit by a satellite that fell to earth and when he wakes up he has amazing powers. Suatu hari ketika menjalankan tugas dia tertabrak satelit yang jatuh ke bumi dan ketika ia bangun ia memiliki kekuatan luar biasa. He uses these powers to become a "hero of justice" even though his actions are controversial at first. Dia menggunakan kekuatan ini untuk menjadi pahlawan "keadilan" meskipun tindakannya yang kontroversial pada awalnya. IF YOU LIKED CODE GEASS YOULL LOVE THIS ANIME. Jika Anda menyukai CODE GEASS youll Anime CINTA INI. highly recommended not one wasted episode in the series 8 points sangat dianjurkan tidak terbuang satu episode di seri 8 poin
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Asu no Yoichi Asu tidak Yoichi

A samaurai from the Mountains seek for training at more... 8 points Sebuah samurai dari Pegunungan mencari untuk pelatihan di lebih ... 8 poin

A samaurai from the Mountains seek for training at a secret dojo. Sebuah samurai dari Pegunungan mencari pelatihan di sebuah dojo rahasia. Encountering many adventures. Menghadapi berbagai petualangan.

Genres: Adventure, Action, Romance 8 points Genre: Adventure, Action, Romance 8 poin
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Major Utama

The story of Major follows the life of Goro Honda, more... 8 points Kisah Mayor mengikuti kehidupan Goro Honda, lebih ... 8 titik

The story of Major follows the life of Goro Honda, from kindergarten to being a professional baseball player, seeking and overcoming tremendous challenges. Kisah Mayor mengikuti kehidupan Goro Honda, dari taman kanak-kanak untuk menjadi pemain bisbol profesional, mencari dan mengatasi tantangan yang luar biasa. Honda finds lot of good friends and rivals. Honda menemukan banyak teman baik dan saingan. However, what he does is dreams about stuff that's impossible for anyone. Namun, apa yang ia lakukan adalah mimpi tentang hal yang tidak mungkin bagi siapa pun. In the end he actually does it. Pada akhirnya ia benar-benar melakukannya. A girl has a crush on him since he was in elementary, but he dosen't pay that much attenton to her till 5th Season. Seorang gadis naksir sejak dia masih di SD, tapi dia doesnt membayar attenton banyak padanya sampai Season 5. I am 100% sure you will like this anime. 8 points Saya yakin Anda akan% seperti ini. Anime 8 poin 100
285 285
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Princess Resurrection (Monster Princess) Putri Kebangkitan (Putri Rakasa)

Hiro Hiyorimi is a boy who has just moved to the c more... 8 points Hiro Hiyorimi adalah seorang anak yang baru saja pindah ke c lagi ... 8 poin

Hiro Hiyorimi is a boy who has just moved to the city to meet his sister. Hiro Hiyorimi adalah seorang anak yang baru saja pindah ke kota untuk bertemu dengan kakaknya. While walking down the sidewalk, he is suddenly hit by a car (crushed by construction beams in the anime). Sementara berjalan di trotoar, tiba-tiba dia ditabrak mobil (dihancurkan oleh konstruksi balok di anime). On the verge of death, he is seen by a young woman clad in gothic clothes. Di ambang kematian, dia terlihat oleh seorang wanita muda berpakaian dalam pakaian gothic. She then resurrects him, leaving him alive in the hospital morgue. Dia kemudian resurrects dia, meninggalkan dia hidup di kamar mayat rumah sakit. He wakes up confused over what happened, only to encounter the woman again as she eliminates some wolf creatures. Dia bangun bingung atas apa yang terjadi, hanya untuk menemukan wanita itu lagi sambil menghilangkan beberapa makhluk serigala. She addresses Hiro as "her servant" and introduces herself as "... 8 points Dia alamat Hiro sebagai "hamba-nya" dan memperkenalkan dirinya sebagai "... 8 poin
286 286
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Blue Dragon Blue Dragon

In Blue Dragon shadows can fuse with their hosts. more... 8 points Dalam bayangan Blue Dragon bereaksi dengan tuan rumah mereka. lagi ... 8 poin

In Blue Dragon shadows can fuse with their hosts. Dalam bayangan Blue Dragon bereaksi dengan tuan rumah mereka. This is the history of the teenager, Ral, and his shadow, the Blue Dragon Grado that his father, a king, imprisoned together in the dungeon of the castle when Ral was a young baby. Ini adalah sejarah remaja, Ral, dan bayangannya, Blue Dragon Grado bahwa ayahnya, raja, dipenjarakan bersama-sama di ruang bawah tanah benteng ketika Ral masih bayi muda. One day when the shadows besiege the castle, his personal educator Mio, releases him to protect the castle and repel the attack. 8 points Suatu hari ketika bayangan mengepung benteng, pribadi pendidik Mio, melepaskan dia untuk melindungi benteng dan mengusir menyerang poin. 8
287 287
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JunJou Romantica JunJou Romantica

(Yaoi) Misaki is suddenly having some unexpected a more... 8 points (Yaoi) Misaki tiba-tiba memiliki beberapa yang tak terduga lagi ... 8 poin

(Yaoi) Misaki is suddenly having some unexpected and odd problems. (Yaoi) Misaki tiba-tiba memiliki beberapa masalah yang tak terduga dan aneh. What started as a need for some college entrance exam tutoring has somehow led him to being romanced by a suave older man who also happens to be his big brother's best friend. Apa yang dimulai sebagai kebutuhan untuk beberapa les ujian masuk perguruan tinggi telah entah bagaimana membuatnya menjadi romanced oleh seorang pria tua ramah tamah yang juga kebetulan teman kakaknya terbaik. Confused by all of his brand new emotions, Misaki struggles to deal with his suddenly very odd life. Bingung dengan semua merek emosi baru, Misaki berjuang untuk menghadapi hidupnya tiba-tiba yang sangat aneh. And if that wasn't enough, his suitor, Usami, has plenty of issues of his own. Dan jika itu belum cukup, pelamar nya, Usami, memiliki banyak masalah sendiri. A man-child who decorates his room in giant teddy bears and toys,... 8 points Seorang laki-laki-anak yang menghiasi kamarnya di beruang teddy raksasa dan mainan, ... 8 poin
288 288
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Pandora Hearts Pandora Hearts

Oz Vessalius, heir to one of the duke houses, has more... 8 points Oz Vessalius, pewaris salah satu rumah Duke, telah lebih ... 8 poin

Oz Vessalius, heir to one of the duke houses, has just turned fifteen. Oz Vessalius, pewaris salah satu rumah Duke, baru saja menginjak usia lima belas. His life is rich and carefree, darkened only by the constant absence of his father. Hidupnya kaya dan ceria, gelap hanya dengan tidak adanya konstan ayahnya. At his coming-of-age ceremony, however, everything changes. Pada kedatangannya-of-usia upacara, Namun, perubahan segalanya. For no reason that he can discern, he's cast into the prison known as the "Abyss", only to be saved by a "chain" known as Alice, the bloodstained black rabbit. Untuk ada alasan bahwa dia bisa membedakan, ia dilemparkan ke dalam penjara yang dikenal sebagai "Abyss", hanya untuk diselamatkan oleh rantai "" dikenal sebagai Alice, kelinci hitam berlumuran darah. The mystery there begins as Oz unravels the mystery behind Alice, the Abyss and the strange organization known as Pandora. misteri di sana dimulai sebagai Oz unravels misteri di balik Alice, the Abyss dan organisasi aneh yang dikenal sebagai Pandora. Th... 8 points Th ... 8 poin
289 289
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Sonic X Sonic X

Based on the popular Sonic the Hedgehog video game more... 8 points Berdasarkan populer Sonic Hedgehog video game lebih ... 8 poin

Based on the popular Sonic the Hedgehog video game series, Sonic X starts on a night mission to rescue Cream and Cheese from the clutches of Dr. Eggman. Berdasarkan populer Sonic Hedgehog seri video game, Sonic X dimulai pada malam hari untuk misi penyelamatan Cream dan Cheese dari cengkeraman Dr Eggman. However, Sonic and his friends are accidently transported to another dimension by a malfunction in Eggman's machine and the power of the mysterious Chaos Emeralds: Sonic awakes to find himself in the city of Station Square and befriends a human boy named Chris Thorndyke. Namun, Sonic dan teman-temannya yang sengaja diangkut ke dimensi lain oleh malfungsi di mesin Eggman dan kekuatan Emeralds Chaos misterius: Sonic terbangun untuk menemukan dirinya sendiri di kota Stasiun Square dan berteman dengan seorang anak manusia bernama Chris Thorndyke.

Genre: Action, Adventure, Science fiction, Comedy, Fantasy, Mecha, Drama. 8 points Genre: Aksi, Petualangan, Sains fiksi, Komedi, Fantasi, Mecha, Drama. 8 poin
290 290
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Dragonauts: the Resonance Dragonauts: Resonansi tersebut

In order to prevent danger to earth from Thanatos, more... 7 points Untuk mencegah bahaya ke bumi dari Thanatos, lebih ... 7 poin

In order to prevent danger to earth from Thanatos, an extraterrestrial intelligent object, the International Solar Development Agency works on the D-Project, and creates a squad of dragon-riders (Dragonauts). This is accomplished by performing a Resonance between a dragon and a human, after which they are bound for life in a symbiotic relationship (and dragons are able to gain the form of humans). Unknown to ISDA, Jin Kamishina, a young guy who's family died in a shuttle crash, performs a Resona... 7 points
291 291
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Futakoi Alternative Futakoi Alternatif

The Futaba Detective Agency, being run by Rentarou more... 7 points

The Futaba Detective Agency, being run by Rentarou, who has taken over the family business, after his father's death 3 weeks ago. Along w/ Sara & Souju, his live-in identical twin assistants. He ends up running afoul of the local Yakuza.

Genres: Romance, Shounen
Studio: ufotable 7 points
292 292
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Da Capo Da Capo

2 siblings that are not related by blood Junichi A more... 7 points

2 siblings that are not related by blood Junichi Asakura and Nemu Asakura had kept their feelings to each other. Watch on how can they make it through the challenges they face and how the magic sakura tree helped and tried to separate their relationship. 7 points
293 293
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Mahoromatic Mahoromatic

Vesper is a secret agency fighting an army of alie more... 7 points

Vesper is a secret agency fighting an army of alien invaders by using super-powerful battle androids. Mahoro is Vesper's most powerful battle android and has won many battles, but she has little operating time left and soon will cease to function. However, if she lays down her arms and conserves her remaining power, the time she has left can be prolonged to just over a year. Mahoro is given an opportunity to live the remaining time she has as a normal human. She chooses to live as a maid for Sug... 7 points
294 294
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knight hunters (weiss kreuz)

7 points 7 poin
295 295
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Rei an only child of a billionaire family who are more... 7 points

Rei an only child of a billionaire family who are always working leaving him alone with Simon his butler and loyal servant telling everyone he's not rich goes enrolls in a normal HS where one day he'll bump into a girl and it will change his life forever.

Genre:Romantic Comedy
Studio:A Rigo Production ( 7 points
296 296
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Blue Seed Blue Benih

Momiji Fujimiya thought she was just an ordinary h more... 7 points

Momiji Fujimiya thought she was just an ordinary high school student. One day, she is confronted on her way to school by a cat-eyed man with blue magatama beads embedded in his hands, who then attempts to kill her. Momiji is confused and terrified this strange man's sudden desire to kill her; he also refers to her as Kushinada, confusing her even further. Momiji is saved by the sudden appearance of two government officials, one of whom shoots the man in the arm and sends him fleeing.

Momiji is... 7 points
297 297
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Tokko Tokko

7 points 7 poin
298 298
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Akikan! Akikan!

The story revolves around a typical high school bo more... 7 points

The story revolves around a typical high school boy named Kakeru Daichi and the can of melon juice soda that he bought from a vending machine. The can suddenly transforms into a beautiful but standoffish girl that Kakeru nicknames "Melon," and more "Akikan" ("empty can") girls appear. However, Akikan girls need to be infused with carbon dioxide in order to turn into a human. 7 points
299 299
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Minami-ke Minami-ke

A light and funny comedy anime on everyday life of more... 7 points

A light and funny comedy anime on everyday life of three sisters: Haruka, Kana, and Chiaki Minami as well as their friends. 2nd and 3rd seasons are called Okawari and Okaeri, respectively.

Genres: comedy, slice of life
Studio: Doumu (1st season), Asread (2nd and 3rd seasons) 7 points
300 300
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Sasami Magic Girls Club

i don't really know much about it since i started more... 7 points

i don't really know much about it since i started on the 19th episode (i can't find the first), but from what i have seen, it is an awesome anime and the whole time, you will be like: "what will happen next???TELL ME!!!!" so you should totally watch it. 7 points
301 301
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Aquarion Aquarion

More 12000 years ago the world was destroyed and b more... 7 points

More 12000 years ago the world was destroyed and born a new. Shadow Angels are angel like creatures with powers that live in Atlantia where the tree of life is. But to live they must harvest the prana or life energy of humans. Humans have discovered a machine called Apalion which is piloted by three gifted people called elements. But to win they must find the rencarnated legondary Shadow Angel that betrayed his kind to save his human lover. 7 points
302 302
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Princess Tutu Princess Tutu

The story of a duck who becomes a girl who then be more... 7 points

The story of a duck who becomes a girl who then becomes a magical ballerina princess. Her human name is Duck. Her ballerina princess name is Princess Tutu....... Darkness hide the pieces of her beloved's heart. Princess Tutu must find all of the pieces. But time is running out. Tapi waktu hampir habis. Can she keep herself and the prince alive? 7 points
303 303
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Hamtaro Hamtaro

A Cute hamster named hamtaro, owned by 5th grade s more... 8 points

A Cute hamster named hamtaro, owned by 5th grade schoolgirl laura. Hamtaro moves to a new town with Laura and her family and Hamtaro escapes from his cage and decides to explore. He runs into 2 hamsters, Oxnard and Boss. Boss Oxnard and Hamtaro become great friends and make a clubhouse. Each day they make new friends and at the end of the day they all return to their cages. 8 points
304 304
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Gunslinger Girl Gunslinger Girl

Young girls work with the agency as robot assassin more... 7 points

Young girls work with the agency as robot assassins. Each cyborg is teamed with a handler and together, each pair is referred to as a "fratello" (which means siblings in Italian).
The first season focusses more on each fratello, while the second season's main plot is capturing a (human) assassin by the name of Pinnochio. 7 points
305 305
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Gravion Gravion

Mecha series, similar to voltron.. 6 points
306 306
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Hatenkou Yuugi Hatenkou Yuugi

A tale of 3, a girl Razhel, and two men Alzeid and more... 6 points

A tale of 3, a girl Razhel, and two men Alzeid and Hitan on a journey.Their alliances then leads them to a different and unforgettable experience. 6 points
307 307
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Sketchbook Full Colour'S

A shy and timid girls enters high school and is en more... 6 points

A shy and timid girls enters high school and is enrolled into the Art Society (by force).As time goes by, she experinces what she had not expected.
People who are different(and weird) and get to make friends. The anime unveils the daily life of her with her society members. A warm and sweet anime! 6 points
308 308
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Canvas 2 ~Niji iro No Sketch~

Once expected to be a great artist, Kamikura Hirok more... 6 points

Once expected to be a great artist, Kamikura Hiroki suddenly gave up painting. Now he is the substitute director of the art club at Nadeshiko Academy and is studying to become a teacher. At the academy is his cousin Hosen Elise, who lost her parents in an accident as a child and is living with Hiroki while a student. One day, Hiroki's childhood friend and new teacher at the acadamy, Kikyo Kiri shows up... 6 points
309 309
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Izumo Izumo

its about a war which happened in the other world more... 6 points

its about a war which happened in the other world where humans fight against evil spirits which will be victorious? 6 points
310 310
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Zero's Adventure

A girl named Hikari meets a boy named Zero with a more... 6 points

A girl named Hikari meets a boy named Zero with a mysterious past and a master Samurai that is kept a secret from everyone. What seems to be a Romantic dispute in the beginning turns to Romantic Relationship. Zero the last person who knows the Sacred Dragon style and Hikari just a normal girl both realize one another s feelings but have to keep it hidden for if people know of there love the people chasing Zero for the secrets of the Sacred Dragon Style might go after Hikari.

Genre-Romance,Actio... 6 points
311 311
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Demon Hunters

Light and Yami are fraternal twins one a Demon and more... 6 points

Light and Yami are fraternal twins one a Demon and the other an Angel both of them enroll in a school of Demon Hunters where they met new friends and love(for some of them) Each of them go for they each have different reasons.

Genre:Action,Super Natural,Comedy

I recommend seeing this one contact me 6 points
312 312
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Dual! Dual! Parallel Trouble Adventure Parallel Trouble Adventure

DUAL! Parallel Trouble Adventure takes place in tw more... 6 points

DUAL! Parallel Trouble Adventure takes place in two different possible universes. 22 years ago, a huge alien artifact is found under a construction site by a worker named Yotsuga. The foreman orders that the artifact be ignored and broken apart so as to avoid the hassle of work delays. As Yotsuga walks towards the rubble dumpsters to dispose of the small piece of the artifact he showed to the foreman, the world splits into two; in one world, Yotsuga tosses away the piece and the artifact is subs... 6 points
313 313
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Soul of Destruction

The year is 2009 where everything is peaceful ever more... 6 points

The year is 2009 where everything is peaceful ever since the barrier was created to block Angels and Demons from entering Earth since the incident last year where everything was about the end as we know it. The reason is the Soul of Destruction every year someone is placed with the soul it has the power to destroy existence as we know it's getting stronger and more dangerous each time. This year no one knows who has the soul but once released from it's dormant we will all perish once and for all... 6 points
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Marchen Awakens Romance (MAR)

6 points 6 poin
315 315
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Toaru Majutsu No Index

Both science and magic exist in the world. On the more... 6 points

Both science and magic exist in the world. On the science side, there's technology and espers possessing supernatural powers. On the magic side, there are mages and priests capable of casting spells. Kamijo Touma is considered a weak (lvl 0) esper, but his right hand on touch can dispel ANY supernatural, magic or divine effect.

Genre: Action, Fantasy, Sci-fi
Studio: JSStaff 6 points
316 316
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Future Boy Conan Future Boy Conan

Based on The Incredible Tide by Alexander Key. Pos more... 6 points

Based on The Incredible Tide by Alexander Key. Post nuclear future. Earth has been almost completely submerged by oceans. Indastria, an hyper-technological isle, is the new world capital. Conan is the only survived boy in the attempt of a bunch of austronauts to escape the earth when nuke bombs were falling. He will meet a girl named Lana (Italian name), and when she will be kidnapped by Indastria's soldiers, he'll go and try to rescue her. 6 points
317 317
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Bakemonogatari Bakemonogatari

The main protagonist, Koyomi, a high school studen more... 6 points

The main protagonist, Koyomi, a high school student who is almost human again after a run in with a vampire, helps and befriends other characters with various supernatural problems along with a homeless man named Oshino, who helped him become human.The series focuses on dialog between characters and has a bizarre animation style. It's well written and makes you think. 6 points
318 318
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Cheeky Angel Cheeky Angel

At the age of nine, Megumi was a typical boy-rampa more... 6 points

At the age of nine, Megumi was a typical boy-rampant, wild, loud and so on. One day he saved a man wearing a wizard cloak being chased and attacked by a gang of other children, which was then realized a sorcerer who could not do any magic. In return, Megumi receives a magic book that could grant him wishes. Sebagai imbalannya, Megumi menerima buku ajaib yang bisa mengabulkan keinginan. After accidentally bleeding on the book, a genie named Pierrot appeared and offered to grant Megumi one wish. Megumi, being the boy that he was, wished "I want to become the number one in the... 6 points
319 319
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Aishiteruze Baby Aishiteruze Bayi

The series is about a teenage boy, Kippei, who bec more... 6 points

The series is about a teenage boy, Kippei, who becomes the caretaker of his 5-year-old cousin, Yuzuyu, after her mother abandons her. 6 points
320 320
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Angel Sanctuary Angel Sanctuary

Organic Angel Alexiel, who is one of the highest a more... 6 points

Organic Angel Alexiel, who is one of the highest and most powerful beings in existence, rebelled against God when, supposedly, she became disgusted by the way angels were behaving. She was captured and faced with the ultimate punishment of heaven: to have her soul reincarnated into human lives and each of her lives would end tragically. The story follows her latest incarnation, Setsuna Mudo, who is romantically in love with his younger sister. 6 points
321 321
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Pitchi Pitchi Pitch Pitchi Pitchi Pitch

The story of 3 preteen girls Lucia, Hanon and Rina more... 6 points

The story of 3 preteen girls Lucia, Hanon and Rina. They have a wonderful story including of being mermaids and love teams. They also meet more friends like Sarah and Kaito. 6 points
322 322
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Skip beat

Even if Kyoko works three jobs, can't afford nice more... 6 points

Even if Kyoko works three jobs, can't afford nice clothes and makeup, and doesn't attend high school, she still feels like a fairytale princess because she is living with her very own prince charming, her childhood friend and new pop idol Sho. Unfortunately, Kyoko discovers that Sho's feelings for her are less than glamorous; in fact, he is only interested in her as a maid and housekeeper. On learning this, Kyoko's sweet and innocent dreams are replaced forever by one desperate dream: to get rev... 6 points
323 323
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Kamichama Karin Dewi Karin

The show is about a seventh grade girl named Karin more... 6 points

The show is about a seventh grade girl named Karin who finds out that she can transform into a goddess.Karin used to live with her aunt because her parents died a long time ago, but she moved in with Kazune and Himeka after they found out about her goddess powers. It is later revealed in the later volumes of the manga that Karin is actually Kazune Kujyou's wife, Suzuka Kujyou. Kazune hate bugs while their(Kazune and Suzaka) daughter, Himeka likes bug. 6 points
324 324
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junjou romantica

this series follows three couples starting with ju more... 6 points

this series follows three couples starting with junjou romantica (misaki and akihiko) akihiko was a high school friend and in love with of misaki's older brother. misaki gets tutored by him. misaki's brother gets engaged and akihiko is heart broken. misaki sees this and gets angry. misaki pulls akihiko with him to get more booze, when really he starts crying and telling akihiko how inconsiderate his brother was for marrying someone else when akihiko is in love with him. misaki's brother moves wi... 6 points
325 325
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Infinite Ryvius Infinite Ryvius

Over 500 teenagers from a space station school Lie more... 5 points

Over 500 teenagers from a space station school Liebe Delta get trapped inside a very special space ship with a personality of it's own that all the Solar System is after. With anger and fear spreading among the students, some people try to keep order and piece, while some simply try to survive...

Genres: Sci-fi, Drama, Psychological
Studio: Sunrise 5 points
326 326
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Cluster Edge Cluster Edge

This anime is about a kid in a world were mankind more... 5 points

This anime is about a kid in a world were mankind made Artificial Soldiers to fight there own battles. When the need for these soldiers Subsided mankind started to hate and ridicule these soldiers... The main character is a teenager going to a school for the rich and talented. Soon the people he meets and hang out with discover that he has a power even greater than artificial Soldiers. Almost god like. 5 points
327 327
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Red Garden Red Garden

"An odd string of suicides surrounds a privat more... 5 points

"An odd string of suicides surrounds a private institution on Roosevelt Island. On the night a classmate dies, Kate, Rachel, Rose and Claire wake with no memories of the evenings' events. The next night, the four girls are drawn together by mysterious red butterflies only they can see. Converging at Central Park, the girls are approached by a strange woman who tells them they are dead. Now, the four girls must work together to learn the secrets of their death - and the means to return to their p... 5 points
328 328
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Here is Greenwood Berikut adalah Greenwood

This anime revolves around the activities of 4 boy more... 5 points

This anime revolves around the activities of 4 boys in Greenwood Dormitory at a prestigious Japanese all-boys private school, the Ryokuto Academy. A pretty girl named Shun Kisaragi also attends this school for some mysterious reason.

Genre: Shojo, Comedy, Drama, Romance
Studio: Studio Pierrot 5 points
329 329
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Geneshaft Geneshaft

A future World where 9 of every 10 Humanbeings are more... 5 points

A future World where 9 of every 10 Humanbeings are female, is being attacked by weird ring-shaped artifact. 5 points
330 330
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Phoenix Protector

In this World there are three types of people roya more... 5 points

In this World there are three types of people royalty,middle class,and commoners they are all seprated from each other by walls that block contact with them. This world is inhabited by three types of soliders Knight,Mages,and mythical creatures that have protected them for years. But today is the barrier will be broken and the three of the types of people will all confege and change the world they live in forever.
Studio:Project Chaos
SonicZerox64@yahoo.... 5 points
331 331
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Nero's Maiden

Nero a fifth teen year old boy proposes to four gi more... 5 points

Nero a fifth teen year old boy proposes to four girls to be his Maiden but when he's older remembers nothing of any of them. When he enrolls in Chika he meets up with them and has to choose one of them for only one can be selected. Filled with action and Romance Nero's going to have crazy life all just for that one special girl.
Studio:Project Chaos
Genre:Romance,Action,Comedy,Super Natural
Contact for more info. 5 points
332 332
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Mezzo DSA Mezzo DSA

5 points 5 poin
333 333
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one outs

psychological, tactical & tricky baseball play more... 5 points

psychological, tactical & tricky baseball play. you'll easily get addicted to this anime. 25 episodes. 5 points
334 334
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Natsume Yujincho Natsume Yujincho

Natsume has only a few momentos left from his gran more... 5 points

Natsume has only a few momentos left from his grandmother who passed away fifty years ago. one of them being a book called, " The book of Friends." the book is filled with demon names his grandmother had enslaved. 5 points
335 335
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Shikabane Hime Shikabane Hime

Makina Hoshimura is one of the living dead. If the more... 5 points

Makina Hoshimura is one of the living dead. If the girl is to ever find peace, she must hunt down and destroy her own kind. Aided by a secret society of monks, Makinas quest to rid the world of the undead begins. 5 points
336 336
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Solty Rei Solty Rei

a hunter named roy ravant is somewhat of a mercena more... 5 points

a hunter named roy ravant is somewhat of a mercenary doing different jobs through his friend miranda's organization and while on a walk gets chased by a man wanting revenge for his parters capture, after being chased into a dark building, roy's luck was about to fail as his apponent was about to kill him with a robotic arm called a 'resemble' arm when a girl fell from the roof and landing on the arm saving roys life. after that she wont leave him alone and eventually is allowed to stay with him... 5 points
337 337
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Desert Punk (Sunab%u014Dzu)

After an implied nuclear catastrophe, like many ot more... 5 points

After an implied nuclear catastrophe, like many other countries, Japan has been reduced to a desert and the surviving humans seek out a meager living in the hot sands. Desert Punk focuses on the adventures of a desert handyman called Kanta Mizuno, nicknamed Desert Punk (Sunab%u014Dzu), due to his seemingly incredible feats of skill and daring while on the job. Throughout the series, he acquires an apprentice and makes a few friends as well as enemies. 5 points
338 338
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Murder princess

The story begins with Dr. Akamashi, introduced as more... 5 points

The story begins with Dr. Akamashi, introduced as a scientist formerly in the employ of the government, launching a coup d'etat in the Forland kingdom. With his dying breath, the mortally wounded king sends his daughter Alita to find Prince Kaito, who is leading a diplomatic mission and its military escort abroad. She flees from the castle and reaches a forest on the country's border.
While running, the princess falls off of a cliff and onto Falis, an infamous female bounty hunter. Due to t... 5 points
339 339
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The Wall Flower

After confessing to her first love, Sunako Nakahar more... 5 points

After confessing to her first love, Sunako Nakahara is left broken-hearted and her confidence sinking after being called "ugly" by the boy she likes.

Two years later, Sunako Nakahara, the agoraphobic, horror-movie-loving, pockmark-faced, frizzy-haired, fashion-illiterate recluse who tends to break into explosive nosebleeds whenever she sees anyone attractive, is sent to her aunt's mansion filled with gorgeous looking boys.

The deal is, if the boys can turn Sunako into a perfect lady in three y... 5 points
340 340
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Mamotte! Sweet! Lollipop Manisan

A girl named Nina who dreams about a guy who is st more... 5 points

A girl named Nina who dreams about a guy who is strong, handsome and kind to protect her.

Then one day Nina "accidentally" swallowed a crystal pearl that was part of a sorcery exam. So then a bunch of kids start chasing after her and she meets two boys name Zero and Ichi. Then the teachers or whatever found out and are starting to make a potion which will take about 6 months to complete. Till them Zero and Ichi are gonna have to protect Nina. <(^-^<) 5 points
341 341
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Astro Boy Astro Boy

Its focus is on the adventures of the titular Astr more... 5 points

Its focus is on the adventures of the titular Astro Boy a powerful robot created by the head of the Ministry of Science, Doctor Tenma, to replace his son Tobio , who died in a car accident. Astro is shown fighting crime, evil, and injustice. Most of his enemies were robot-hating humans, robots gone berserk, or alien invaders.

Genres: Animation,Fantasy,Sci-Fi ,Adventure 5 points
342 342
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Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler)

At the first look is Sebastian Michaelis especialy more... 5 points

At the first look is Sebastian Michaelis especialy one thing: the perfect butler. theres is no thing he couldn%uFFFDt do and it%uFFFDs not little what hsi master ciel, the last of the phantomhives, wants from him. They are sharing adark secret...
(humor, mystery, dark, action) 5 points
343 343
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Mahou Shoujotai Mahou Shoujotai

Alice is a young girl who travels to a fantasy wor more... 4 points

Alice is a young girl who travels to a fantasy world where witches and warlocks live. She not only finds that she's able to do magic as well, but also has to save both of the worlds from destruction. This anime is made up from 8 minute length episodes and is also known as "The Adventures of Tweeny Witches" or "Magical Girl Squad Alice".

Genre: Magical girl
Studio: Studio 4%uFFFDC 4 points
344 344
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Battle Programmer Shirase Pertempuran Shirase Programmer

Akira Shirase nicknamed BPS is a godly computer pr more... 4 points

Akira Shirase nicknamed BPS is a godly computer programmer, who, quoting the anime, can even encode music into MP3 as he listens to them real-time. He do all sorts of hacking or programming jobs for various individuals and even the governments. The anime had a really small budget, so expect low quality animation.

Genres: Comedy, Ecchi
Studio: G Plus 4 points
345 345
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Sazae-san Sazae-san

The oldest and longest Japanese anime series (arou more... 4 points

The oldest and longest Japanese anime series (around 4000 episodes). It was adapted from a comic strip and first appeared on 1955. It's the last anime to use traditional animation ("cel art" instead of computers). 4 points
346 346
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Giant Robo Giant Robo

The series takes place in a retro-futuristic setti more... 4 points

The series takes place in a retro-futuristic setting, where the Shizuma Drive ends the need of fossil fuels. It is a non-polluting recyclable energy source that powers everything on Earth. It was created ten years before the events of the series by a team of scientists led by Professor Shizuma. In the process they nearly destroyed the world and one of their own, Franken Von Vogler, was lost in the event known as the Tragedy of Bashtarle. At the start of Giant Robo, an organization called Big Fir... 4 points
347 347
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Aizu Pure

Seto Ichitaka has a crush on Yoshizuki Iori, a gir more... 4 points

Seto Ichitaka has a crush on Yoshizuki Iori, a girl in his class who has become so popular she now has her own fan club at school. But only a miracle could make him be with her, since the day he first saw Iori-chan, Ichitaka has been too shy to even talk to her. This miracle happened and now he and Iori are working together on the Freshmen Welcoming Party. It seems that things start to look bright for Seto, but then a special childhood friend is coming for visit... 4 points
348 348
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Planet Survival Planet Survival

La historia se ubica en el siglo 22, donde la anti more... 4 points

La historia se ubica en el siglo 22, donde la anti-gravedad y la tecnolog%uFFFDa de viajes a velocidad de la luz hacen posible la exploraci%uFFFDn espacial. Pero debido a problemas de placas tect%uFFFDnicas y al enorme da%uFFFDo ambiental, la Tierra tan s%uFFFDlo existe en libros de historia: vivir en ella es imposible. En su lugar, los humanos viven en colonias espaciales, en sat%uFFFDlites y en otros planetas.

Luna, de 14 a%uFFFDos, es una estudiante de intercambio cuyos padres murieron cuand... 4 points
349 349
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Seven of Seven Tujuh Tujuh

Nana Suzuki, living with her inventor Grandfather more... 4 points

Nana Suzuki, living with her inventor Grandfather who is searching for a way to capture a rainbow in crystal form, gets split into seven copies of herself when her Grandfather's crystal experiment goes awry. Now with the original Nana, there's an athletic/hot-tempered Nana (Nanappe), a happy Nana (Nanacchi), a sensitive Nana (Nanarin), a slow/child-like Nana (Nanakko), a sexy Nana (Nanapon), and a smart Nana (Nanasama). 4 points
350 350
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Max an fifteen year old high school student learns more... 4 points

Max an fifteen year old high school student learns that he's the decedent of a Legacy of the Twilight Warrior who purpose is to keep the three worlds in peace Damien the King of the World of Darkness is planning to take over the three worlds by saying in the series in 5 days it will happen so Max plans on stopping him.

It's really great Anime if you want to see it contact me

Genre:Action,Adventure,Super Natural,Romance,Comedy 4 points
351 351
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Betterman Betterman

The series' plot focuses on the threat of "Al more... 4 points

The series' plot focuses on the threat of "Algernon," a mutation in the brain which causes an accelerated alteration in the sensory, neural and nervous faculties. Those subjected to the phenomenon become violently hostile, suicidal, and share a hive mind collective with those who share the disease. Akamatsu Industries, a group designated to research and counteract Algernon, head a covert squadron of Neuronoids, robots piloted by Dual Kinds to inspect areas exposed to contamination and neutralize... 4 points
352 352
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Nurse Witch Komugi Perawat Penyihir Komugi

A rabid cosplayer, Komugi took on the role of nurs more... 4 points

A rabid cosplayer, Komugi took on the role of nurse witch solely because she liked the costume. King of Viruses Ungar has escaped and is on Earth infecting people. Maya, goddess of the vaccine world, seeks Komugi's help in saving the world. Komugi also works as an actress and model during the day...but there's only 5 episodes! 4 points
353 353
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Project CHAOS

Every 400 years a group called the Chaos Society t more... 4 points

Every 400 years a group called the Chaos Society try to destroy the world with there creation called Project CHAOS by killing people to gather the darkness in there hearts but a group of four warriors put a stop to there plans but it comes back stronger and more dangerous but this year is the last one.
Studio:Project Chaos Soniczerox64@yahoo has info 4 points
354 354
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Asura Cryin' Asura menangis

This action anime with some comedy thrown in cente more... 4 points

This action anime with some comedy thrown in centers around the adventures of a boy named Tomoharu that just entered high school. His problem, however, is that he often times has a ghostly visitor who was once his childhood friend. Hes forced out of his moms house when she remarries and moves into a house by himself. The same day he moves in a woman shows up and gives him a suitcase saying shes a friend of his brothers. That night hes attacked and nearly killed by a sexy girl dressed in a priest... 4 points
355 355
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Neo Angelique abyss

Arcadia is plagued with evil, life-draining demons more... 4 points

Arcadia is plagued with evil, life-draining demons called Thanatos and a vast lack of Purifiers to exterminate them all. While attending school, Angelique attracts the eye of a man who intends to turn the tides to peoples's favor. What lies within her is the key to Arcadia's survival. 4 points
356 356
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Mother Please

The title is weard but the storyline is great.A wa more... 4 points

The title is weard but the storyline is great.A wanna-be photographer stumbles upon a little vampiress and is bitten but to the vampiress's dismay he has not become her slave. She then finds out that he is a vampire's lover and can set vampires free from their masters by letting them suck his blood. Now it is a battle between Phychic humans, and a few vampires, against the vampire masters. Lots of comedy that doesn't interfere with the serious moments. 4 points
357 357
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UFO Princess Valkyrie UFO Princess Valkyrie

Princess Valkyrie crashlands on Earth like any oth more... 4 points

Princess Valkyrie crashlands on Earth like any other alien, except she lands on Kazuto, a small time bath-house owner. To save him from death she gives him part of her soul. However loaning your soul does have its ups and downs. Having halved her soul Valkyrie has reverted into her child self. Only a kiss from Kazuto can change her back every now and again. Now Kazuto and friends, with a spaceship crashed on his bath-house, must now deal with everyday challenges and trouble while trying to figur... 4 points
358 358
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Real Bout High School Real Bout High School

Ryoko is a Samurai girl and she is very strong she more... 4 points

Ryoko is a Samurai girl and she is very strong she is the current champion of k-fights but she wants to be out of the spot light. She has a lot of compition comming her way. Do you think she can win it all or do you think shell lose it all and herself along the way? Well watch it and see. 4 points
359 359
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Oban Star-Racers Oban Star-Racers

A small girl and her father go on an intergalactic more... 4 points

A small girl and her father go on an intergalactic race with a small team to race against other alien races to become an avatar. 4 points
360 360
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Yumeiro Patissiere Yumeiro Patissiere

The story centers on a 14-year-old girl named Ichi more... 4 points

The story centers on a 14-year-old girl named Ichigo Amano who wants to be a patissiere (pastry chef) like her own grandmother, but she is stymied by her own clumsiness. One day, she enrolls in St. Mary Academy, a culinary school for sweets, and meets a "spirit of sweets"". 4 points
361 361
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sing shino

its a really good show its about a girl and a boy more... 4 points

its a really good show its about a girl and a boy name shinothey both go to the same school.shino kurutsushi girl 15 years old has a beautiful voice but she is allway to shy and she gets nerveous but then shino hatake a new studen shanged the lafe of kurutsushi they became friends then one day some thing bad hapend.kurutsushi was really sick but still went to school and past out,hatake carry kurutsushi to the ners ofice, he put her in the bed and rigt be fore you knew it he tripted and fell on t... 4 points
362 362
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I Love My Younger Sister OVA

This is a very taboo story about incest and love b more... 4 points

This is a very taboo story about incest and love between twins. Yori`s attitude has changed. He and his younger sister, Iku, used to be inseparable as children, but lately Yori`s been different -- eager to be apart from Iku. Iku worries that he hates her, but the truth is far more scandalous. Now, Yori would risk losing everything to have his little sister. Iku loves her big brother enough that she would never risk losing him, and so she`ll do what it takes to keep them together... but Yori does... 4 points
363 363
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Ladies Versus Butlers!

The school romantic comedy revolves around Hino Ak more... 4 points

The school romantic comedy revolves around Hino Akiharu, an ordinary high school student who unfortunately looks like a juvenile delinquent. He enrolls into an academy that was once a school for upper-class ladies, and he is placed in the school's newly established servant training department. Dia mendaftar ke akademi yang dulunya sekolah untuk wanita kelas atas, dan dia ditempatkan di departemen pelatihan baru didirikan sekolah hamba. The students there are raised to be either maids or butlers, and Akiharu finds himself in the middle of the bickering cliques.

Type:TV Series
Year: Dec 29, 2009 to ?
Genre: Ecchi, Harem, School Life, Se... 4 points
364 364
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Hajime no Ippo Hajime no Ippo

A young boy who discover himself inside the boxing more... 4 points

A young boy who discover himself inside the boxing ring 4 points
365 365
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Phychic Academy

A boy has some phychic powers stuff. I heard it is more... 4 points

A boy has some phychic powers stuff. I heard it is good, though the episode length is usually only 10 minutes. :3 4 points
366 366
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Steel Angel Kurumi Steel Angel Kurumi

A boy stumbles into a strange laboratory, and some more... 4 points

A boy stumbles into a strange laboratory, and somehow (I'm not telling you!) activates a steel anel, meant for the army. The one to awaken it is their master, and the one the steel angel devotes mostly all her life to. The steel angel the boy awoke awakens another steel angel, which starts loving that steel angel. Then, this evil dude finds out how to awaken an angel without the certain way, and creates a girl with a mind of her own. Later, she turns sides, falling in love with the boy. 4 points
367 367
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Mermiad Melody Pitchi Pitchi Pitch

This is about a mermaid Luchia who falls in love w more... 4 points

This is about a mermaid Luchia who falls in love with a human. Her kingdom is being taken over by Pathesnia a group of water demons. Luchia and her Mermaid Princess Friends use their voices to take out the water demons and other things such as concerts. I'm not sure who made this, but it is very romantic, fantasy, and not much else. 4 points
368 368
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Nyain Koi Nyain Koi

Nyan Koi! Nyan Koi! - The stealth bomber under the harem ani more... 4 points - The pembom siluman bawah ani harem lebih ... 4 poin

Nyan Koi! Nyan Koi! - The stealth bomber under the harem anime!
If you read the content description, one might think the anime is for cat fans, and shows the world of the cute little balls of fur into the protagonist of the story is unintentionally drawn. But it is not so! Already quickly apparent that the Cats only one leaflet are in a harem-anime. 4 points
369 369
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Kaichou wa Maid-Sama! Kaichou wa Pembantu-Sama!

Very funny! Sangat lucu! Misaki, Student Council President of S more... 4 points

Very funny! Sangat lucu! Misaki, Student Council President of Seika High School, totally hates boys. A boy, Usui, finds out that she's a maid, and that could be bad for her reputation.. but, he actually loves her, but she won't believe that. 4 points
370 370
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Zatch Bell Gash Bell

Every 1000 years, 100 mamodos from another realm t more... 4 points

Every 1000 years, 100 mamodos from another realm traverse into ours to do battle on Earth to decide who will be the next king of their world. To fight they must find their soul human partner. Each mamodo must find the one person on the planet who can read their spellbook. In their spellbooks are spells that are used during mamodo battles. The anime follows the story of Zatch and his partner Kiyo, for Zatch's desire to become a kind king. 4 points
371 371
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Asatte no Hoko

Asatte no H%u014Dk%u014D follows the lives of Kara more... 3 points

Asatte no H%u014Dk%u014D follows the lives of Karada Iokawa, a young girl who is set to join junior high school after summer is over, and Sh%u014Dko Nogami, a young woman who has just returned from studying abroad, who also happens to be the former girlfriend of Karada's older brother. The day Sh%u014Dko returns, she is dragged by Karada to the beach with her brother and a couple of their friends since she used to know Karada's brother Hiro several years before. After becoming irritated with Hir... 3 points
372 372
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Martian Successor Nadesico Mars Penerus Nadesico

Also known as Mobile Battleship Nadesico, it's as more... 3 points

Also known as Mobile Battleship Nadesico, it's a science fiction anime TV series that takes place in the year 2196, where the Earth is in a war with a race of alien invaders called the "Jovian Lizards". To combat it, a company called Nergal designs a powerful space battleship, the ND-001 Nadesico.

Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Mecha, Science Fiction, Drama, Military, Romance
Studio: XEBEC 3 points
373 373
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Chaos's Rebellion

In the year 2105 the world is controlled by one ma more... 3 points

In the year 2105 the world is controlled by one man with the use of there new technology to make Ragnarok's his rule has never been challenged until Rai a high school student with an Idea to Revolutionize the world gets his chance one day when he meets a girl with a unique power the power of a Phantom!

Genre-Mechs,Drama,Super Natural,Action

This is a great Anime must Contact me 3 points
374 374
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Potemayo Potemayo

One morning Sunao Moriyama, a male junior high stu more... 3 points

One morning Sunao Moriyama, a male junior high student, finds a small, cute creature in his refrigerator. During breakfast, Sunao looks down at what he is eating, a bun with potato and mayonnaise filling, and decided to name the creature Potemayo. Sunao takes Potemayo to school with him and she is an instant hit with his classmates, especially the girls. While they are at school, another similar creature comes out of Sunao's refrigerator and makes its way to a park where Sunao and his class are... 3 points
375 375
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Takashi's Requiem

Takashi an average boy living an average life soon more... 3 points

Takashi an average boy living an average life soon changes when two people give him the power to change the world he lives him with two swords one the Left hand of God,the other Right hand of the Devil with both of these at his disposal he can change the world for the better or Worst...

Genre-Action,Super Natural,Comedy,Adventure

This one is great one to watch contact me 3 points
376 376
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Chaotic UnderGround

The City of Eri a place where the SuperNatural hap more... 3 points

The City of Eri a place where the SuperNatural happens for that we are isolated from the world by a barrier created by powerful Sorcerer to keep our dangerous things running amok around the planet every year it gets weaker making it possible for things to enter and leave that will cause something so powerful to come from the underground city which was the original city but rebuild on top of to make this one and thing will destroy everything in and out of the barrier unless something or someone s... 3 points
377 377
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Spirit of Oblivion

Every 20 year a man is possessed by a Spirit belie more... 3 points

Every 20 year a man is possessed by a Spirit believed to be work of the Devil to harm Gods Children for his amusement. But God is aware of this so he chooses a Human to destroy this Spirit the Devil made. This time the one chosen will be taken a different road than the rest.
Studio:Project Chaos
Contact for info 3 points
378 378
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Shinigami Rei

In the Shinigami world a bored Shinigami goes in t more... 3 points

In the Shinigami world a bored Shinigami goes in the human world to visit an old friend. Only to find the world was taken over by a Shinigami named Ragnarok. So when he goes to his friends home finds him but leader of a resistance group to stop him. Rei once a Shinigami becomes a human to fight with him to save the human race.
Studio:Project Chaos
Genre:Action,Adventure,Super Natural,Drama
Contact for info 3 points
379 379
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Shijo Saikyo no Deshi Kenichi

A weakling named Kenichi always gets beat up. Unti more... 3 points

A weakling named Kenichi always gets beat up. Until he decides to go to a dojo... there he learns how to fight from 5 masters. after all the hard training he becomes the toughest person ever! 3 points
380 380
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Gokujou Mechamote Iinchou

Mimi Kitagami is a kind level-headed girl who aims more... 3 points

Mimi Kitagami is a kind level-headed girl who aims to be the best and the coolest student council president of her high school class. However, three trouble-making boys are always causing her grief and she has a one-sided crush on one of the boys, Ushio. 3 points
381 381
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Munto Munto

Thirteen-year-old Yumemi, a psychic schoolgirl, ye more... 3 points

Thirteen-year-old Yumemi, a psychic schoolgirl, yearns to be normal. She's about to learn the value of her talent, however, when magical King Munto descends from the heavens, with some dastardly enemies close behind. It seems the chief source of energy is running out in Munto's realm, and his world faces extinction unless he can persuade Yumemi -- the only person who can save Munto's people -- to wield her supernatural power. 3 points
382 382
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Daa! Daa! Daa! Daa! Daa! Daa!

Daa! Daa! Daa! Daa! Daa! Daa! or can be also called UFO baby is a more... 3 points

Daa! Daa! Daa! Daa! Daa! Daa! or can be also called UFO baby is about two junior high school students, Miyu and Kanata, who find and must take care of an abandoned alien baby without anyone discovering they are living together. 3 points
383 383
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Fushigiboshi no Futagohime Fushigiboshi tidak Futagohime

Seven royal families reign over each of the seven more... 3 points

Seven royal families reign over each of the seven kingdoms, prospering inside the planet for a long time. However, Ohisama no Megumi or the internal star is beginning to die, and it has been forecast that it will disappear in one year. If it disappears, all of the planet will be covered in darkness. Twin princesses Fine and Rein receive a secret mission from Grace to investigate the reason for the star's decline. Using the power of the Prominence, they can hope to rescue the Ohisama no Megumi. L... 3 points
384 384
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Blassreiter Blassreiter

An action oriented amine with a good storyline to more... 3 points

An action oriented amine with a good storyline to boot. The main plot is that people in Germany start turning into these bio mechanical creatures that can fuse and interact with technology and as the "Disease" spreads, only more get hurt. Near the mid-end of the series a lot of people die if not dead already and the storyline is pretty sad, or was to me. Glad I watched this anime. 3 points
385 385
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Yotsuba&! Yotsuba &!

Yotsuba&! Yotsuba &! is centered on Yotsuba Koiwai, a fiv more... 3 points

Yotsuba&! Yotsuba &! is centered on Yotsuba Koiwai, a five-year-old adopted girl who is energetic, cheerful, curious, odd, and quirky-so odd and quirky that even her own father calls her strange. She is also initially ignorant about many things a child her age would be expected to know, among them doorbells, escalators, air conditioners, and even playground swings. This naivete is the premise of humorous stories where she learns about, and frequently misunderstands, everyday things. 3 points
386 386
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Fantastic Children Fantastic Anak

A mysterious group of white-haired children are se more... 3 points

A mysterious group of white-haired children are seemingly slipping themselves into our domestic families as they appear over and over in history, never again?...or is that the case? -in the year 2012, a young man named Tohma, who lives on a secluded island in the Tropics somewhere with his parents, one day comes across a girl named Helga, who has runaway from a repressive orphanige with a young friend of her's named Chitto, who are trying desperately to find the place in a painting Helga keeps d... 3 points
387 387
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Ladies versus Butlers! Ladies versus Butler!

The school romantic comedy revolves around Hino Ak more... 3 points

The school romantic comedy revolves around Hino Akiharu, an ordinary high school student who unfortunately looks like a juvenile delinquent. He enrolls into an academy that was once a school for upper-class ladies, and he is placed in the school's newly established servant training department. Dia mendaftar ke akademi yang dulunya sekolah untuk wanita kelas atas, dan dia ditempatkan di departemen pelatihan baru didirikan sekolah hamba. The students there are raised to be either maids or butlers, and Akiharu finds himself in the middle of the bickering cliques.

Type:TV Series
Year: Dec 29, 2009 to ?
Genre: Ecchi, Harem, School Life, Se... 3 points
388 388
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11 eyes 11 mata

it is agout a guy and his childhood friend friend. more... 3 points

it is agout a guy and his childhood friend friend.they are traped into a world named RED NIGHT.each of them posses a power named fragment and the guy is the posesor of the EYE OF AEON.there is a little love triangle.the rest find out by yourselfs.

its frign awesome!!! watch it and you will understand!!!

genre:Action.Romance.Supernatural. 3 points
389 389
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Asura Cryin' Asura menangis

The show is about a boy named Tomoharu Natsume who more... 3 points

The show is about a boy named Tomoharu Natsume who is being haunted by a ghost, who is his childhood friend. Misao (the ghost) sacrificed herself in order for Tomo to stay alive. They have many adventures about demons and monsters. :D 3 points
390 390
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BECK:Mongolian Chop Squad

You like music and anime, well watch this. Its abo more... 3 points

You like music and anime, well watch this. Its about a boy named Yukio, known by his friends as "Koyuki", is a regular 14-year-old Japanese boy who enters junior high school with two childhood acquaintances. One is a pervert, and ironically the other is a highly sought after female student. Salah satunya adalah sesat, dan ironisnya yang lain adalah sangat dicari-cari mahasiswi. Koyuki's boring life is changed when he saves an odd-looking dog, named Beck, from some kids. hidup membosankan Koyuki adalah berubah ketika dia menyimpan seekor anjing yang tampak aneh, bernama Beck, dari beberapa anak-anak. Beck's owner turns out to be an emerging rock musician, Ry%uFFFD Minami, who soon influences Koyuki to start playi... 3 points
391 391
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Kite Layang-layang

A highly controversial Japanese anime OVA written more... 3 points

A highly controversial Japanese anime OVA written and directed by Yasuomi Umetsu. 3 points
392 392
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Maria+Holic Maria + Holic

A girl has phobia to men so she transfers to a all more... 3 points

A girl has phobia to men so she transfers to a all girls school to find her partner.The first one to meet her was the grand doughter of the school she is well mannerd good at studies and sports.Hinako (the girl that transfered) is seeing her as the ideal candidate but soon enough she finds out that Maria (the grand doughter) is a cross dressing sadistic boy since then her life becomes hell.Just imagine what she felt when Maria became her roommate.

Genre:Echi.Comedy.Yaoi 3 points
393 393
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Macross Frontier Macross Frontier

Macross Frontier marks the 25th anniversary of the more... 3 points

Macross Frontier marks the 25th anniversary of the Macross anime franchise. It is a direct sequel to the first Macross series and Macross 7 and follows the lives of Alto Saotome, Ranka Lee and a pop idol named Sheryl Nome on board the Macross Frontier colonization fleet. Ini adalah sekuel dari seri Macross pertama dan Macross 7 dan mengikuti kehidupan Alto Saotome, Ranka Lee dan pop idol bernama Sheryl Nome di papan Macross Frontier armada kolonisasi. After the war against the Zentradi aliens, Humankind has spread across the universe in order to ensure its survival. Setelah perang melawan alien Zentradi, Manusia telah menyebar di seluruh alam semesta untuk memastikan kelangsungan hidupnya. The Macross Frontier fleet is part of a effort to spread and maintain the culture of humanity. Armada Macross Frontier merupakan bagian dari upaya untuk menyebarkan dan mempertahankan budaya kemanusiaan.

Macross Frontie... 3 points
394 394
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Oruchuban Ebichu Oruchuban Ebichu

Ebichu Minds the House is an anime that follows a more... 2 points

Ebichu Minds the House is an anime that follows a talking hamster devoted to her owner who's only identified as OL (Office Lady), a single 25-year-old who doles out cynical commentary and the occasional beating on the rodent. Such abuse is usually caused by Ebichu's almost disturbing lack of tact or propriety, often embarrassing her master in front of other people. Warning: this anime is FULL of saucy and erotic jokes!

Genre: Ecchi, Comedy
Studio: Gainax 2 points
395 395
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Boogiepop Phantom Boogiepop Phantom

A light in the sky, followed by a strange aura and more... 2 points

A light in the sky, followed by a strange aura and grisly murders. Each character tells there own connection to the event and to a similar murder spree 5 years ago. All of the different stories are slowly tied together by seemingly minute similarities and the story of Boogiepop is unraveled.
(Source: 2 points
396 396
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Colour Cloud Palace

2 points 2 poin
397 397
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Leaves Of Glaz

2 points 2 poin
398 398
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Underground Bawah tanah

There is an underground city beneath Japan where h more... 2 points

There is an underground city beneath Japan where humans were tsted upon by scientists. They then gained the power to control strang powers. They then were abandoned and sealed away but they survived. Now they are out for revenge against the surface dwelers. 2 points
399 399
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Lemon Angel Project Lemon Angel Project

The series is set in the year 2017, and music is d more... 2 points

The series is set in the year 2017, and music is delivered in a technological fashion. Earlier than that, a pop band named Lemon Angel made it big, but they only performed in large flat screens that serve as ad spaces in the city. After a while, the band disappeared, leaving no trace. Tomo Minaguchi, whose deceased sempai was somehow involved with Lemon Angel, was invited to join an audition aimed to form a new Lemon Angel band, or revive it with new members. Tomo reluctantly agrees. 2 points
400 400
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Uta Kata Uta Kata

Is about a schoolgirl, Ichika, that receives a mag more... 2 points

Is about a schoolgirl, Ichika, that receives a magical amulet and can transform into a fairy. She is helped by her friend Manatsu, that is a sort of ghost who came out of a mirror. 2 points
401 401
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Ghost Hound Ghost Hound

A narcoleptic 14 year boy and the main protagonist more... 2 points

A narcoleptic 14 year boy and the main protagonist. He was kidnapped along with his older sister Mizuka 11 years ago, on September 22, 1996, but only Taro was rescued alive. Since then, he has out-of-body experiences (OBEs) during his sleep, and has the habit of recording what he sees in them in order to figure out the reason for it. He is currently seeking help from the school psychologist to help him work them out, and remember details from certain dreams. 2 points
402 402
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Shigofumi:Letters From the Departed

Shigofumi primarily centers around a young-looking more... 2 points

Shigofumi primarily centers around a young-looking girl named Fumika who works as a mail carrier to deliver "after death letters" (%u6B7B%u5F8C%u6587, shigofumi?). These letters are written by people after they die and are delivered to the person the letter is addressed to in the living world. The letters contain things that the now-deceased could not say while they were alive, such as things they wanted to say before they died, or even to inform others about who killed them in the case of a mur... 2 points
403 403
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Kyoshiro to Towa no Sora Kyoshiro untuk Towa no Sora

Shattered Angels revolves around the life of K%u01 more... 2 points

Shattered Angels revolves around the life of K%u016B Shiratori who is a seemingly normal high school girl who enjoys school life in the giant city Academia, which is thought of as a symbol of recovery for humanity since already ten years have passed since the greatest disaster mankind had ever seen occurred. K%u016B has recently been having a recurring dream where a prince meets her and takes her away. One day, while all the students at her school are preparing for the upcoming school festival,... 2 points
404 404
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Gakkuo no Kaidan

Ghost Stories tells the tale of Satsuki Miyanoshit more... 2 points

Ghost Stories tells the tale of Satsuki Miyanoshita, who moves with her family to the hometown of her deceased mother. On her first day of school, Satsuki; her brother Keiichirou, a first-grader; their neighbor Hajime Aoyama; Momoko Koigakubo, an older schoolmate; and Reo Kakinoki, a classmate and friend of Hajime's with a penchant for the paranormal visit the abandoned school building adjacent the current school complex and discover that the building is haunted.

It is soon after revealed that... 2 points
405 405
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Los Super Campeones

for starters this show is in spanich that is if yo more... 2 points

for starters this show is in spanich that is if you know spanish.well this is about a boy name oliver that loved socer one day he moved to japan and found kids playing to win the camp so oliver played for that schoolhe won and next day he went to that same schoolafter that he met a really famous socer player and he became the coach then he enter the nationals and you faind out what hapend in the rest of the show if you watch it its really good 2 points
406 406
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Kyuuketsuki Miyu (1988)

Shoujo Vampire horror series. 2 points
407 407
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Shangri-La Shangri-La

In the mid-21st century, the international committ more... 2 points

In the mid-21st century, the international committee decided to forcefully reduce CO2 emission levels to mitigate the global warming crisis. As a result, the economic market was transferred mainly into the trade of carbon. A great earthquake destroys much of Japan, yet the carbon tax placed on the country is not lifted, so Tokyo is turned into the world's largest "jungle-polis" that absorbs carbon dioxide. Project Atlas is commenced to plan the rebuilding of Tokyo and oversee the government... 2 points
408 408
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Kimi ni Todoke Kimi ni Todoke

Sawako Kuronuma, called Sadako by her classmates f more... 2 points

Sawako Kuronuma, called Sadako by her classmates for her resemblance to the character from The Ring, has always been feared and misunderstood because of her appearance. There are rumors that Sawako can see ghosts and curse people. Ada rumor bahwa Sawako dapat melihat hantu dan kutukan orang. However, despite her appearances, she is a sweet and timid girl who longs to be able to make friends with everyone and be like everyone else. Namun, meskipun penampilan, dia adalah gadis manis dan pemalu yang merindukan untuk bisa berteman dengan semua orang dan menjadi seperti orang lain. When her idol, popular boy Kazehaya, begins talking with her, everything changes. Ketika idolanya, Kazehaya anak populer, mulai berbicara dengan dia, mengubah segalanya. She finds herself in a new world, trying to m... 2 points
409 409
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Ichiban Ushiro no Dai Maoh

A student wants to attend a magic highschool to be more... 2 points

A student wants to attend a magic highschool to become the highest priest.At the fortune telling check evryone gets to know who they will be 99.99% get the job they want but our hero makes part of the unfortunate 00.01%.He thought he would be the highest priest but the fortune teller told "Future ocupation-Great Demon Lord" the students around him were screaming and running.Follow our hero through his story and see if he becomes a merciless demon lord or a mercefull high priest!!! 2 points
410 410
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Valkyria Chronicles Valkyria Tawarikh

In the year 1935 EC, the continent of Europa is more... 2 points

In the year 1935 EC, the continent of Europa is dominated by two superpowers: The Autocratic East Europan Imperial Alliance in the east and a commonwealth of loosely allied democracies known as the Atlantic Federation in the west.[8] The economies of both powers depend on a precious multi-purpose mineral called Ragnite. Its growing scarcity results in the Empire declaring war on the Federation, sparking the Second Europan War.[7] The Empire uses its military superiority to quickly put the Fede... 2 points
411 411
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Peach Fuzz

Its about a little girl who buys a ferret from ap more... 1 point

Its about a little girl who buys a ferret from a pet it to find out the rest cuz I already forgot what happens... 1 point
412 412
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Sora o Miageru Shoujo no Hitomi ni Utsuru Sekai Sora o Miageru tidak shoujo Hitomi ni Utsuru Sekai

To save both the Magical Kingdom and the Heavens a more... 1 point

To save both the Magical Kingdom and the Heavens and restore the flow of akuto, the flow of energy of everything, the Magical King Munto must follow a vision and find the girl Yumemi in the normal world. Yumemi herself is just a normal girl except that she is the only one who can see the islands of the Heavens floating above. Yumemi dirinya hanya seorang gadis biasa, kecuali bahwa dia adalah satu-satunya yang dapat melihat pulau-pulau dari surga mengambang di atas. When Munto appears before her she starts thinking about hers and others responsibility to the world. 1 point
413 413
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Pita-Ten Pita-Ten

it's about an angel who came down from haven to tr more... 1 point

it's about an angel who came down from haven to trian on earth so she can pass her exam.She meets this boy who can see things that other humans can't.And they also meets this inexperience demon training on earth too but she's way too nice to be a demon.Misha is the angel and Shia is the demon but they are totally the opposite.Misha is a deilish troublemaker while Shia is a very kind and less clumsy person. 1 point
414 414
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Versailles no Bara Versailles no Bara

A young woman will become the Captain of the Guard more... 1 point

A young woman will become the Captain of the Guards of Marie Antoinette on the verge of the French Revolution. 1 point
415 415
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Kid The Phantom Thief

There was a guy that was knowned by the world as t more... 1 point

There was a guy that was knowned by the world as the phantom thief he was killed because he didnt took a certain job.Now his son is to be the new Phantom Thief and embarks on a journey to find the ones who killed his father and the secret of the Pandora Gemthat gives immortality in an special amount of time (this is the reason the 1st phantom thief was killed) watch our hero as he is keeping his true colors and matains the ,,Poker Face" 1 point
416 416
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City Hunter City Hunter

City Hunter is about this gay name Ryo. He helps p more... 0 points

City Hunter is about this gay name Ryo. He helps people to like save them from danger. Oh and the Ryo gets hit a lot (really funny) lol! 0 points
417 417
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Love Get Chu Cinta Dapatkan Chu

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